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Correction/Espaces et Echange

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/Espaces et Echange
Message de effemere posté le 11-05-2013 à 00:52:17 (S | E | F)
Voici ce qui me servira pour l'oral de bac en anglais si je tombe sur le sujet "Espaces et Échange".
J'aimerais que quelqu'un m'aide à corriger les fautes de langue s'il vous plaît.
Je vous remercie d'avance pour le temps que vous m'aurez consacré.

In class we studied a very particular system of loan: the microloans. We saw that there are organizations that specialize in this type of loan such as Microloan foundation which we will explain the role. To what extent do microfinance institutions can help reducing poverty?
In a first part we will to define what exactly the micro loans are and advantages this have.
In a second part we will to explain the problems that can create.

We will see what a microloan is by evoking how it’s working, for whom and for what.
Microloans are small loans, generally there are for people who want to run a little business like a hairdresser or a shop. Microloan is working to give there people the working chance they need. In class we see that some organizations have a target group, for example Microloan foundation, they lend money only to young woman in Malawi and Zambia two countries of south Africa .They help them to become self-sufficient by lending them to launch their own businesses . Indeed, with the small amount of money these people will be able to make investments for their project, they can for example buy new equipment or well make new infrastructure. Every week they review the progress of their borrowers and when the woman pays back they use that money to give another loan for another woman.This kind of organization in poor countries can create jobs and bring down unemployment. This will help boost the living standards of family, and also to send their child to school.
But the systems of microloans have some disadvantages. Generally, the borrowers are without experiences and even some are illiterate and so don't know to take care of their money and finish to can't be able to pay back. That's why in certain case they are in worse than the beginning and sometimes it's so disastrous that they kill them self. It results also from this lack of experience that some persons would like to make profit of the situation by asking an interest very high and often exceeding 100% in some countries because the interests are not limited by laws in these countries. This increases the risk that the loan will not be repaid. So a lack of experience can be a disadvantage to understand the situation and to have the best possibility to pay back. This system we call the loans sharking.

We can conclude that microcredit is not the miracle we all waiting to stop poverty in the world.... However, to avoid the disadvantages we should make on loan conditions. Moreover it does not allow get rich but it can permit to have better meet these needs for a poor country so it is only a solution in the short run.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-05-2013 08:14

Réponse: Correction/Espaces et Echange de lucile83, postée le 11-05-2013 à 18:17:57 (S | E)

Réponse: Correction/Espaces et Echange de effemere, postée le 11-05-2013 à 20:46:43 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucile83
Je pense que le fait que vous ayez répondu va faire que pas grand monde viendra m'aider pensant qu'on m'aide déjà :/

Réponse: Correction/Espaces et Echange de lucile83, postée le 11-05-2013 à 22:34:59 (S | E)
Quand je poste 'anyone' cela veut dire que je demande si quelqu'un peut vous aider et les membres qui corrigent souvent le comprennent

Réponse: Correction/Espaces et Echange de effemere, postée le 11-05-2013 à 22:53:51 (S | E)
Oui j'avais compris votre intention, je disais ça parce que souvent dans les forums quand les gens voient qu'il y a une réponse à un sujet c'est forcément qu'on l'aide donc ne prennent plus la peine de lire le sujet ^^ Mais je viens de remarquer que ici ce n'était pas le cas Puis vous êtes modératrice, donc vous savez ce que vous faites ^^
Donc je retire ce que j'ai dit, je vous remercie de m'aider à avoir de l'aide

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-05-2013 23:05

Réponse: Correction/Espaces et Echange de gerondif, postée le 11-05-2013 à 23:42:48 (S | E)
je vais faire un effort pour vous mais serai en Allemagne à partir de demain, donc sans possibilité de suivre ce sujet.

En terminale, vous devriez quand même savoir conjuguer "can" sans do, ou faire un futur.
Vous servez-vous d'un traducteur pour que "ou bien" devienne "or well" ?
bleu: erreur. rouge : grosse erreur . vert: corrections offertes.

In class we studied a very particular system of loan: the microloans. We saw that there are organizations that specialize in this type of loan such as Microloan foundation which we will explain the role.(dont nous allons expliquer le rôle ? whose role.......) To what extent do microfinance institutions can help reducing poverty? ((exemple: Can loans reduce poverty?)
In a first part we will to define what exactly the micro loans are and what advantages they have.
In a second part we will to explain the problems that they can create.

We will see what a microloan is by evoking how it’s working, for whom and for what.
Microloans are small loans, generally there are for people who want to run a little business like a hairdresser's or a shop. Microloans is working are intended to give there people the working chance they need. In class we see that some organizations have a target group, for example Microloan foundation, they lend money only to young woman (pluriel) in Malawi and Zambia two countries of South Africa .They help them to become self-sufficient by lending them money to launch their own businesses . Indeed, with the small amount of money they are given, these people will be able to make investments for their project (pluriel), they can for example buy new equipment or well make new infrastructure(pluriel). Every week (Votre they n'est pas assez précis)they review the progress of their borrowers and when the woman pays back they use that money to give another loan for another woman.This kind of organization in poor countries can create jobs and bring down unemployment. This will help boost the living standards of family, and also help to send their children to school.
But the systems of microloans have some disadvantages. Generally, the borrowers are without experiences and some are even illiterate and so don't know how to take care of their money and finish (can n'a pas d'infinitif) to can't be able to pay back. That's why in certain cases they are in worse conditions than at the beginning and sometimes it's so disastrous that they kill them self. (en un seul mot et au pluriel) It results also from this lack of experience that some persons (people est plus courant) would like to make profits (to take advantage of serait plus courant) of the situation by asking an interest very high (ordred des mots français) and often exceeding 100% in some countries because the interests are not limited by laws in these countries. This increases the risk that the loan will not be repaid. So a lack of experience can be a disadvantage to understand the situation and to have the best possibility to pay back. This system we call the loans sharking.(1er élément d'un nom composé invariable en général)

We can conclude that microcredit is not the miracle we (auxiliaire)all waiting to stop poverty in the world.... However, to avoid the disadvantages, we should make on(sens? il manque un mot?) loan conditions. Moreover it does not allow (mettez une personne et un infinitif complet) get rich but it can permit (trop français)to have better meet (charabia.)these needs for a poor country so it is only a solution in the short run. (j'ai du mal à suivre votre logique de construction. however, moreover, so....)

Réponse: Correction/Espaces et Echange de effemere, postée le 11-05-2013 à 23:57:39 (S | E)

Tout d’abord merci beaucoup pour votre aide !!
"En terminale, vous devriez quand même savoir conjuguer "can" sans do, ou faire un futur.
Vous servez-vous d'un traducteur pour que "ou bien" devienne "or well" ? "
C'est juste que je suis très mauvaise en anglais :/
Et le "Or well" est une sale habitude qui me vient de je ne sais où ...

Voilà j'ai il me semble avoir corrigé les erreurs que vous m'avez aidé à voir

In class we studied a very particular system of loan: microloans. We saw that there are organizations that specialize in this type of loan such as Microloan foundation whose role we will explain. To what extent can microfinance institutions help to reduce poverty?
In a first part we will define what exactly micro loans are and what advantages they have.
In a second part we will explain the problems that they can create.

We will see what a microloan is by evoking how it’s working, for whom and for what.
Microloans are small loans; generally they are for people who want to run a little business like a hairdresser's or a shop. Microloans are intended to give these people the working chance they need. In class we see that some organizations have a target group, for example Microloan foundation, they lend money only to young women in Malawi and Zambia two countries of South Africa .They help them to become self-sufficient by lending them money to launch their own businesses . Indeed, with the small amount of money they are given, these people will be able to make investments for their projects; they can for example buy new equipment or make new infrastructures. Every week the persons who work for this organization review the progress of their borrowers and when the woman pays back they use that money to give another loan for another woman. This kind of organization in poor countries can create jobs and bring down unemployment. This will help boost the living standards of family, and also help to send their children to school.

But the systems of microloans have some disadvantages. Generally, the borrowers are without experience and some are even illiterate and so don't know how to take care of their money and finish to don’t be able to pay back. That's why in certain cases they are in worse conditions than at the beginning and sometimes it's so disastrous that they kill themselves. It results also from this lack of experience that some people would like to take advantage of the situation by asking a very high interest and often exceeding 100% in some countries because the interests are not limited by laws in these countries. This increases the risk that the loan will not be repaid. So a lack of experience can be a disadvantage to understand the situation and to have the best possibility to pay back. This system we call loan sharking.

We can conclude that microcredit is not the miracle we are all waiting to stop poverty in the world.... However, to avoid the disadvantages, we should make laws for microloans and make some controls. However it doesn't allow poor people to get rich but it can allow meeting better their needs. For a poor country it's only a solution in the short run.

Modifié par effemere le 12-05-2013 00:40

Réponse: Correction/Espaces et Echange de effemere, postée le 15-05-2013 à 15:53:46 (S | E)
si quelqu'un pouvait encore m'aider un peu ?

Réponse: Correction/Espaces et Echange de gerondif, postée le 17-05-2013 à 08:52:34 (S | E)
In class we studied a very particular system of loan: microloans. We saw that there are organizations that specialize in this type of loan such as Microloan foundation whose role we will explain. To what extent can microfinance institutions help to reduce poverty?
In a first part we will define what exactly micro loans are and what advantages they have.
In a second part we will explain the problems that they can create.

We will see what a microloan is by evoking how it’s working, for whom and for what.
Microloans are small loans; generally they are for people who want to run a little business like a hairdresser's or a shop. Microloans are intended to give these people the working chance they need. In class we see that some organizations have a target group, for example Microloan foundation, they lend money only to young women in Malawi and Zambia two countries of South Africa .They help them to become self-sufficient by lending them money to launch their own businesses . Indeed, with the small amount of money they are given, these people will be able to make investments for their projects; they can for example buy new equipment or make new infrastructures. Every week the persons(people) who work for this organization review the progress of their borrowers and when the woman pays back they use that money to give another loan for(to) another woman. This kind of organization in poor countries can create jobs and bring down unemployment. This will help boost the living standards of family(plural), and also help to send their children to school.

But the systems of microloans have some disadvantages. Generally, the borrowers are without experience and some are even illiterate and so don't know how to take care of their money and(are eventually unable to pay back their loan)finish to don’t be able to pay back. That's why in certain cases they are in worse conditions than at the beginning and sometimes it's so disastrous that they(commit suicide) kill themselves. It results also from(maladroit) this lack of experience that some people would like to take advantage of the situation by asking a very high interest and often exceeding 100% in some countries because the interests are not limited by laws in these countries. This increases the risk that the loan will not be repaid. So a lack of experience can be a disadvantage to understand the situation and to have the best possibility to pay back. This system we call loan sharking.

We can conclude that microcredit is not the miracle we are all waiting for to stop poverty in the world.... However, to avoid the disadvantages, we should make laws for microloans and make some controls. However it doesn't allow poor people to get rich but it can allow meeting(infinitive) better their needs. For a poor country it's only a solution in the short run.

Réponse: Correction/Espaces et Echange de effemere, postée le 17-05-2013 à 20:10:03 (S | E)
Bonjour !
Merci encore pour votre aide

In class we studied a very particular system of loan: microloans. We saw that there are organizations that specialize in this type of loan such as Microloan foundation whose role we will explain. To what extent can microfinance institutions help to reduce poverty?
In a first part we will define what exactly micro loans are and what advantages they have.
In a second part we will explain the problems that they can create.

We will see what a microloan is by evoking how it’s working, for whom and for what.
Microloans are small loans; generally they are for people who want to run a little business like a hairdresser's or a shop. Microloans are intended to give these people the working chance they need. In class we see that some organizations have a target group, for example Microloan foundation, they lend money only to young women in Malawi and Zambia two countries of South Africa .They help them to become self-sufficient by lending them money to launch their own businesses . Indeed, with the small amount of money they are given, these people will be able to make investments for their projects; they can for example buy new equipment or make new infrastructures. Every week the people who work for this organization review the progress of their borrowers and when the woman pays back they use that money to give another loan to another woman. This kind of organization in poor countries can create jobs and bring down unemployment. This will help boost the living standards of families, and also help to send their children to school.

But the systems of microloans have some disadvantages. Generally, the borrowers are without experience and some are even illiterate and so don't know how to take care of their money and are eventually unable to pay back their loan. That's why in certain cases they are in worse conditions than at the beginning and sometimes it's so disastrous that they commit suicide. This lack of experience makes that some people take advantage of the situation by asking a very high interest and often exceeding 100% because the interests are not limited by laws in some countries. This increases the risk that the loan will not be repaid. So a lack of experience can be a disadvantage to understand the situation and to have the best possibility to pay back. This system we call loan sharking.
We can conclude that microcredit is not the miracle we are all waiting for to stop poverty in the world.... However, to avoid the disadvantages, we should make laws for microloans and make some controls. However it doesn't allow poor people to get rich but it can allow to meet better their needs. For a poor country it's only a solution in the short run


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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