Make a good impression/aide
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Message de isarosa posté le 20-03-2014 à 20:53:47 (S | E | F)
I've just finished an essay about tips for an interview. I would like you read it and tell me if it's correct.
Thanks for your help.
How to make a good impression at a job interview.
As you know, nowadays there are a lot of people unemployed due to the crisis we are going through.
It’ll probably seem funny but these tips can help you to get a job.
The first impression you make is the most important.
First of all, be punctual and be polite. It’s not serious to be late to an interview.
Make sure your dress to make the right impression. You can dress with elegance and discretion. Please avoid miniskirts and tigh sweater. Be careful with makeup and perfume. Don’t makeup too.
Be quiet and calm. Try to answer to the interviewer in a natural way. Don’t try to be funny, it’s not a party. Avoid show that you’re nervious.
Never ask about the salary you will earn. It’s a point that the interviewer must to begin.
Be yourself and don’t be a modern woman. If the interviewer ask for your opinión, be honest. However try not to talk about you prívate life or your love life. It’s not the momento for this.
Remember your appearance is the first thing people see about you.
Modifié par lucile83 le 20-03-2014 22:25
Message de isarosa posté le 20-03-2014 à 20:53:47 (S | E | F)
I've just finished an essay about tips for an interview. I would like you read it and tell me if it's correct.
Thanks for your help.
How to make a good impression at a job interview.
As you know, nowadays there are a lot of people unemployed due to the crisis we are going through.
It’ll probably seem funny but these tips can help you to get a job.
The first impression you make is the most important.
First of all, be punctual and be polite. It’s not serious to be late to an interview.
Make sure your dress to make the right impression. You can dress with elegance and discretion. Please avoid miniskirts and tigh sweater. Be careful with makeup and perfume. Don’t makeup too.
Be quiet and calm. Try to answer to the interviewer in a natural way. Don’t try to be funny, it’s not a party. Avoid show that you’re nervious.
Never ask about the salary you will earn. It’s a point that the interviewer must to begin.
Be yourself and don’t be a modern woman. If the interviewer ask for your opinión, be honest. However try not to talk about you prívate life or your love life. It’s not the momento for this.
Remember your appearance is the first thing people see about you.
Modifié par lucile83 le 20-03-2014 22:25
Réponse: Make a good impression/aide de sherry48, postée le 21-03-2014 à 03:05:48 (S | E)
There are just a few small mistakes.
How to make a good impression at a job interview.
As you know, nowadays there are a lot of people unemployed due to the crisis we are going through.
It’ll probably seem funny but these tips can help you to get a job.
The first impression you make is the most important.
First of all, be punctual and be polite. It’s not serious

Make sure your

Be quiet and calm. Try to answer to the interviewer in a natural way. Don’t try to be funny, it’s not a party. Avoid show___

Never ask about the salary you will earn. It’s a point that the interviewer must to begin. (Maybe a different word than begin, or add an object).
Be yourself and don’t be a modern woman.(Maybe revise this). If the interviewer ask__ for your opinión, be honest. However, try not to talk about you

Remember that your appearance is the first thing people see about you. Consider another verb instead of see.

Réponse: Make a good impression/aide de isarosa, postée le 21-03-2014 à 16:34:26 (S | E)
Hello ,
thanks very much for your help. But I don't understand, when you put

Réponse: Make a good impression/aide de bluestar, postée le 21-03-2014 à 17:57:18 (S | E)

"It's not serious to be late to an interview". Here the grammar and spelling are both correct but "serious" is not the right word. In other sentences the grammar is wrong.
Réponse: Make a good impression/aide de sherry48, postée le 26-03-2014 à 14:12:37 (S | E)
Hello again.
Sorry, I have been unavailable because I've been sick, but I hope bluestar's explanations helped you. Would you like to post the corrected text? Sherry

Réponse: Make a good impression/aide de isarosa, postée le 27-03-2014 à 19:36:27 (S | E)
Hello, thanks all.
Here's the new correct text , I think-
How to make a good impression at a job interview.
As you know, nowadays there are a lot of people unemployed due to the crisis we are going through.
It’ll probably seem funny but these tips can help you to get a job.
The first impression you make is the most important.
First of all, be punctual and be polite. It’s not serious to be late to an interview.
Make sure you dress to make the right impression. You can dress with elegance and discretion. Please avoid miniskirts and tight sweaters ( or jumpers). Be careful with makeup and perfume. Don’t makeup too.
Be quiet and calm. Try to answer to the interviewer in a natural way. Don’t try to be funny, it’s not a party. Avoid showed that you’re nervous.
Never ask about the salary you will earn.The salary is something that the interviewer must bring up, so do't mention it.
Be yourself. If the interviewer asks for your opinión, be honest. However, try not to talk about you prívate life or your love life. It’s not the momento for this.
Remember that your appearance is the first thing people look about you.
That's all , I think but I'm not sure if it's correct. Thanks for your help.
Réponse: Make a good impression/aide de sherry48, postée le 28-03-2014 à 14:08:19 (S | E)
Since you've attempted and made some good corrections, I have helped you with these last few areas.
...It’s not serious to be late to an interview. I think I understand what you mean, but what you have written has the opposite sense. It is a serious mistake to be late to an interview! It appears that you are not serious if you are late to an interview. How will you change this?
Don’t makeup too. This means do not wear makeup, also. You could write... Don't overdo the makeup. Don't wear too much makeup.
Try to answer
Avoid showing that you’re nervous.
The salary is something that the interviewer must bring up, so don't mention it.
If the interviewer asks for your opinion, be honest. However, try not to talk about your private life or your love life. It’s not the momento for this.
Remember that your appearance is the first thing people notice about you. With appearance, notice is the best verb.

Réponse: Make a good impression/aide de isarosa, postée le 31-03-2014 à 17:42:01 (S | E)
Hello Sherry, thanks for your help. I'll note these.
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