Lesson /conditional
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basLesson /conditional
Message de florentin125 posté le 24-10-2013 à 21:14:49 (S | E | F)
Hi everybody !
I have read in a lesson on conditional(on this website):
1. I would tell (to tell) you if you liked.
2. If he came we would be informed (to be informed).
3. If he had got the highest grade, he would have been rewarded (to be rewarded).
4. It would be (be) easy if you wrote it this way.
5. Go to school to see if you could (can) get it !
6. Do you know whether he could (can) get there at 7 o'clock or not ?
7. The classroom would be (be) empty if teachers were not there.
8. She would have done (do) her best if she had thought about it.
I don't understand the sentences 3 and 8; why should I use the present perfect ?
For number 3, I would write(like in sentence 2):
If he had got the highest grade, he would be rewarded.
And for number 8:
She would do her best if she had thought about it.
Modifié par lucile83 le 24-10-2013 22:10
Message de florentin125 posté le 24-10-2013 à 21:14:49 (S | E | F)
Hi everybody !
I have read in a lesson on conditional(on this website):
1. I would tell (to tell) you if you liked.
2. If he came we would be informed (to be informed).
3. If he had got the highest grade, he would have been rewarded (to be rewarded).
4. It would be (be) easy if you wrote it this way.
5. Go to school to see if you could (can) get it !
6. Do you know whether he could (can) get there at 7 o'clock or not ?
7. The classroom would be (be) empty if teachers were not there.
8. She would have done (do) her best if she had thought about it.
I don't understand the sentences 3 and 8; why should I use the present perfect ?
For number 3, I would write(like in sentence 2):
If he had got the highest grade, he would be rewarded.
And for number 8:
She would do her best if she had thought about it.
Modifié par lucile83 le 24-10-2013 22:10
Réponse: Lesson /conditional de florentin125, postée le 26-10-2013 à 14:27:53 (S | E)
Nobody ?

Réponse: Lesson /conditional de lucile83, postée le 26-10-2013 à 17:51:43 (S | E)
3. If he had got the highest grade, he would have been rewarded...ok
...If he had got the highest grade, he would be rewarded...no

...If he got the highest grade, he would be rewarded...ok
8. She would have done her best if she had thought about it...ok
...She would do her best if she had thought about it...no

...She would do her best if she thought about it....ok
Il faudrait revoir les cours et tests sur le conditionnel et la concordance des temps.
Lien internet
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Lien internet
Réponse: Lesson /conditional de florentin125, postée le 29-10-2013 à 19:43:39 (S | E)
Je trouve dommage que dans les cours sur le conditionnel dans le guide, il n'y ai rien sur la concordance des temps.(J'ai enfin trouvé un défaut au guide

Donc merci pour ce lien
Lien internet
qui m'a permis de comprendre. Cependant j'ai encore une question qui porte sur ce dernier lien(phrase 5):
If I succeed in my exam, I will be able to go abroad.
Peut-on aussi mettre If I succeed in my exam, I could to go abroad?
De même les phrases: 'Do you know whether he will be able to get there at 7 o'clock or not ?' et 'Do you know whether he could get there at 7 o'clock or not ?' ont le même sens ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-10-2013 22:21
Réponse: Lesson /conditional de lucile83, postée le 29-10-2013 à 22:29:36 (S | E)
Peut-on aussi mettre If I succeed in my exam, I could to go abroad?...non; il faudrait dire If I succeeded...
De même les phrases: 'Do you know whether he will be able to get there at 7 o'clock or not ?' et 'Do you know whether he could get there at 7 o'clock or not ?' ont-elles le même sens ?...non
- he will be able ... apparemment il est déjà en route
- he could get ...c'est juste une supposition, on ne sait pas si cela arrivera ou s'il essaiera
Réponse: Lesson /conditional de florentin125, postée le 29-10-2013 à 23:08:54 (S | E)
Ok ok je comprends quand tu m'expliques, mais il va falloir que je pratiques mon conditionnel sur les modaux.
Merci pour ta réponse !
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