Correction/ Abstract stage
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basCorrection/ Abstract stage
Message de remnic posté le 03-09-2013 à 16:55:56 (S | E | F)
j'ai un abstract à faire dans le cadre de mon rapport de stage de 1 ere année de dut GEA et j'aimerais avoir votre avis (fautes)
I carried out a one-month work placement from the 1st July to the 26th at an accounting firm. My aim was to find out about the corporate world and especially that of the accounting.
The business brand is xxx. It is located in xxx and it was established in 1940 during the First World War. The firm concentrates on accounting and auditorship. The director, xxx is statutory auditor and accountant. The xxx employs 12 people among whom there are 2 secretaries and 10 accounting. There are about 300 clients. The firm has an annual turnover of € xxx.
I am responsible for doing accounting logs, making VAT statements and collating and sorting documents. I thought that some of my tasks were repetitive and too long. However, other tasks were very interesting
On the whole, this internship was a mixed experience because my tasks were sometimes boring but it was still a good and rewarding experiment. Indeed, I learned a lot of things that will help me in the future and the people of the firm were very nice with me. Now, I am more severe and speed.
Ce serait vraiment gentil si quelq'un pouvait m'aider!
Merci d'avance
Modifié par lucile83 le 03-09-2013 17:28
Message de remnic posté le 03-09-2013 à 16:55:56 (S | E | F)
j'ai un abstract à faire dans le cadre de mon rapport de stage de 1 ere année de dut GEA et j'aimerais avoir votre avis (fautes)
I carried out a one-month work placement from the 1st July to the 26th at an accounting firm. My aim was to find out about the corporate world and especially that of the accounting.
The business brand is xxx. It is located in xxx and it was established in 1940 during the First World War. The firm concentrates on accounting and auditorship. The director, xxx is statutory auditor and accountant. The xxx employs 12 people among whom there are 2 secretaries and 10 accounting. There are about 300 clients. The firm has an annual turnover of € xxx.
I am responsible for doing accounting logs, making VAT statements and collating and sorting documents. I thought that some of my tasks were repetitive and too long. However, other tasks were very interesting
On the whole, this internship was a mixed experience because my tasks were sometimes boring but it was still a good and rewarding experiment. Indeed, I learned a lot of things that will help me in the future and the people of the firm were very nice with me. Now, I am more severe and speed.
Ce serait vraiment gentil si quelq'un pouvait m'aider!
Merci d'avance
Modifié par lucile83 le 03-09-2013 17:28
Réponse: Correction/ Abstract stage de bluestar, postée le 03-09-2013 à 17:27:59 (S | E)
I carried out a one-month work placement from the 1st July to the 26th at an accounting firm. My aim was to find out about the corporate world and especially that of the accounting.
The business brand is xxx. It is located in xxx and it was established in 1940 during the

I am responsible for doing accounting logs, making VAT statements and collating and sorting documents. I thought that some of my tasks were repetitive and too long. However, other tasks were very interesting.On the whole, this internship was a mixed experience because my tasks were sometimes boring but it was still a good and rewarding experiment. Indeed, I learned a lot of things that will help me in the future and the people of the firm were very nice with to me. Now, I am more severe and speed [cela n'a pas de sens].
Réponse: Correction/ Abstract stage de gerondif, postée le 03-09-2013 à 17:44:36 (S | E)
en plus des corrections de bluestar:
"experiment", c'est une expérience en labo de sciences ou de physique.
"experience", c'est du vécu.
It was a good experiment ? It was a good experience?
Je connais plus "collect" que "collate" que j'ai découvert dans votre texte.
Que vouliez-vous dire à la fin: je suis plus sérieux et plus rapide ?
"severe" signifie grave, sérieux, pour un rhume ou une maladie, et vous confondez sans doute: speed, le nom pour la vitesse et fast, l'adjectif rapide.
Réponse: Correction/ Abstract stage de remnic, postée le 04-09-2013 à 14:47:01 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris de votre temps pour m'aider!
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