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It's time/ aide

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It's time/ aide
Message de esmeralda38 posté le 14-02-2014 à 10:09:34 (S | E | F)

j'aurais besoin de votre aide s'il vous plait sur une petite traduction.
Il est temps que tu achètes une nouvelle voiture.
Ma réponse est It's times which you bought e new car.
Sur la correction le mot which n'y était pas ;est-ce une erreur?
Merci pour votre aide

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-02-2014 13:14

Réponse: It's time/ aide de here4u, postée le 14-02-2014 à 10:52:50 (S | E)

It's time ... qui introduit un irréel est forcément suivi du past modal !
donc : it's time you bought a car !
Bon courage.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-02-2014 16:08

Réponse: It's time/ aide de gerondif, postée le 14-02-2014 à 15:55:58 (S | E)
it's time, it's high time sera en effet suivi d'un subjonctif qui s'écrit comme le prétérit sauf pour le verbe être: (were à toutes les personnes)
It is high time you were sensible (reasonable)! (et, comme démontré plus bas, "it's about time you were sensible" serait sans doute plus courant)
It is time you bought a new car.

Une structure infinitive peut aussi vous simplifier la tâche:
It is time for you to buy a new car.

Modifié par gerondif le 16-02-2014 18:14

Réponse: It's time/ aide de here4u, postée le 16-02-2014 à 17:23:06 (S | E)
Dear gerondif,

Fist of all, I'd like to congratulate you for your 'control' and 'completeness' (extensive ness) whenever you answer a question on the forum ! I tend to be more 'epidermic' especially as I was taught BE with no possible variation in grammar or pronunciation ...(a professional quirk you seem to have avoided!) That must be why you're 'gold' !

Now, let me come back to :
'it's time I bought a new car', (which I warmly recommend to my students. I make horrible faces when they use 'it's time for me to buy a new car' (telling them it's 'premier-cycle-like'. I also tell them the former is 'less ordinary' and particularly more 'profitable' during an exam, because it will wake up the poor harassed teacher drowsing through his 90 tests to mark...(sigh!)

That's why, as I'm also posting on another forum, last night I couldn't resist the temptation to ask varied natives their opinions about these 2 expressions : Well, as expected, the British accepted both, said they personally used the preterite, and acknowledged the fact that it sounded more 'refined' or 'elegant'=> in other words : 'formal'

An american answered :
'I had a different reaction, but maybe it's just me. Neither seems particularly formal to me, but there seems* a slight variation in meaning:

"It's time I bought a new car" = my old car is a wreck, and not much can be done to fix it up.
"It's time for me to buy a new car" = I usually buy a new car every X years, and it's been X years since I last bought one.'

* here, I would have expected 'there seems to be' (another sigh!) Well ! I must be too formal !

I must admit I thought this interpretation quite relevant and interesting ! Don' you ? I'd be really interested in your opinion about this and thank you for it !
Well thanks again for the help and reflection you bring on this site, and not only to students ...
here (but not 4u! )

Réponse: It's time/ aide de gerondif, postée le 16-02-2014 à 17:23:47 (S | E)
"That distinction looks quite relevant to me ... Does it to you ?"
yes, it does, I think exactly the same:

"It is high time you bought a new car": is like a piece of advice: "You can't go on driving this wreck, you should really buy a new car", and the victim could answer: I wish I could.

It's time for you to buy a new car is just factual,now is the right time for you to buy a new car because the offers are interesting, or it is my opinion now.

Now the French sentence originally translated: "Il est temps que tu achètes une nouvelle voiture". can bear both points of view.
I corrected my post and crossed out "high" in It's high time for you to buy a new car" because of that, to separate fact from advice.
(Now, you can still voice a piece of advice using the infinitive pattern but I prefer the subjunctive.)

Imagine I'm with you:

It's time for me to go: just fact. My last bus is in 10 minutes !
It's high time I went home! Yes, but something makes me stay and linger behind, although it's not sensible or logical......
"I should really be going now" say people who in fact don't feel like going quite so soon.....

Thanks for the laudatory praise! I felt so elated that I took off from my chair and hit my head against the ceiling. Now back to the papers where students tell me that a gerund transforms an adverb into an adjective thanks to ing ! That sobers me up a bit !

Réponse: It's time/ aide de willy, postée le 16-02-2014 à 17:32:03 (S | E)

To say who should do something, you can use "for + object + infinitive":

We all have bought a new car. It's time for you to buy a new one too!

Here are a few more examples and explanations by DragOnspeaker (bottom of the page):
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Réponse: It's time/ aide de lemagemasque, postée le 16-02-2014 à 17:58:21 (S | E)

Voilà de la lecture pour vous :
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Résumé :
"It's time" semble assez formel ... Personnellement, je pourrais l'utiliser de façon humoristique pour dire par exemple "It's time to go", tel le trublion de la troupe ...
"Let's go" est une variante plus familière que "It's time to go".
"It's time to" semble moins pressant que "it's time + prétérit".
"It's about time" semble familier.
It's time we should tell the police --> Je me suis déjà surpris à le dire, essayant de comprendre pourquoi j'avais mis "should". Je n'ai trouvé que l'explication de la modalité ou du subjonctif ... I'm still searching...
Si l'explication du subjonctif est concluante, on pourrait aussi dire "It's time we tell the police" ...

Tout cela est à vérifier, bien sûr, sachant que je suis allé très vite dans mes recherches ...
Merci gerondif pour votre aide !
See you!

Réponse: It's time/ aide de esmeralda38, postée le 17-02-2014 à 10:36:29 (S | E)
Thanks you for your answers. Your level is high and I dream to arrive at this I could be as good as you at English.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-02-2014 10:38


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