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Message de nothing80 posté le 09-10-2013 à 02:42:30 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous,
J'ai préparé mon thème pour mon cours de jeudi et j'aimerais avoir vos avis, corrections . Merci d'avance pour vos réponses .
Voici le texte d'origine:
L'appartement était au deuxième étage de l'immeuble de façade et ses fenêtres ouvraient sur le boulevard Soult. Un couloir donnait accès à la cuisine où, dans un coin, l'on avait aménagé une douche, puis à une petite chambre vide dont les volets métalliques étaient clos, enfin à ce qu'on pouvait appeler la chambre du fond, assez spacieuse, meublée de deux lits jumeaux à barreaux de cuivre, rapprochés l'un de l'autre. Contre le mur opposé, une armoire a glace.
Le concierge a refermé la porte d'entrée et je me suis retrouvé seul. Il m'avait promis de revenir plus tard pour m'apporter une lampe à huile, car l'électricité était coupée depuis longtemps. Le téléphone aussi. Mais il les ferait rétablir dans un très bref délai.
La chaleur était étouffante et j'ai ouvert la fenêtre. Le bruit des voitures sur le boulevard et les rayons de soleil qui illuminaient la chambre ont projeté cet appartement dans le présent. Je me suis accoudé à la fenêtre. En bas, les autos et les camions s’arrêtaient au feu rouge. Un boulevard Soult différent de celui que Rigaud et Ingrid avaient connu, et pourtant le même, les soirs d'été ou les dimanches quand il était désert. Mais oui, j'avais la certitude qu'ils avaient habité là quelques temps, avant leur départ pour Juan-les-Pins. Ingrid y avait fait allusion la dernière fois que je l'avais vue toute seul à Paris. Nous parlions de ces quartiers périphériques que je fréquentais a l'époque - je crois qu'elle m'avait demandé ou j'habitais - et elle m'avait dit qu'elle aussi les connaissait bien, car elle y avait vécu avec son père, rue de l'Atlas, près des Buttes-Chaumont. Et même avec Rigaud, dans un petit appartement. Elle s'était trompée d'adresse. Elle m'avait dit boulevard Davout au lieu de boulevard Soult.
Voici ma traduction:
The flat was on the second floor of the front building and its windows overlooked on the Soult boulevard. A corridor gave access to the kitchen where, in a corner, a shower had been built ; then to a little empty room the iron shutters of which were closed ; and finally to what we could call the backroom, which was quite spacious, furnished with two twin beds made with copper bars that were close to each other. Against the opposite wall, there was a wardrobe with a mirror.
The janitor closed the front door and I found myself alone. He had promised me he would come back later to bring me an oil lamp becuse the power had gone off for a long time. And so had the phone service. But he would have them restored within a very short deadline.
The heat was stifling and I opened the window. The noise of the cars on the boulevard and the sunbeams that were lightning up the room projected this flat in the present. I rested my elbow on the window. Down there, the cars and the lorries stopped at the red trafficlight. A Soult boulevard which was different from the one Rigaud and Ingrid had known, and yet it was the same one, when it was desert on summer evenings or Sundays. But yes, I was sure they had been living there for a while, before they left to Juan-les-Pins. Ingrid had referred to it the last time I saw her on her own in Paris. We were talking about the suburbs I used to frequent - I think she had asked me where I was living - and she had told me that she knew them well too, because she had been living here with her father, in Atlas road, near Buttes-Chaumont. And she even had been living there(ou and she did so) with Rigaud, in a small flat. She had given me the wrong address. She had told me Davout boulevard instead of Soult boulevard.
Merci encore.
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-10-2013 08:16
Modifié par nothing80 le 10-10-2013 15:09
Message de nothing80 posté le 09-10-2013 à 02:42:30 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous,
J'ai préparé mon thème pour mon cours de jeudi et j'aimerais avoir vos avis, corrections . Merci d'avance pour vos réponses .
Voici le texte d'origine:
L'appartement était au deuxième étage de l'immeuble de façade et ses fenêtres ouvraient sur le boulevard Soult. Un couloir donnait accès à la cuisine où, dans un coin, l'on avait aménagé une douche, puis à une petite chambre vide dont les volets métalliques étaient clos, enfin à ce qu'on pouvait appeler la chambre du fond, assez spacieuse, meublée de deux lits jumeaux à barreaux de cuivre, rapprochés l'un de l'autre. Contre le mur opposé, une armoire a glace.
Le concierge a refermé la porte d'entrée et je me suis retrouvé seul. Il m'avait promis de revenir plus tard pour m'apporter une lampe à huile, car l'électricité était coupée depuis longtemps. Le téléphone aussi. Mais il les ferait rétablir dans un très bref délai.
La chaleur était étouffante et j'ai ouvert la fenêtre. Le bruit des voitures sur le boulevard et les rayons de soleil qui illuminaient la chambre ont projeté cet appartement dans le présent. Je me suis accoudé à la fenêtre. En bas, les autos et les camions s’arrêtaient au feu rouge. Un boulevard Soult différent de celui que Rigaud et Ingrid avaient connu, et pourtant le même, les soirs d'été ou les dimanches quand il était désert. Mais oui, j'avais la certitude qu'ils avaient habité là quelques temps, avant leur départ pour Juan-les-Pins. Ingrid y avait fait allusion la dernière fois que je l'avais vue toute seul à Paris. Nous parlions de ces quartiers périphériques que je fréquentais a l'époque - je crois qu'elle m'avait demandé ou j'habitais - et elle m'avait dit qu'elle aussi les connaissait bien, car elle y avait vécu avec son père, rue de l'Atlas, près des Buttes-Chaumont. Et même avec Rigaud, dans un petit appartement. Elle s'était trompée d'adresse. Elle m'avait dit boulevard Davout au lieu de boulevard Soult.
Voici ma traduction:
The flat was on the second floor of the front building and its windows overlooked on the Soult boulevard. A corridor gave access to the kitchen where, in a corner, a shower had been built ; then to a little empty room the iron shutters of which were closed ; and finally to what we could call the backroom, which was quite spacious, furnished with two twin beds made with copper bars that were close to each other. Against the opposite wall, there was a wardrobe with a mirror.
The janitor closed the front door and I found myself alone. He had promised me he would come back later to bring me an oil lamp becuse the power had gone off for a long time. And so had the phone service. But he would have them restored within a very short deadline.
The heat was stifling and I opened the window. The noise of the cars on the boulevard and the sunbeams that were lightning up the room projected this flat in the present. I rested my elbow on the window. Down there, the cars and the lorries stopped at the red trafficlight. A Soult boulevard which was different from the one Rigaud and Ingrid had known, and yet it was the same one, when it was desert on summer evenings or Sundays. But yes, I was sure they had been living there for a while, before they left to Juan-les-Pins. Ingrid had referred to it the last time I saw her on her own in Paris. We were talking about the suburbs I used to frequent - I think she had asked me where I was living - and she had told me that she knew them well too, because she had been living here with her father, in Atlas road, near Buttes-Chaumont. And she even had been living there(ou and she did so) with Rigaud, in a small flat. She had given me the wrong address. She had told me Davout boulevard instead of Soult boulevard.
Merci encore.
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-10-2013 08:16
Modifié par nothing80 le 10-10-2013 15:09
Réponse: Appartement/correction de notrepere, postée le 09-10-2013 à 05:56:24 (S | E)

The flat was on the second floor of the front building and its windows overlooked on (1) the Soult boulevard. A corridor gave access to the kitchen where, in a corner, a shower had been built (2) ; then to a little empty room the iron shutters of which were closed ; and finally to what we could call the backroom, which was quite spacious, furnished with two twin beds made with copper bars that were close to each other. Against the opposite wall, there was a wardrobe with a mirror.
The janitor closed the front door and I found myself alone. He had promised me he would come back later to bring me an oil lamp becuse the power had gone off (3) for a long time. And so had the phone service. But he would have them restored within a very short deadline

(1) pas exact; je pense à une autre traduction Lien internet
(2) I'm not sure the verb "build" equates with aménagé.
(3) I think you should check this
Réponse: Appartement/correction de violet91, postée le 09-10-2013 à 12:36:22 (S | E)
Hello ,
What an interesting text and translation ! It 'sounds' like Modiano or Tatiana de Rosnay ...?
I would also suggest :
1 ) to overlook and look over can't be used in this meaning (Thanks to np and his comments) I'll suggest -to look out on to , for example.
2 ) oui , attention aux articles définis devant noms propres. Je ne changerais pas l'ordre : boulevard Soult .
En revanche 'a' Boulevard Soult ( I did not recognize ?) me laisse dubitative ...
3 ) aménager un coin dans une pièce : to build peut aller , mais c'est plutôt 'to fix or set up' il me semble .
4 ) A janitor is said to be a Scottish word(> Latin, I should think : serait-ce un 'porter'-portier ) used in the US and Canada . You have a very common and easier word for this which is used in the UK .
5 ) un délai ( marge de temps ) / deadline connote l'extrême , la fin , le moment de vérité .
6 ) you tripped on ' because the power / lightning ? ( la foudre . To lighten : alléger :to light up : illuminer comme un arbre de Noël ou un grand monument )/ traffic / fautes de frappe ou d'orthographe .
7 ) to rest one ´s elbow : passage à l'adjectif possessif approprié
8 ) the one Rigaud ? Ordre ...
9 ) to leave for another place .
10 ) desert or deserted ?
11) we were speaking ( amené par votre 'had referred' past perfect de premier plan ? ; vous voulez une réactualisation ?) ... was living ...had been living : pour moi , cela devient 'risky' niveau concordances .
12 ) narration au passé : here or there ? ( point de vue / passé de l'autre) . Ok pour le narrateur .
13 ) Atlas ' road ' " with Rigaud ? Vous fatiguez , on dirait ? Cet 'avec' signifie bien : pour ce qui est de / en ce qui concerne ...; revoir la place de ' in a small flat ´ .
14 ) she had given ...suivi de la conclusion ´ she told ' : incompatibles . Passé dans le passé cf texte français .
C'est tout ce que je peux faire pour l'instant : votre travail était déjà agréable . Bonnes rectifications

Réponse: Appartement/correction de nothing80, postée le 09-10-2013 à 14:34:06 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses,
je retravaillerai ça , le rendrai, et vous donnerai les corrections du professeur jeudi prochain si ça vous intéresse .
Bonne journée à vous.
Réponse: Appartement/correction de nothing80, postée le 09-10-2013 à 17:16:15 (S | E)
Et il s'agit en effet d'un extrait du roman Voyage de Noces de Patrick Modiano .

Modifié par nothing80 le 09-10-2013 17:18
Réponse: Appartement/correction de violet91, postée le 09-10-2013 à 22:52:26 (S | E)
Bonsoir ,

Ah ! J'ai gagné le jackpot ! Modiano a ce style ...Ta réaction est bien agréable : il sera toujours enrichissant de voir ton résultat et si tu as le temps, le corrigé . ( message interne ou sur forum )
Agréables nuit , exploitation, thème terminé et continuation !

Réponse: Appartement/correction de notrepere, postée le 09-10-2013 à 23:45:47 (S | E)

1 ) to overlook could be used , but it first means : to neglect , to disdain . Pourquoi ne pas changer l'ordre ? To look over .
I have to disagree with you here. To "look over" means:
to quickly examine something (Cambridge)

look something over => to examine something to see how good, big, etc. it is (Oxford)

to examine something, usually quickly, to visit a place in order to examine it (Macmillan)

The meaning that you have ascribed to it does not exist.
Bonne rectification

Réponse: Appartement/correction de violet91, postée le 10-10-2013 à 00:20:54 (S | E)
Hello back , nothing80

Ah ! Hello np ,
I just forgot 'out on to '

I suppose you agree with me this time ... Thanks anyway
.And by the way : Thesaurus
Main Entry: overlook
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: have a view of something
Synonyms: afford a view, command, command a view, dominate, front on, give on, give upon, have a prospect of, inspect, look down, look out, look out on, look over, mount, oversee, overtop, soar above, surmount, survey, top, tower over, view, watch over
Notes: overlook (verb) means to look past or fail to notice, while oversee (verb) means to watch and direct
.... service allégé. Good night .

Réponse: Appartement/correction de lucile83, postée le 10-10-2013 à 08:38:22 (S | E)
I hope nothing80 will post the correction on the forum as it may be interesting for all the members who read the topics, even if they don't participate

Réponse: Appartement/correction de nothing80, postée le 10-10-2013 à 15:05:39 (S | E)
Don't worry about that , I will ! =) Next thursday.
Réponse: Appartement/correction de nothing80, postée le 17-10-2013 à 18:04:21 (S | E)
Comme je vous l'avais promis , voici la correction du thème . Merci encore pour votre aide.
The flat was on the second floor of the front building and the windows looked out onto the Boulevard Soult. A corridor gave access to the kitchen where a shower had been installed in one corner, then to a small empty bedroom with metal shutters which were closed, and finally to what might be called the back bedroom, which was quite spacious and furnished with twin brass bars beds pushed together. Against the wall opposite stood a wardrobe with a full-length mirror.
The janitor closed the front door and I was alone. He had promised to come back later with an oil lamp, as the electricity had long been cut off. So had the telephone. But he would have them put back as soon as possible.
The heat was stifling and I opened the window. The noise of the traffic on the Boulevard and the sunlight flooding into the room brought the flat abruptly back into the present. I leant on the windowsill. Below, cars and lorries were stopping at the lights. This was a different Boulevard Soult from the one Rigaud and Ingrid had known, and yet the same on summer evenings or Sundays when it was deserted. Yes, I was sure of it! They had lived here for a while before leaving for Juan-les-Pins. Ingrid had mentioned it the last time I had seen her alone in Paris. We were talking about the outlying neighbourhoods where I was spending my time/ used to hang out just then/ at the time - I think she had asked me where I was living - and she had said that she knew them well too, as she had lived there with her father, in the Rue de l'Atlas near the Buttes-Chaumont. And even with Rigaud, in a little flat. She had got address wrong. She had told me it was on the Boulevard Davout instead of the Boulevard Soult.
Modifié par nothing80 le 17-10-2013 18:04
Réponse: Appartement/correction de simplicius, postée le 17-10-2013 à 18:09:40 (S | E)
Bonsoir à tous,
Superbe travail... pour les fenêtres donnant sur, pourquoi ne pas utiliser une tournure avec 'open onto' ?
My two cents... S.
Réponse: Appartement/correction de violet91, postée le 17-10-2013 à 21:11:43 (S | E)
Good evening 'nothing80'
Je ne sais si votre professeur ou le traducteur est américain : janitor me surprend ( caretaker ) et surtout she had got address wrong . Ce texte est vraiment très beau et visuel : on dirait un tableau d' Edward Hopper ( femme dans la chambre d'hôtel sauf qu'il s'agit d'un homme et d'un appartement parisien

Thank you for keeping your promise

Réponse: Appartement/correction de lucile83, postée le 17-10-2013 à 22:05:53 (S | E)

Janitor peut être employé aux USA mais aussi en Ecosse.
Dans la phrase 'She had got address wrong.' wrong est adverbe.
Réponse: Appartement/correction de violet91, postée le 18-10-2013 à 00:00:34 (S | E)

Thank you .
Just to me , in a few respects, this translation above doesn't sound very British...No importance , is there ?
-Oui , a janitor cf. mon 1er post .Scottish ( in the origin ; Nessie must speak Latin

- As for the expression ' got address wrong ' , this sounds American , doesn't it ? Recently , I dialled( !) a wrong number calling these friends , actually . The man answered me , quite surprised to hear my voice on his private work number ...and I was stunned and sorry .- ' You must have been given the wrong number ; you never called us with the University number. !' He added . ( good friends , fortunately. That didn't matter much )
And I myself would still say - ' She had given me the wrong address ' . I don't know that other way of saying .
-choisir 'little' flat ou 'small flat ' est aussi subjectif : le premier porte du positif , de l'affectif . Professeur ( nothing80 en 1ère année de fac , je suppose ) ou traducteur connaissent tout le livre : pas moi , pas nous sur cette page ? Normal qu'on tombe sur 'small' . De bons souvenirs de ce petit lieu charmant , donc .
Le roman s'appelle 'Voyages de noces ' après tout ...

Have a good night all .

Réponse: Appartement/correction de nothing80, postée le 18-10-2013 à 01:27:13 (S | E)
Je viens de relire , j'ai omis un "the" ...
" She had the address wrong" .
Je suis en deuxième année LLCE .
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-10-2013 07:29
Réponse: Appartement/correction de notrepere, postée le 18-10-2013 à 03:34:39 (S | E)

Very good! I think your English is quite good.
The flat was on the second floor of the front building and the windows looked out onto the (1) Boulevard Soult. A corridor gave access to the kitchen where a shower had been installed in one corner, then to a small empty bedroom with metal shutters which were closed, and finally to what might be called the back bedroom, which was quite spacious and furnished with twin brass bars (2) beds pushed together. Against the wall opposite (3) stood a wardrobe with a full-length mirror.
The janitor

The heat was stifling and I opened the window. The noise of the traffic on the Boulevard and the sunlight flooding into the room brought the flat abruptly back into the present. I leant(4) on the windowsill. Below, cars and lorries were stopping at the lights. This was a different Boulevard Soult from the one Rigaud and Ingrid had known, and yet the same on summer evenings or Sundays when it was deserted. Yes, I was sure of it! They had lived here for a while before leaving for Juan-les-Pins. Ingrid had mentioned it the last time I had seen her alone in Paris. We were talking about the outlying neighbourhoods where I was spending my time/ used to hang out just then/ at the time - I think she had asked me where I was living - and she had said that she knew them well too, as she had lived there with her father, in the Rue de l'Atlas near the Buttes-Chaumont. And even with Rigaud, in a little flat. She had got the address wrong. She had told me it was on the Boulevard Davout instead of the Boulevard Soult.
(1) You're using Boulevard Soult as a proper noun, so there should be no article.
(2) Adjectival form: brass-bar beds
(3) ordre des mots (opposé = adjectif qui se place avant le nom en anglais)
(4) Interesting discussion here: Lien internet
(BBC says both spellings are OK; you just must be consistent)
Réponse: Appartement/correction de violet91, postée le 18-10-2013 à 12:30:16 (S | E)
Hello nothing80 ,
Bravo pour ton LLCE 2ème année , à ton âge . Je comprends donc tout mieux . L'article défini oublié aussi .Ton appétence

Merci de ton investissement avec nous : les retours sont toujours agréables !
Have an excellent week-end and a few days off , I suppose !
And guess what ?

Réponse: Appartement/correction de simplicius, postée le 18-10-2013 à 16:44:01 (S | E)
how about keeping the 'concierge' for some local flavour, and to avoid the delicate choice between janitor and caretaker? Or would that sound too picturesque, Parisian, in that context?
Cheers, S.
Lien internet
Réponse: Appartement/correction de nothing80, postée le 18-10-2013 à 18:20:46 (S | E)
Hello violet ,
Cette correction est bien la correction personnelle de mon professeur de thème .
Réponse: Appartement/correction de lucile83, postée le 18-10-2013 à 18:34:57 (S | E)

Lien internet
Réponse: Appartement/correction de violet91, postée le 19-10-2013 à 13:44:33 (S | E)
Hello lucile,

Le ' custodian' est un bon mot remonté à la surface , venu du latin aussi :' custos, odis' masculin ~ '.curator' in lingua latina . Je le vois mieux comme un' Cerberus', un 'body guard' , a 'watchman ' ou un responsable des 'safes ' dans les banques ...un gardien protecteur de la personne physique ...
En outre , je note aussi son utilisation aux US dans le sens de 'concierge ' ( si on infiltrait ce mot français , sûr , l'effet Parisss Parissss ferait un effet oh so chic and posh qu'il ne serait pas forcément compris de tous ; pour l'exotisme et la couleur locale , il y a déjà tous les boulevards aux noms bien français ..) Modiano est un écrivain très français en écriture et accessible à tous . Sur le papier

The duties of a bank custodian or sub-custodian or bank agent ...

Lien internet
Have a nice day, all .

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais