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Mail commercial/correction
Message de taranghiano77 posté le 05-04-2012 à 10:21:41 (S | E | F)
Ce courriel ci-dessous vous parait-il correct ?
Je vous remercie d'avance !
Dear Ms xxxxx
Hope you are well !
As we discussed last month there no problem to meet you at your office for a meeting; our new financial manager and Mr John will be participated.
Could you inform me about topics you would discuss ?
Regarding date we are available : 3/05 ;15/05 ; 21-25/05 What data would be the best for you ?
Kind regards,
Modifié par lucile83 le 05-04-2012 12:59
Message de taranghiano77 posté le 05-04-2012 à 10:21:41 (S | E | F)
Ce courriel ci-dessous vous parait-il correct ?
Je vous remercie d'avance !
Dear Ms xxxxx
Hope you are well !
As we discussed last month there no problem to meet you at your office for a meeting; our new financial manager and Mr John will be participated.
Could you inform me about topics you would discuss ?
Regarding date we are available : 3/05 ;15/05 ; 21-25/05 What data would be the best for you ?
Kind regards,
Modifié par lucile83 le 05-04-2012 12:59
Réponse: Mail commercial/correction de notrepere, postée le 05-04-2012 à 14:21:27 (S | E)
As we discussed last month, there is no problem
Could you inform me about the topics you would like to discuss?
Here's another way to say the same thing:
As we discussed last month, we would be delighted to meet with you at your office; our new financial manger and Mr John will also be participating. Please let me know which topics you would like to discuss.
Réponse: Mail commercial/correction de gerondif, postée le 05-04-2012 à 18:14:34 (S | E)
Hello, welcome back!!
I would have corrected like np.
Another way can be:
I hope you are well (fine)
As agreed,(comme convenu), it will be perfectly convenient for me to(go and)meet you at your office.our new financial manager and Mr John will join me /will come along.
(Could you) please let me know which topics you would like to discuss ( ? )
As regards the dates,we are available on: 3/05 ;15/05 ; 21-25/05 . Which date would suit you best /would be the most convenient for you ?
"we are available" me paraît bizarre parce que ça veut dire: "nous sommes disponibles" mais c'est vous qui y allez, pas quelqu'un qui profite d'un moment de votre liberté pour venir vous voir. J'aurais dit: we can come on May 3rd, on May 15th, or from May 21st to May 25th.
(si vous écrivez à un américain pour qui 9/11 signifie le 11 septembre, vos abréviations pourraient, dans certains cas, être floues)
Kind regards,
Réponse: Mail commercial/correction de taranghiano77, postée le 05-04-2012 à 23:51:17 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup.
J'aurais cependant une question : pourquoi 'there is no problem meeting you' et pas 'there is no problem to meet you ?
Réponse: Mail commercial/correction de gerondif, postée le 06-04-2012 à 00:27:13 (S | E)
je dirais qu'on met l'infinitif derrière un adjectif ou un participe passé employé comme adjectif:
I will be happy to meet you at your office.
I will be delighted to meet you at your office.
Derrière un nom, on trouve plus souvent ing:
I had a hard time finding you.
I had problems finding that part.
on pourrait considerer qu'un mot comme with est sous entendu:
I had problems with that appointment, I had problems meeting her.
Il y a aussi le fait que to + base verbale= pour.
It took me a lot of time to find that part.
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