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Armed and dangerous
Message de look-at-hell posté le 19-09-2011 à 17:21:16 (S | E | F)
Voilà, Bonjour,
j'ai besoin d'aide s'il vous plaît pour réussir à faire une description d'image avec le moins de fautes.
Voici ce que j'ai fait:
Armed and dangerous.
This document is a black and white cover of magazine "Time". The title is "Armed and dangerous". There is a catchphrase "An up-close look at two gun-happu U.S.A and the murderous ambush of their Arkansas classes" which describe more the phenomene. It deals with the theme of violence. At first, let's start with the descrption of the document to end with mu own opinion about the topic.
The cover of magazine is composed of two parts. At the top, there is a child and at the bottom writings (a title and a catchphrase.
In the foreground, I can see a very innocent young boy. Maybe a little soldier, he has a rifle in his hand. He looks like happy.
In the background, there is nothing, just the title of magazine and the "phrase".
On this photograph, there is a young child. A child, in the world the young children represents the innocence, the Peace and joy. And on the picture, the child has a rifle, this represent the war, the fight, but for the young child it's a game.
We can suppose that the child like playing at the war. We can believe that the child resume example on his father. The child isn't aware of danger.
The aim of this picture is to shock, to alert the danger of the population in U.S.A. It's not normal to see a child with a rifle, a weapon on his hand.
My personnal opinion is that in general it's shocked to see a child with a weapon, a fire arms or other.. Even a adult it's the shock. Then you shouldn't forget that in U.S.A, right to have a weapon at home is allowed.
Voilà mon texte, si vousauriez aviez des idées à rajouter pour améliorer ce texte....
Je vous remercie vraiment,j'aurais besoin de cette aide avant demain.
Modifié par lucile83 le 19-09-2011 18:49
Nous corrigeons ce que vous nous présentez, c'est tout.
Il n'y a jamais d'urgence sur le site.
Il y a par contre un peu de "bonjour/s'il vous plaît..."
Message de look-at-hell posté le 19-09-2011 à 17:21:16 (S | E | F)
j'ai besoin d'aide s'il vous plaît pour réussir à faire une description d'image avec le moins de fautes.
Voici ce que j'ai fait:
Armed and dangerous.
This document is a black and white cover of magazine "Time". The title is "Armed and dangerous". There is a catchphrase "An up-close look at two gun-happu U.S.A and the murderous ambush of their Arkansas classes" which describe more the phenomene. It deals with the theme of violence. At first, let's start with the descrption of the document to end with mu own opinion about the topic.
The cover of magazine is composed of two parts. At the top, there is a child and at the bottom writings (a title and a catchphrase.
In the foreground, I can see a very innocent young boy. Maybe a little soldier, he has a rifle in his hand. He looks like happy.
In the background, there is nothing, just the title of magazine and the "phrase".
On this photograph, there is a young child. A child, in the world the young children represents the innocence, the Peace and joy. And on the picture, the child has a rifle, this represent the war, the fight, but for the young child it's a game.
We can suppose that the child like playing at the war. We can believe that the child resume example on his father. The child isn't aware of danger.
The aim of this picture is to shock, to alert the danger of the population in U.S.A. It's not normal to see a child with a rifle, a weapon on his hand.
My personnal opinion is that in general it's shocked to see a child with a weapon, a fire arms or other.. Even a adult it's the shock. Then you shouldn't forget that in U.S.A, right to have a weapon at home is allowed.
Voilà mon texte, si vous
Je vous remercie vraiment,
Modifié par lucile83 le 19-09-2011 18:49
Nous corrigeons ce que vous nous présentez, c'est tout.
Il n'y a jamais d'urgence sur le site.
Il y a par contre un peu de "bonjour/s'il vous plaît..."
Réponse: Armed and dangerous de gerondif, postée le 19-09-2011 à 17:42:30 (S | E)
Bonjour, (salutation encore utilisée aujourd'hui, "voilà" va moins bien)
votre "si vous auriez des idées à rajouter " me fait penser aux deux films sortis sur "la guerre des boutons" et son célèbre mais faux "si j'aurais su, j'aurais pas venu".
Armed and dangerous.
This document is a black and white cover of **** ( article)magazine "Time" (ou alors vous dites directement "Time magazine"). The title is "Armed and dangerous". There is a catchphrase "An up-close look at two gun-happu U.S.A and the murderous ambush of their Arkansas classes" which describe**(manque un s) more the phenomene. It deals with the theme of violence. At first, let's start with the description of the document to end with mu own opinion about the topic.
The cover of *** (article)magazine is composed of two parts. At the top, there is a child and at the bottom writings (a title and a catchphrase.
In the foreground, I can see a very innocent young boy. Maybe a little soldier, he has a rifle in his hand. He looks like happy. (to look + adjectif: sembler. to look like + nom: ressembler à quelqu'un)
In the background, there is nothing, just the title of *** magazine and the "phrase".
On this photograph, there is a young child. A child, in the world
We can suppose that the child like* playing at the war. We can believe that the child resume(signifie reprendre au sens de recommencer, mauvais choix de vocabulaire ou traducteur erroné) example on his father. The child isn't aware of danger.
The aim of this picture is to shock, to alert (alerter sur)*** the danger of the population in the U.S.A.(the + pays pluriels) It's not normal to see a child with a rifle, a weapon on his hand.
My personnal opinion is that in general it's shocked(c'est choqué ou choquant?) to see a child with a weapon, a firearms or other. Even an adult it's the shock.("même un adulte, c'est le choc" ne veut rien dire, exprimez votre idée complètement) Then(pourquoi then? mais irait mieux) you shouldn't forget that in the U.S.A, **** (le droit)right to have a weapon at home is allowed. (la phrase est bancale parce que un "droit" n'est pas "autorisé". "les gens ont le droit de porter des armes" ou "ils sont autorisés à porter des armes")
Réponse: Armed and dangerous de look-at-hell, postée le 19-09-2011 à 18:12:26 (S | E)
Excusez-moi.. donc bonjour.. ! Et merci beaucoup !
Modifié par lucile83 le 19-09-2011 18:54
Réponse: Armed and dangerous de gerondif, postée le 19-09-2011 à 18:15:15 (S | E)
De rien mais votre escusez moi est délicieux aussi !!!
Réponse: Armed and dangerous de look-at-hell, postée le 19-09-2011 à 18:23:23 (S | E)
Je ne cherche pas spécialement à faire le moins de fautes possibles en français. Ici j'ai besoin d'aide en anglais. Excusez-moi ! Voici la correction de ce mot. Ensuite merci pour votre aide. Je vais essayer de résoudre mes nombreuses fautes.
Modifié par lucile83 le 19-09-2011 18:55
Réponse: Armed and dangerous de lucile83, postée le 19-09-2011 à 18:48:20 (S | E)
Hello look-at-hell,
gerondif a entièrement raison de souligner vos fautes de français! imaginez que vous deviez traduire de l'anglais vers le franç vous rendez une copie pleine de fautes de français elle ne vaudra pas grand chose
Et pensez à ceux qui apprennent le français et lisent vos messages! ils apprennent des choses fausses; ce n'est pas le but du site.
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais