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Yeomen Warders/correction

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Yeomen Warders/correction
Message de teacheronizuka posté le 04-01-2014 à 18:57:16 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous corriger s'il vous plaît mon exposé sur les YEOMEN WARDERS ?
Merci d'avance.

I will speak about the Yeoman Warders who are the guardians of the Tower of London. To begin with, I will deal with the origins of the Yeoman Warders. Secondly, I will tell you about their role nowadays. Then, I will speak you about the common points between the past and the actual Yeoman Warders.

I-The origins of the Yeomen Warders

They were originally formed in 1485 as King Henri VII's bodyguard.
After his death in1509, his son Henri VIII became King of England and moved his official residence from the Tower of London to Windsor Castle. However, the Tower of London kept its status of royal palace. Therefore, Henri VIII decided to leave few of his Yeomen Warders behind the Tower to protect it. He took the remainder away with him. The Yeomen Warders, apart from protecting the Tower of London, were
also in charge of looking after the prisoners at the Tower and safeguarding the British crown jewels.
As a payment, they received meat, especially beef, which explains the nickname of beefeaters, they are given.

II-The Yeomen Warders today

Nowadays, they are guides as well as a tourist attraction. Obviously the methods of hiring have changed . The Beefeaters must be old soldiers with at least 22 years of service.
In those days, they are 35 Yeomen Warders with only one female, named Moira Cameron. As an anecdote, two males Beefeaters were dismissed in 2009 for the bullying of Cameron.
Their uniforms are red and blue but when the sovereign comes to visit the Tower or during any official ceremony, they wear red and gold uniforms. We can see the initials ER ( Elizabetha Regina in Latin) on their uniforms which refer to Elizabeth the Second, who is the actual Queen. The Yeomen Warders can live with their families in accommodation inside the Tower but they have to pay a rent as well as taxes.

III-Common point

Even today habits from the past remain and have stayed the same for 700 years.
For instance, the Yeomen Warders participate in the Ceremony of the Keys each night. This ceremony consists in closing all the doors of the Tower in order to protect it. The Ravenmaster is one of the Yeomen Warders who is responsible for maintaining the welfare of the ravens. Indeed, a legend says that the Tower of London will crumble if the ravens leave. Therefore, they must take care of the ravens as the old Yeomen Warders did.


To conclude, Yeomen Warders were formed during the 15th century by Henri VII. In the past, they used to protect the crown jewels and supervise the prisoners. Nowadays, the Tower of London it is not use anymore as a prison but use as a touristic place. The Yeoman Warders are just guides and tourist attraction. However they perpetuate the habits of the past like the ceremony of the keys or the Ravenmaster.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2014 20:02

Réponse: Yeomen Warders/correction de carr30, postée le 04-01-2014 à 19:49:42 (S | E)
Hi teacheronizuka

Well written and well structured. You can still see the Crown Jewels at the Tower. The central 'White' tower, which still stands, was built by William the Conqueror.

I will speak about the Yeoman Warders who are the guardians of the Tower of London. To begin with, I will deal with the origins of the Yeoman Warders. Secondly, I will tell you about their role nowadays. Then, I will speak you about the common points ...'roles' works better here between the past and the's Yeoman Warders.

I-The origins of the Yeomen Warders

They were originally formed in 1485 as King Henri (he's Henry in England) VII's bodyguard.
After his death in1509, his son Henri VIII became King of England and moved his official residence from the Tower of London to Windsor Castle. However, the Tower of London kept its status of royal palace. Therefore, Henri VIII decided to leave a few of his Yeomen Warders behind in the Tower to protect it. He took the remainder away with him. The Yeomen Warders, apart from protecting the Tower of London, were
also in charge of looking after the prisoners at the Tower and safeguarding the British crown jewels.
As a payment, they received meat, especially beef, which explains the nickname of beefeaters, they are given.

II-The Yeomen Warders today

Nowadays, they are guides as well as a tourist attraction. Obviously the methods of hiring have changed . The Beefeaters must be old soldiers with at least 22 years of service.
In those days, they..Today there are are 35 Yeomen Warders with only one female, named Moira Cameron. As an anecdote, two males male is adjective Beefeaters were dismissed in 2009 for the bullying of Cameron.
Their uniforms are red and blue but when the sovereign comes to visit the Tower or during any official ceremony, they wear red and gold uniforms. We can see the initials ER ( Elizabetha Regina in Latin) on their uniforms which refer to Elizabeth the Second, who is the actual Queen..'reigning monarch' or 'current sovereign' is better. The Yeomen Warders can live with their families in accommodation inside the Tower but they have to pay a rent as well as taxes.

III-Common point

Even today, habits..'customs' is better from the past remain and have stayed the same for 700 years.
For instance, the Yeomen Warders participate in the Ceremony of the Keys each night. This ceremony consists of in closing all the doors of the Tower in order to protect it. The Ravenmaster is one of the Yeomen Warders who is responsible for maintaining the welfare of the ravens. Indeed, a legend says that the Tower of London will crumble if the ravens leave. Therefore, they must take care of the ravens as the old Yeomen Warders did.


To conclude, Yeomen Warders were formed during the 15th century by Henri VII. In the past, they used to protect the crown jewels and supervise the prisoners. Nowadays, the Tower of London it is not used anymore as a prison but used as a touristic place. The Yeoman Warders are just guides and tourist attraction. However they perpetuate the habits of the past like the ceremony of the keys or the Ravenmaster.


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