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BBC /Transcription vidéo

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


BBC /Transcription vidéo
Message de moonlit-sunset posté le 12-02-2014 à 17:47:44 (S | E | F)

Me revoici avec une deuxième tentative de transcription, toujours sur le même sujet.
Voici donc le lien de la vidéo : Lien internet
et la transcription que j'ai essayé d'en faire. Pouvez-vous m'éclairer sur les passages en rouge (et voir s'il y a d'autres erreurs ailleurs) ?
Merci d'avance.

The news announced by South Korea today surprised officials here as much as anyone. North Korea, it said, had unexpectedly offered to hold a high-level meeting at the border on Wednesday. “Although an agenda had not been set before the meeting the two sides are expected to discuss the major inter-Korean issues including the smooth proceeding and the regularization of family reunions”. The government here says it’s more than six years since such a high-level meeting with the North took place. All inter-Korean issues are reportedly open for discussion but some appear more likely to come up with others. In Geneva today the North Korean ambassador reiterated the message his government has put out for weeks now : a call to stop hostilities and cool the rhetoric, and to cancel joined US South Korean military exercises scheduled for later this month. “The plant killed ? and for evil ? joined military exercise by the United States and South Korean army under the pretext of enroll anti / a defensive ?… with thrillers? Of sinister and dangerous nature targeting the Northern part of Korea”. Similar exercises last year contributed to a rapid rise in tensions with North Korea threatening nuclear strikes against the US and its airlines. Despite the recent ????? offensive many ????? in the South see this and drills as a real test of Pyongyang’s new approach.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-02-2014 19:19
Merci d'éviter le rouge sur le forum.

Réponse: BBC /Transcription vidéo de notrepere, postée le 12-02-2014 à 18:17:51 (S | E)

The news announced by South Korea today surprised officials here as much as anyone. North Korea, it said, had unexpectedly offered to hold a high-level meeting at the border on Wednesday. “Although an agenda has not been set before the meeting, the two sides are expected to discuss the major inter-Korean issues including the smooth proceeding and the regularization of family reunions”. The government here says it’s more than six years since such a high-level meeting with the North took place. All inter-Korean issues are reportedly open for discussion but some appear more likely to come up than others. In Geneva today the North Korean ambassador reiterated the message his government has put out for weeks now : a call to stop hostilities and cool the rhetoric, and to cancel joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises scheduled for later this month. “The plant???? joint military exercise by the United States and South Korean army under the pretext of annual anti-defensive treaties are of sinister and dangerous nature targeting the Northern part of Korea”. Similar exercises last year contributed to a rapid rise in tensions with North Korea threatening nuclear strikes against the US and its allies. Despite the recent "charm offensive" many here in the South see this and drills as a real test of Pyongyang’s new approach.

"charm offensive" Lien internet

Modifié par notrepere le 12-02-2014 18:19

Réponse: BBC /Transcription vidéo de moonlit-sunset, postée le 12-02-2014 à 19:16:50 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup!

Mais j'ai beau le repasser en boucle, je ne comprends pas ce qui est dit après "The plant". Nom d'une usine ? Ou autre ? J'ai essayé de faire des recherches mais sans l'orthographe correcte, j'ai du mal à trouver.

Réponse: BBC /Transcription vidéo de notrepere, postée le 13-02-2014 à 04:23:44 (S | E)

His English is very difficult to understand. After some research, I think he's saying "The planned Key Resolve joint military..." referring to this:
Lien internet

Modifié par notrepere le 13-02-2014 17:57
Yes, he does say "Key Resolve and Foal Eagle Joint Military"

Réponse: BBC /Transcription vidéo de moonlit-sunset, postée le 13-02-2014 à 15:19:41 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup, c'est plus clair maintenant.

Du coup je viens de comprendre ce qui est dit juste après "Key Resolve" : Foal Eagle.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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