Correction/ infinitive
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basCorrection/ infinitive
Message de sbgs posté le 12-11-2013 à 21:50:06 (S | E | F)
j'ai une prépa à faire pour le cours d'anglais où je dois me plaindre de mes voisins et je dois construire des phrases à l'infinitif par rapport aux plaintes.
Ce serait sympa si vous pouviez corriger
I’m going to talk about my neighbours.
1) They are always making noise and it annoys me because I can’t be focused more that fives minutes when I want to work.
I want them either to move out or to be quite more that five minutes a day.
2) Their kids are always yelling at each other in the street.
I want my neighbors to educate their kids.
3) They are always gossiping in the street about my family.
I want them to mind their own business.
4) When they turn on the radio, it’s always too noisy. I can even hear the radio from my bedroom.
I want them to turn down the volume of their radio.
Après avoir fait tout ça, j'ai l'impression que je tourne autour du pot et que je parle à chaque fois des bruits sonores qui me dérangent.. fin bon
Si vous avez des meilleures idées, elles seraient les bienvenues.
( Tout ce qui est dit au-dessus est complètement faux )
Merci !!
Modifié par sbgs le 12-11-2013 21:50
Modifié par lucile83 le 12-11-2013 21:54
Message de sbgs posté le 12-11-2013 à 21:50:06 (S | E | F)
j'ai une prépa à faire pour le cours d'anglais où je dois me plaindre de mes voisins et je dois construire des phrases à l'infinitif par rapport aux plaintes.
Ce serait sympa si vous pouviez corriger

I’m going to talk about my neighbours.
1) They are always making noise and it annoys me because I can’t be focused more that fives minutes when I want to work.
I want them either to move out or to be quite more that five minutes a day.
2) Their kids are always yelling at each other in the street.
I want my neighbors to educate their kids.
3) They are always gossiping in the street about my family.
I want them to mind their own business.
4) When they turn on the radio, it’s always too noisy. I can even hear the radio from my bedroom.
I want them to turn down the volume of their radio.
Après avoir fait tout ça, j'ai l'impression que je tourne autour du pot et que je parle à chaque fois des bruits sonores qui me dérangent.. fin bon

Si vous avez des meilleures idées, elles seraient les bienvenues.

Merci !!
Modifié par sbgs le 12-11-2013 21:50
Modifié par lucile83 le 12-11-2013 21:54
Réponse: Correction/ infinitive de sherry48, postée le 12-11-2013 à 22:16:27 (S | E)
You have two typing errors, but the sentences look OK, unless you can think of a verb besides educate.
1) They are always making noise and it annoys me because I can’t be focused more that fives minutes when I want to work.
I want them either to move out or to be quite more that five minutes a day.
2) Their kids are always yelling at each other in the street.
I want my neighbors to educate their kids.
3) They are always gossiping in the street about my family.
I want them to mind their own business.
4) When they turn on the radio, it’s always too noisy. I can even hear the radio from my bedroom.
I want them to turn down the volume of their radio.

Réponse: Correction/ infinitive de lucile83, postée le 12-11-2013 à 22:25:04 (S | E)
En complément...
1) They are always making noise and it annoys me because I can’t be focused more that fives minutes when I want to work.
I want them either to move out or to be quite more that five minutes a day.
2) Their kids are always yelling at each other in the street.
I want my neighbours to educate their kids.
3) They are always gossiping in the street about my family.
I want them to mind their own business.
4) When they turn on the radio, it’s always too noisy. I can even hear the radio from my bedroom.
I want them to turn down the volume of their radio.


Il est vrai que c'est un peu répétitif mais il est vrai aussi que les voisins font toujours les mêmes bêtises

Vous avez oublié le chien

Réponse: Correction/ infinitive de sbgs, postée le 12-11-2013 à 22:26:57 (S | E)
Hello Sherry!
You're right, so the sentence becomes "I want them either to move out or to be quiet more than five minutes a day." ?
I was thinking about changing the second sentence into "I want them to pay more attention to their kids" or "I want them to look more after their kids" because on second thought, I find "educate" a bit rude

Pour ne pas faire double-post, je vais mettre ma répondre à Lucile ici

Roh mince, j'avais pas vu que j'avais fait deux fois la même faute ! ( par rapport au that au lieu de than ! Quelle tête en l'air

J'ai pensé aux animaux de compagnie mais dire qu'ils font leurs besoins dans mon jardin à l'oral, c'est bizarre, non ?

Compris pour la différence, neighbor/neighbour ! merci

Modifié par sbgs le 12-11-2013 22:27
Réponse: Correction/ infinitive de lucile83, postée le 12-11-2013 à 22:51:19 (S | E)
They can go wee-wee in your garden, or they can be barking all day long, or they can ruin your flowers in thirty seconds...they can do a lot of things

Without anticipating what sherry will write, I can tell you this sentence is awkward...
I want them to look more after their kids
You should write or say:
I want them to look better after their kids
I want them to make their kids behave better
Réponse: Correction/ infinitive de sbgs, postée le 12-11-2013 à 23:01:46 (S | E)
Indeed, "more after" looks weird

"I want them to make their kids behave better"
That's exactly the sentence I was looking for!
Huge thanks!
I forgot dogs could do all these things!

I think I'm going to change the third and say instead "Their dogs have ruined my mom's flowers severals times!" => I want them not to be around my garden!
Réponse: Correction/ infinitive de lucile83, postée le 12-11-2013 à 23:19:49 (S | E)
Their dogs have ruined my mom's flowers severals times!" =>
I want them not to be around ... my garden!
Their dogs have destroyed/damaged my mum's flowers several times!
>> I don't want them to walk around in my garden!
ruined est un peu fort.
Réponse: Correction/ infinitive de sbgs, postée le 12-11-2013 à 23:30:53 (S | E)
On va y arriver !

Ah tiens, je ne pensais pas qu'une préposition était nécessaire après "around", merci pour l'info

Their dogs have destroyed my mum's flowers several times!
=> I don't want them to walk around in my garden!
Merci encore une fois !!
Réponse: Correction/ infinitive de sherry48, postée le 13-11-2013 à 04:01:37 (S | E)
Yes, Lucile anticipated what I might write. Phrasal verbs need to stay together; it's best not to separate look and after in this case.
The parents could also pay more attention, teach them some discipline, make them play quietly, as well as many other possibilities. With Lucile's help, you've done a nice job of stretching your thinking to come up with more original ideas and more interesting sentences.

Réponse: Correction/ infinitive de lucile83, postée le 13-11-2013 à 08:14:09 (S | E)
Hello sbgs,
I don't want them to walk around in my garden!
Here the verb is 'walk around', which is a phrasal verb around being a particle. Then you can add a preposition, telling where the dog walked around

The dog could have walked around in the city, in a park and so on, but unfortunately he walked around in my garden.
Réponse: Correction/ infinitive de mixu, postée le 13-11-2013 à 09:14:11 (S | E)
Hi Lucille,
I think the verb "roam" is better than "walk". That means "I don't want my horse to roam around the garden"
Hope your response

Réponse: Correction/ infinitive de elkiradelondre, postée le 13-11-2013 à 09:51:40 (S | E)
je ne sais pas fait l'exercice de famille pouvée vous m aide s il vous plais
Réponse: Correction/ infinitive de sbgs, postée le 13-11-2013 à 16:12:14 (S | E)
Tout d'abord, merci à tous ceux qui ont participé

Je mettrai la phrase que Lucile a donnée, je n'ai jamais vu le verbe "roam" et je ne sais pas dans quel contexte il s'utilise, contrairement à "walk around".
Thanks to Sherry, Lucile and Mixu!

See you!
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais