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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de abdoug405 posté le 08-11-2013 à 02:33:47 (S | E | F)
Hello everybody,

could you please help me with the following exercise.I am really confused.
Thanks in advance.

Complete the following types of entertainment with the correct words from the list below.Some words can go with more than one category.
sitcom,action,jazz,news,comedy,cartoon,actors,horror,drama,game show,reggae,audience,musical,sports
types of entertainment:
for example

tv programmes:news,................

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-11-2013 07:43

Réponse: Entertainment/aide de violet91, postée le 08-11-2013 à 11:19:20 (S | E)
Hello ,

You have got a list of things and people which fit in one or several categories . Most of them refer to all of them or just about . Look closely .
-Music : where and what on can you listen to it ? Alone or with others ? What kind of music ? Do you go to a cinema ? Inside or outside ?
-Plays: it means on a stage in a theatre or hall . What can you go and see ? Serious, sad and funny things ,what do you call this or that theatre play ? Who is in charge of those works and roles ( parts) .You can see and listen to something else in theatres or halls , can't you ?
-Films : where do you go and pay for a recent film ? Are you the only one in the place ? What are the different types of films this list contains ? Who can you see on the screen and what can you also hear which is part of the film ? What makes you laugh ( fun) , what makes you sad(cry) , thrilled ( shiver ) or scared ?
-television : an indoors entertainment at home , whenever you like . What do you watch every day to know what happens in your country and all over the world ? What types of things and people do you see on the TV (set) screen ? Many people are addicted to things where they see other people win cups, medals or money ? If you missed a very good film when it came out , can you still see it ? What kinds , again ? Who , again ? .
If you like rugby , football , tennis or else : what is it ? What can you watch to imagine yourself in the situation : questions/ answers/ money or challenges ?

I think you should select and fill up your lists more easily now . See you .

Réponse: Entertainment/aide de abdoug405, postée le 08-11-2013 à 12:18:19 (S | E)
Thanks a lot for this valuable clarification
I think it sounds like that:
tv programmes:news,sitcom,action,news,comedy,cartoon,horror,drama,game show,audience,musical,sports

Réponse: Entertainment/aide de abdoug405, postée le 09-11-2013 à 10:34:04 (S | E)
could you please help me with the following exercise.I am really confused.
Thanks in advance.
Complete the following types of entertainment with the correct words from the list below.Some words can go with more than one category.
sitcom,action,jazz,news,comedy,cartoon,actors,horror,drama,game show,reggae,audience,musical,sports
types of entertainment:
for example
tv programmes:news,................
I think it sounds like that

tv programmes:news,sitcom,action,news,comedy,cartoon,horror,drama,game show,audience,musical,sports

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-11-2013 12:17
Please don't create a new topic when the same one is already on the forum. Thanks.
Your topics have been merged.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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