Abraham Lincoln/correction
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basAbraham Lincoln/correction
Message de dddddd posté le 21-11-2013 à 20:41:37 (S | E | F)
je suis en 1ère et nous devons, en rapport avec notre chapitre, présenter un personnage de l'histoire ayant joué un rôle concernant l'esclavage. J'ai choisi Abraham Lincoln.
Pourriez-vous m'indiquer les fautes s'il vous plaît?
Merci d'avance
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th Presiden of the United States, he was born on the 12th 1809 in a modest family and he was assassinated on 14 April 1865. Thanks to his autodidact talents he managed to become a country lawyer.He also became the leader of a political party; Whig Party and he was elected to the Illinois House of Representatives in 1830's for first and to the United States House of Representatives in 1840's. While the country crossed a very difficult period about the slavery Abraham Lincoln who opposed the expansion of slavery became very popular thanks to his debates whith Stephen A. Douglas. After that he was chosen by the Republican Party for represent them in the presidential elections. So in 1860 he had succeeded, he became the first republican president of the USA although he not had many votes of the south. Indeed he won most of the votes of the north. Immediatly seven southern slave states declared their secession from the Union and form the Cofederacy. With the attack of the Confederate in Fort Sumter where northern soldiers were gathered in 12 of April 1861 the civil war started. Lincoln concentrated on the military and political dimensions of the war effort his only goal was reunite the nation. During the war he did a first big step for abolish the slavery, he put up the Emancipation Proclamation in 1 st of January 1863 in which he encouraged the intermediate states to gradually abolish the slavery. In 1864 he was reelected for his second mandate, and after many atempts general Grant managed to captured the Confederate capital at Richmond, Virginia, it was the end of the war. Lincoln wanted recconstruct reunite the nation speedily whith his reconciliation policy and called calm. But six days after the capitulation of Confederate, Lincoln was assassinated by actor and Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln's death was the first assassination of a U.S. president and the nation was in mourning. Lincoln is considered both by scholars and the public as one of the greatest U.S. presidents. Finally the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery in 6 of December 1865 after his death.
Modifié par lucile83 le 21-11-2013 22:56
Message de dddddd posté le 21-11-2013 à 20:41:37 (S | E | F)
je suis en 1ère et nous devons, en rapport avec notre chapitre, présenter un personnage de l'histoire ayant joué un rôle concernant l'esclavage. J'ai choisi Abraham Lincoln.
Pourriez-vous m'indiquer les fautes s'il vous plaît?
Merci d'avance

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th Presiden of the United States, he was born on the 12th 1809 in a modest family and he was assassinated on 14 April 1865. Thanks to his autodidact talents he managed to become a country lawyer.He also became the leader of a political party; Whig Party and he was elected to the Illinois House of Representatives in 1830's for first and to the United States House of Representatives in 1840's. While the country crossed a very difficult period about the slavery Abraham Lincoln who opposed the expansion of slavery became very popular thanks to his debates whith Stephen A. Douglas. After that he was chosen by the Republican Party for represent them in the presidential elections. So in 1860 he had succeeded, he became the first republican president of the USA although he not had many votes of the south. Indeed he won most of the votes of the north. Immediatly seven southern slave states declared their secession from the Union and form the Cofederacy. With the attack of the Confederate in Fort Sumter where northern soldiers were gathered in 12 of April 1861 the civil war started. Lincoln concentrated on the military and political dimensions of the war effort his only goal was reunite the nation. During the war he did a first big step for abolish the slavery, he put up the Emancipation Proclamation in 1 st of January 1863 in which he encouraged the intermediate states to gradually abolish the slavery. In 1864 he was reelected for his second mandate, and after many atempts general Grant managed to captured the Confederate capital at Richmond, Virginia, it was the end of the war. Lincoln wanted recconstruct reunite the nation speedily whith his reconciliation policy and called calm. But six days after the capitulation of Confederate, Lincoln was assassinated by actor and Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln's death was the first assassination of a U.S. president and the nation was in mourning. Lincoln is considered both by scholars and the public as one of the greatest U.S. presidents. Finally the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery in 6 of December 1865 after his death.
Modifié par lucile83 le 21-11-2013 22:56
Réponse: Abraham Lincoln/correction de sanna6, postée le 22-11-2013 à 08:55:50 (S | E)
Je mets en bleu, ce qui me semble ne pas aller sur la première phrase. (mon anglais n'est pas bon, mais je pense que vous devriez vérifier les dates)

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th Presiden of the United States, he was born on the 12th 1809(il manque le mois, non ?) in a modest family and he was assassinated on 14 April 1865.
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