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Correction/How money is made

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Correction/How money is made
Message de eliseclerget posté le 26-01-2014 à 15:15:36 (S | E | F)
J'aurais besoin de la correction de ce texte que j'ai écrit s'il vous plaît.
Merci pour votre aide
C'est en rapport avec une video sur youtube : How money is made?
Lien internet

Everyone wants money, dreams of money. Infringers are faking it and thieves are taking it. Where there’s money, there’s trouble! Money is a battle between the ones who are making it and the ones who are faking it. The US Mint and the bureau of engraving and printing employ over thousands of people.
One day, an American called Wayne Victor Denis wanted to become a millionaire, so in the year 1991 he set his plan: he took money to make money. He chose the 20 dollars bills. To apply his making money plan, he needed a place and he decided to set up in South Florida. Out there, he invented a machine to fake bills. First of all he used a camera to photograph the real bills. Now, he needed the paper which had the texture of real money, so he invented a chemical solution for the paper and made it green exactly like real bills. In order to obtain the great green he cut off the corners of real bills. And he got the ink in the perfect shade of green: he was at long last ready! He printed the bills but it wasn’t a masterpiece: he needed the bills to be perfect! He printed up millions after millions, each bill was perfect and he produced 11 700 500 dollars! He became an instant millionaire. But it wasn’t over for him, he created a chemical process to old the bills. 6 months after that he was ready. He formed an alliance with his girlfriend. They finally could spend money. They had a strategy: they stopped at restaurants like fast foods and gave their fake 20 dollars bills and got real cash back. The first time Denis was very stressed. After that, they went to the famous Las Vegas and it passed quite nicely and even became high roller players. But all good things come to an end, and one day, Denis passed a 20 dollars bill to a teenager and, as she wasn’t experienced, she was used to controlling each bill and she discovered the mystery. Dennis went to jail and the police found the “recipe”.

Now the real story of: How money is made?
The real money paper comes from Massachusetts and its recipe is top secret, the only thing that we know is that is made of cotton and not of wood. The paper goes into a boiler, is cleaned and pressed and dropped into popper. The process is top secret and paper maker add a secret weapon: a security thread with a microscopic text and code. It’s very high tech. an entire roll is used for one denomination and represents a lot of money. In this factory, thousands of people are working and as everybody knows it, working with money can be very attempted. Before coming into the bureau, the employees are searched and are all the day observed by cameras. They go down a detector, a security gate. They are also tracked everywhere they go to protect any unauthorized access.
The next step is the engraving: (grave the portrays). The engravers have made long studies. On the bills there are the presidents but also the pyramid with the eye, a Masonic symbol, and an eagle which represents the congress. The motto standing on the bills is: on God we trust. But in 2005, some people found that motto religious and unconstitutional. The bill design has a symbolic history and is unique. The press in the factory is very huge and the ink is so hard to copy because it’s unique. There are 24 presses in operation and millions of dollars are produced every day. Each dollar is then inspected and checked, this step is very fast. Imperfect bills are very rare. The final step of the production is the serie number. Each bill has a code to prove it’s unique. The bills are finally cut and counted.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-01-2014 15:39

Réponse: Correction/How money is made de gerondif, postée le 26-01-2014 à 18:25:18 (S | E)

erreurs en bleu ou rose, corrections en vert
Everyone wants money, dreams of money. Infringers are faking it and thieves are taking it(j'aurais mis du présent simple). Where there’s money, there’s trouble! Money is a battle between the ones who are making it and the ones who are faking it(idem). The US Mint and the bureau of engraving and printing employ over(ne va pas avec "des milliers de") thousands of people.
One day, an American man called Wayne Victor Denis wanted to become a millionaire, so in the year 1991 he set his plan: he took money to make money. He chose the 20 dollars(adjectival, donc invariable: the twenty-dollar-bill) bills. To apply his making money plan, he needed a place and he decided to set up in South Florida. Out there, he invented a machine to fake bills. First of all he used a camera to photograph the real bills. Now, he needed the paper which had the texture of real money, so he invented a chemical solution for the paper and made it green exactly like real bills. In order to obtain the great green he cut off the corners of real bills. And he got the ink in the perfect shade of green: he was at long last ready! He printed the bills but it wasn’t a masterpiece: he needed the bills to be perfect! He printed up millions after millions until(jusqu'à ce que) each bill was perfect and he produced 11 700 500 dollars! He became an instant millionaire. But it wasn’t over for him, he created a chemical process to old(to age) the bills. 6 months after that he was ready. He formed an alliance with his girlfriend. They finally could spend money. They had a strategy: they stopped at restaurants like fast foods and gave their fake 20 dollars bills and got real cash back. The first time Denis was very stressed. After that, they went to the famous Las Vegas and it passed quite nicely and even became high roller players. But all good things come to an end, and one day, Denis passed a 20 dollars bill to a teenager and, as she wasn’t experienced, she was used to controlling each bill and she discovered the mystery. Dennis went to jail and the police found the “recipe”.

Now the real story of: How money is made?
The real money paper comes from Massachusetts and its recipe is top secret, the only thing that we know is that is made of cotton and not of wood. The paper goes into a boiler, is cleaned and pressed and dropped into popper. The process is top secret and paper maker add a secret weapon: a security thread with a microscopic text and code. It’s very high tech. an entire roll is used for one denomination and represents a lot of money. In this factory, thousands of people are working and as everybody knows it, working with money can be very attempted(tempting?). Before coming into the bureau, the employees are searched and are all the day observed (all day long) by cameras. They go down a detector, a security gate. They are also tracked everywhere they go to protect any unauthorized access.
The next step is the engraving: (grave the portrays). The engravers have made long studies. On the bills there are the presidents but also the pyramid with the eye, a Masonic symbol, and an eagle which represents the congress. The motto standing on the bills is: on God we trust. But in 2005, some people found that motto religious and unconstitutional. The bill design has a symbolic history and is unique. The press in the factory is very huge and the ink is so hard to copy because it’s unique. There are 24 presses in operation and millions of dollars are produced every day. Each dollar is then inspected and checked, this step is very fast. Imperfect bills are very rare. The final step of the production is the serie number. Each bill has a code to prove it’s unique. The bills are finally cut and counted.

Réponse: Correction/How money is made de eliseclerget, postée le 01-02-2014 à 18:54:57 (S | E)
Thank you very much !

Cela m'aide beaucoup.


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