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Résumé/scène Harry Potter

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Résumé/scène Harry Potter
Message de melina68 posté le 02-02-2014 à 12:12:49 (S | E | F)
je dois faire la description de la scène 2 d'Harry Potter, dont la consigne est la suivante :
Rédiger un résumé et commentaire de la sc2 de HP ( what, who, when, where, speak about the attitude of the different characters, about the special effects and the effect on the viewer).
Pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

For ten years, Harry is tormented by his uncle and aunt. He is treated more as an unpleasant servant than a member of the family because he sleeps in a closet under the stairs and he do all the house work.
At Dudley's birthday, he made to eat for the whole family. He's very helpful and polit whis them like a domestic.
Dudley has a lot of present, but he gets angry with his parents because last years he had more present... We can conclude that he's a very spoilt child. The contrast between Harry and Dudley is impressive: Petunia and Vernon are obnoscious with Harry, mean to him but very caring with Dudley !
In the afternoon, the family goes to the zoo. Dudley, who wants to see a snake move, asks his father to tap against the glass, but it does not move.
Annoyed, Dudley will see other reptiles. Meanwhile, Harry talks to the snake, it moves and looks at Harry. Dudley then pushes Harry, who falls to the ground. He leans against the glass because it is very happy to see the snake move... Harry is furious and makes disappear mysteriously glass. This is a very important moment because the viewer descovers that harry potter has magical powers. This special effect is very well done and makes the scene realistic.
Dudley falls into the cage and his parents are panicking. During this time, the snake took the opportunity to escape and thanks Harry.
Back at home, Vernon decides to shut Harry in his cupboard. In the last shot, we see a close-up on the Vernon's face. He says "There's no such thing as magic!". At this time the viewer feels pity for this poor Harry, who has to put up with his horrible family !

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-02-2014 12:22

Réponse: Résumé/scène Harry Potter de gerondif, postée le 02-02-2014 à 14:56:39 (S | E)

For ten years, Harry is(mauvais temps avec depuis) tormented by his uncle and aunt. He is treated more as an unpleasant servant than a member of the family because he sleeps in a closet under the stairs and he do (conjugaison du présent simple) all the house work.
At Dudley's birthday, he made to eat for the whole family. He's very helpful and polit whis them like a domestic.
Dudley has a lot of present (pluriel), but he gets angry with his parents because last years he had more present(pluriel)... We can conclude that he's a very spoilt child. The contrast between Harry and Dudley is impressive: Petunia and Vernon are obnoscious with Harry, mean to him but very caring with Dudley !
In the afternoon, the family goes to the zoo. Dudley, who wants to see a snake move, asks his father to tap against the glass, but it does not move.
Annoyed, Dudley will(prenez plutôt le verbe want) see other reptiles. Meanwhile, Harry talks to the snake, it moves and looks at Harry. Dudley then pushes Harry, who falls to the ground. He leans against the glass because it is very happy to see the snake move... Harry is furious and makes disappear mysteriously glass(à remettre dans l'ordre, the devant glass-pane). This is a very important moment because the viewer descovers that harry potter has magical powers. This special effect is very well done and makes the scene realistic.
Dudley falls into the cage and his parents are panicking(changez de présent). During this time, the snake took (présent) the opportunity to escape and thanks Harry.
Back at home, Vernon decides to shut (lock) Harry in his cupboard. In the last shot, we see a close-up on the Vernon's face. He says "There's no such thing as magic!". At this time the viewer feels pity for this poor Harry, who has to put up with his horrible family !


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