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Discours Mandela/ Oral

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Discours Mandela/ Oral
Message de mar4gaux posté le 05-04-2014 à 15:32:10 (S | E | F)
je dois faire une partie du discours de Mandela en 1994 en parlant de la situation présente en Afrique du Sud, pourriez-vous me la corriger s'il vous plait?

My comrades, my brethren, today, all of us, by our presence here, confer glory and hope to newborn liberty.
That human disaster that lasted too long has weakened our society. But, from that experience, we must breed, together, a rainbow nation which will light up humanity and do it shine.
This timeliness we owe both to ourselves and to the peoples of the world who are so well represented here today.
Each one of us is as intimately attached to the soil of this beautiful country as blacks than whites, English than Afrikaans, Sesotho or even Setswana.
That spiritual and physical oneness we all share with this common homeland reminds us constantly the pain we all carried in our hearts as we saw our country tear itself apart in a terrible conflict, and as we saw it scorned and isolated by the peoples of the world because of that universal base of the pernicious ideology and practice of racism and oppression.
We deeply appreciate the role that the masses of our people have played to bring about this conclusion. We would also like to pay tribute to our security forces, for the distinguished role they have played in securing our first democratic elections.
We have, at last, achieved our political emancipation.
We succeeded to take our last steps to freedom.
We have triumphed in the effort.
This day si to all the heroes in this country and the rest of the world who sacrificed their lives so that we could be free. Freedom is their reward.
I am, today, happy and proud as the first President of a united, democratic and rainbow who will break out our sacred land of the darkness.
Never again, this beautiful land will suffer the oppression of one by another and become again the skunk of the world.
The sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement.

Une fille de mon groupe doit, avant ma partie parler du passé de Nelson, voici sa partie:

It is in 1943 when I takes part in my first political demonstration. Near the ANC, we still avoid facing the authorities. We protest via letters of a delicious courtesy... The young people get impatient. .Leur watchword: the action. In 1944, they create a new organ within the ANC, the League of the youth. Lembede becomes the president, whereas Sisulu, Tambo and I let us become committee members director.
The South African diet(regime) hardens in 1948 with the official institution of the apartheid. Through the country, indications of the kind " Reserved for the Europeans " or " Forbids the Blacks at the risk of shooting at sight " bloom in the public places. I have begin to increase in importance within the ANC. At first as national secretary of the League of the youth, me takes the lead there in 1951. Next year, me becomes vice-president of the ANC. His political role expands in June, 1952. Spokesman of the campaign of mistrust be thrown against the apartheid, I was arrested with other companions.
The authorities and the profession made life hard for us so that we go to settle down somewhere else that in Johannesburg. At the same time, the situation evolves within the ANC all the opponents of the apartheid meet in 1955, during the Congress of the people during which the Charter of the liberties is adopted. Accused of high treason, 155 other activists and me sums again arrested. Our lawsuit is going to last four and a half years.
In 1960, the ANC is forbidden following the massacre of Sharpeville. I was henceforth persuaded that all the efforts intended to fight the apartheid by average peace-loving persons were dedicated to the defeat. I thus decided then to enter the underground and to pass in the armed struggle by means of the military branch of the ANC based in June, 1961.

I left the country in January, 1962 to represent the ANC to a Pan-African conference, to Addis Ababa. It is also the occasion to seek the help of the independent States or on the way to the future. I visited twelve countries of the continent in six months. To his hosts, I explained the direction of the fight of the ANC. Of this first contact with the rest of Africa, I can say: " to make the tour of the continent profoundly marked me. Everywhere where I went, I was treated as a human being. " This journey also allowed me to return me to London to meet my friend Oliver Tambo, henceforth in exile.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide généreuse et bon week end !

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-04-2014 22:29


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