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Questions/Global warming (1)

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Questions/Global warming
Message de aikix posté le 30-10-2012 à 10:35:23

je suis nouvelle ici et j'aurais besoin d'aide. Je vous explique, j'aide mon meilleur ami en anglais et je lui prépare une sorte d'examen blanc, seulement j'ai trouvé le texte idéal pour une compréhension écrite mais impossible de trouver des questions à poser sur le texte...
Le texte est celui-ci : (lien source : Lien internet

"The evidence that humans are causing global warming is strong, but the question of what to do about it remains controversial. Economics, sociology, and politics are all important factors in planning for the future.
Even if we stopped emitting greenhouse gases (GHGs) today, the Earth would still warm by another degree Fahrenheit or so. But what we do from today forward makes a big difference. Depending on our choices, scientists predict that the Earth could eventually warm by as little as 2.5 degrees or as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit.
A commonly cited goal is to stabilize GHG concentrations around 450-550 parts per million (ppm), or about twice pre-industrial levels. This is the point at which many believe the most damaging impacts of climate change can be avoided. Current concentrations are about 380 ppm, which means there isn't much time to lose. According to the IPCC, we'd have to reduce GHG emissions by 50% to 80% of what they're on track to be in the next century to reach this level.
Is this possible?
Many people and governments are already working hard to cut greenhouse gases, and everyone can help.
Researchers Stephen Pacala and Robert Socolow at Princeton University have suggested one approach that they call "stabilization wedges." This means reducing GHG emissions from a variety of sources with technologies available in the next few decades, rather than relying on an enormous change in a single area. They suggest 7 wedges that could each reduce emissions, and all of them together could hold emissions at approximately current levels for the next 50 years, putting us on a potential path to stabilize around 500 ppm.
There are many possible wedges, including improvements to energy efficiency and vehicle fuel economy (so less energy has to be produced), and increases in wind and solar power, hydrogen produced from renewable sources, biofuels (produced from crops), natural gas, and nuclear power. There is also the potential to capture the carbon dioxide emitted from fossil fuels and store it underground—a process called "carbon sequestration."
In addition to reducing the gases we emit to the atmosphere, we can also increase the amount of gases we take out of the atmosphere. Plants and trees absorb CO2 as they grow, "sequestering" carbon naturally. Increasing forestlands and making changes to the way we farm could increase the amount of carbon we're storing.
Some of these technologies have drawbacks, and different communities will make different decisions about how to power their lives, but the good news is that there are a variety of options to put us on a path toward a stable climate."

Merci d'avance de votre aide (et ceci est urgent, je le vois cet après-midi !!)

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-10-2012 20:56
Sources du texte: Lien internet

Réponse: Questions/Global warming de notrepere, postée le 30-10-2012 à 20:39:43

Si vous avez besoin de notre aide, il faut poster votre travail plus tôt.

Réponse: Questions/Global warming de lucile83, postée le 30-10-2012 à 21:09:39

Votre 'ami' ne serait-il pas le/la prof d'anglais qui a donné ce DM à faire pendant les vacances?...
Bref,nous ne faisons pas le travail à la place des membres, (surtout en urgence), nous corrigeons ce que nous lisons.

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