Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basQCM/correction
Message de mibk77 posté le 15-11-2013 à 21:36:15 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous me dire si cela est correct?
Merci d'avance,
Choisir la bonne réponse.
1/It was raining and she went out whithout ...to take.... her umbrella.
a) Take
b) taking
c) took
d) to take
2/Would you like to me ..to shut.. the windows?
a) shutting
b) shuts
c) shut
d) to shut
3/she avoided ...buying...those new materials.
a) to buy
b) buy
c) buying
d) buys
4/She apologized ..for not being able.. to attend the lecture.
a) in not be able to
b) for not being able
c) at not be able
d) of not being able
5/She .had cooked. for three hours when Paul rang her up.
a) have cooked
b) cooked
c) has cooked
d) had cooked
Modifié par lucile83 le 15-11-2013 21:38
Message de mibk77 posté le 15-11-2013 à 21:36:15 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous me dire si cela est correct?
Merci d'avance,
Choisir la bonne réponse.
1/It was raining and she went out whithout ...to take.... her umbrella.
a) Take
b) taking
c) took
d) to take
2/Would you like to me ..to shut.. the windows?
a) shutting
b) shuts
c) shut
d) to shut
3/she avoided ...buying...those new materials.
a) to buy
b) buy
c) buying
d) buys
4/She apologized ..for not being able.. to attend the lecture.
a) in not be able to
b) for not being able
c) at not be able
d) of not being able
5/She .had cooked. for three hours when Paul rang her up.
a) have cooked
b) cooked
c) has cooked
d) had cooked
Modifié par lucile83 le 15-11-2013 21:38
Réponse: QCM/correction de lucile83, postée le 15-11-2013 à 21:43:53 (S | E)
1 wrong
2 Would you like

3 right
4 right
5 right
Réponse: QCM/correction de mibk77, postée le 15-11-2013 à 21:49:49 (S | E)
1/It was raining and she went out whithout ...took.... her umbrella.
2/Would you like
Réponse: QCM/correction de lucile83, postée le 15-11-2013 à 22:02:23 (S | E)
1/It was raining and she went out

2/Would you like me to shut the windows? right
Réponse: QCM/correction de mibk77, postée le 15-11-2013 à 22:05:35 (S | E)
1)I hesitated with "Take"

It was raining and she went out without take her umbrella.
Réponse: QCM/correction de lucile83, postée le 15-11-2013 à 22:15:10 (S | E)
That was your last chance! you have lost...
You can write the last possibility, which is....

Réponse: QCM/correction de mibk77, postée le 15-11-2013 à 22:19:09 (S | E)
1) It was raining and she went out without taking her umbrella.
I was not very talented on this blow.
Thank you very much for your help lucile83
Réponse: QCM/correction de lucile83, postée le 15-11-2013 à 22:25:18 (S | E)

You'll remember then that 'without' is followed by a gerund

Bye for now.
Réponse: QCM/correction de mibk77, postée le 15-11-2013 à 22:29:20 (S | E)
Yes, I shall remember it!
Thank you

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