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BBC /Transcription vidéo

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BBC /Transcription vidéo
Message de moonlit-sunset posté le 12-02-2014 à 16:05:52 (S | E | F)
j'ai essayé de faire la transcription de cette vidéo, mais je pense que certains passages sont incorrects. Pouvez-vous jeter un coup d'oeil s'il vous plait ?
Thanks !

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Ma transcription :

I don’t think South Korea has much to go on of the moment and I think that’s one of the reasons why official sayers are sounding cautiously optimistic or at least cautiously pleased that North Korea requested these high level talks. The last time the two sides tried to get a meeting together of this kind of level, it fell apart because of sparks of a protocol, details like that. Now North Korea has actually invited the South to talk at this very high level and so I think South Korea officials are pleased about that and want to grab any opportunity they can. Having said that, there are many people here who will remember previous times when North Korea appeared to make diplomatic overchose ?? to the South only for that to be followed by more confrontation. And certainly we have seen in the past few weeks both, more of those diplomatic overchose?? for North Korea but also warnings about what would happen if the military exercises schedule to go ahead here in the South this month, do actually go ahead and then the North said there will be precautions for that.
So I think there is some skepticism here and at the same time there are many opportunities like this on the moment to create relationship so officials are keen to grab whatever they can.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-02-2014 16:17

Réponse: BBC /Transcription vidéo de bluestar, postée le 12-02-2014 à 16:23:02 (S | E)

I don’t think South Korea has much to go on at of the moment and I think that’s one of the reasons why officials sayers here are sounding cautiously optimistic or at least cautiously pleased that North Korea requested these high level talks. The last time the two sides tried to get a meeting together of this kind of level, it fell apart because of sparks spats of a over protocol, details like that. Now North Korea has actually invited the South to talk at this very high level and so I think South Korea officials are pleased about that and want to grab any opportunity they can. Having said that, there are many people here who will remember previous times when North Korea appeared to make diplomatic overchose ?? overtures to the South only for that to be followed by more confrontation. And certainly we have seen in the past few weeks both, more of those diplomatic overchose?? overtures for from North Korea but also warnings about what would happen if the military exercises schedule to go ahead here in the South this month, do actually go ahead and then the North said there will be precautions repercussions for that. So I think there is some skepticism here and at the same time there aren't many opportunities like this on the moment to create relationship so officials are keen to grab whatever they can.


Je ne pouvais pas bien entendu ce qui a été dit avant "relationship" dans la dernière phrase

Réponse: BBC /Transcription vidéo de moonlit-sunset, postée le 12-02-2014 à 17:39:26 (S | E)
Merci bien, ça m'aide beaucoup !

Réponse: BBC /Transcription vidéo de moonlit-sunset, postée le 14-02-2014 à 20:48:44 (S | E)
Une dernière question : pouvez-vous m'éclairer sur le sens de la première phrase ? Merci

Réponse: BBC /Transcription vidéo de bluestar, postée le 14-02-2014 à 22:07:18 (S | E)

Plus contexte serait utile mais je pense que la première phrase signifie que l'expérience précédente avec la Corée du Nord a fait l'attention du Sud de ne pas s'attendre à beaucoup de toutes nouvelles négociations.


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