Rapport stage/Correction
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Message de meegh posté le 14-02-2014 à 17:15:03 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous,
j'ai un rapport de stage (ou du moins un résumé) à faire, seulement j'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un pourrait m'aider pour savoir si j'ai bien su former mes phrases...etc.
Voici mon résumé :
"I made my training period during 3 weeks in "(nom du magasin)" at (lieu).
It is a small shop of gift ideas, furniture and decoration.
My tutor was really nice and let me do many things.
During this training period, I made sales, I cleaning the store, shelving and I could reorganize the shop window for the sales.
I also learned to make an inventory manually. I had already done, but all was done with a computer.
So I could see it was much longer and complicated but thanks to it I could know the product in the store, which has allowed me to better advise clients.
I also really liked the contact with customers of this store.
So, it was a good experience for me and I intend to do my other internships there."
J'ai un doute sur certaines phrases que j'ai du mal à formuler (notamment celle ci : "So I could see it was much longer and complicated but thanks to it I could know the product in the store, which has allowed me to better advise clients").
Merci d'avance de bien vouloir m'aider...
Bonne fin de journée.
Modifié par lucile83 le 14-02-2014 17:19
Message de meegh posté le 14-02-2014 à 17:15:03 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous,
j'ai un rapport de stage (ou du moins un résumé) à faire, seulement j'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un pourrait m'aider pour savoir si j'ai bien su former mes phrases...etc.
Voici mon résumé :
"I made my training period during 3 weeks in "(nom du magasin)" at (lieu).
It is a small shop of gift ideas, furniture and decoration.
My tutor was really nice and let me do many things.
During this training period, I made sales, I cleaning the store, shelving and I could reorganize the shop window for the sales.
I also learned to make an inventory manually. I had already done, but all was done with a computer.
So I could see it was much longer and complicated but thanks to it I could know the product in the store, which has allowed me to better advise clients.
I also really liked the contact with customers of this store.
So, it was a good experience for me and I intend to do my other internships there."
J'ai un doute sur certaines phrases que j'ai du mal à formuler (notamment celle ci : "So I could see it was much longer and complicated but thanks to it I could know the product in the store, which has allowed me to better advise clients").
Merci d'avance de bien vouloir m'aider...
Bonne fin de journée.
Modifié par lucile83 le 14-02-2014 17:19
Réponse: Rapport stage/Correction de moonlit-sunset, postée le 14-02-2014 à 20:55:13 (S | E)
Voici quelques idées
"I made my training period during 3 weeks in "(nom du magasin)" at (lieu).
It is a small shop of gift ideas, furniture and decoration.
My tutor was really nice and let me do many things.
During this training period, I made sales I sold ?, I cleaning Temps du verbe the store, shelving Il te manque un verbe and I could reorganize the shop window for the sales.
I also learned to make an inventory manually. I had already done it, but all was done with a computer.
So I could see it was much longer and complicated but thanks to it I could know the products in the store, which
I also really liked the contact with the customers of this store.
So, it was a good experience for me and I intend to do my other internships there."
Modifié par moonlit-sunset le 14-02-2014 20:55
Réponse: Rapport stage/Correction de meegh, postée le 15-02-2014 à 10:35:56 (S | E)
Merci de votre aide!

J'ai fait quelques modifications :
"I made my training period during 3 weeks in "(nom du magasin)" at (lieu).
It is a small shop of gift ideas, furniture and decoration.
My tutor was really nice and let me do many things.
During this training period, I sold, I cleaned ? the store, I have made the shelving ? and I could reorganize the shop window for the sales.
I also learned to make an inventory manually. I had already done it, but all was done with a computer.
So I could see it was much longer and complicated but thanks to it I could know the products in the store, which allowed me to better advise clients.
I also really liked the contact with the customers of this store.
So, it was a good experience for me and I intend to do my other internships there."
Réponse: Rapport stage/Correction de lucile83, postée le 15-02-2014 à 11:43:38 (S | E)
Les fautes en bleu. Beaucoup d'erreurs ou maladresses n'ont pas été signalées.
"I made my training period during 3 weeks in "(nom du magasin)" at (lieu).
It is a small shop of gift ideas, furniture and decoration.
My tutor was really nice and let me do many things.
During this training period, I sold what?, I cleaned the store, I have made the shelving and I could reorganize the shop window for the sales.
I also learned .... to make an inventory manually. I had already done it, but all was done with a computer.
So I could see it was much longer and complicated but thanks to it I could know the products in the store, which allowed me to better ...place du mot advise clients.
I also really liked the contact with the customers of this store.
So, it was a good experience for me and I intend to do my other internships there."
Réponse: Rapport stage/Correction de meegh, postée le 15-02-2014 à 14:15:54 (S | E)
Hello Lucile83,
merci de votre aide également.
Je ne saurais pas corriger ces erreurs... Que me conseillez vous ?
Pour la phrase : "During this training period, I sold" Je souhaite juste dire que j'ai effectuée des ventes...
Encore merci
Réponse: Rapport stage/Correction de lucile83, postée le 15-02-2014 à 15:22:31 (S | E)
During this training period, I sold a lot of items...
Pour le reste c'est à vous de corriger, avec un dictionnaire par exemple

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