Quand utiliser/synonymes
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Message de orlaners posté le 12-04-2014 à 20:37:01 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
Pourriez-vous m'expliquer s'il vous plaît la différence entre "stay" et "remain" et quand les utiliser ?
Pareil pour alone/lonely .
Et y a-t-il une différence entre "even though" et "even if" ?
Merci beaucoup de vos futures réponses !
Modifié par lucile83 le 12-04-2014 22:21
Message de orlaners posté le 12-04-2014 à 20:37:01 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !

Pourriez-vous m'expliquer s'il vous plaît la différence entre "stay" et "remain" et quand les utiliser ?
Pareil pour alone/lonely .
Et y a-t-il une différence entre "even though" et "even if" ?
Merci beaucoup de vos futures réponses !

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-04-2014 22:21
Réponse: Quand utiliser/synonymes de traviskidd, postée le 12-04-2014 à 22:27:07 (S | E)
"Stay" means to spend a certain amount of time in one place ("We stayed at a hotel last night."), or to continue being where one already is ("I didn't want my dog to follow me so I told him 'Stay!'").
I don't think "demain" is a word in English (at least, I've never heard of it). You might be thinking of "demeure", which is very formal and never used in real language. Or perhaps "remain", which means to have (so far) survived a process of elimination or change of some sort ("The volcano destroyed the village; all that remains is ashes.").
(Of course, "stay" and "remain" are often synonymous, but they are not generally interchangeable.)
"Alone" is a state (or an adverb); "lonely" is a (sad) feeling.
What follows "even though" is known to be true; what follows "even if" probably isn't true.
See you.
Modifié par lucile83 le 12-04-2014 23:06
I corrected the typo in 'demain' instead of 'remain'

Modifié par traviskidd le 13-04-2014 00:29
So I see.

Réponse: Quand utiliser/synonymes de sbgs, postée le 12-04-2014 à 22:37:24 (S | E)
stay vs remain : pour moi, il n'y a pas vraiment de différence. Il y a juste des cas où l'un doit être utilisé et pas l'autre.
'to stay at a place' = rester quelque part temporairement. ( comme un hôtel )
'to remain at a place' = rester au même endroit ( comme à la maison )
C'est vraiment dur d'expliquer

alone vs lonely
Je pense qu'il n'y a pas vraiment de différence non plus sauf quand tu veux employer "seul" en tant que adverbe, il n'y a que "alone" qui conviendra.
=> Leave me alone. OK
=> Leave me lonely. NON
even though vs even if
Là, la différence me semble assez frappante => leur traduction n'est pas la même !

Even though = Bien que, malgré
Even if = même si
Modifié par sbgs le 12-04-2014 22:38
+ les explications de traviskidd

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-04-2014 23:08
Typo was corrected

Modifié par sbgs le 13-04-2014 00:49
OK and thanks, I took off my first sentence

Réponse: Quand utiliser/synonymes de gerondif, postée le 12-04-2014 à 22:49:02 (S | E)
You have your answers in the preceding posts.
The criminal stayed in the area after committing his crime: rester physiquement quelque part.
He remained very calm after the quarrel.
He says he won't come but that remains to be seen. rester au sens de demeurer, ne pas changer
You can feel lonely in the middle of a crowd but when you are alone in a room, there is nobody else with you.
Even though= though = although : I forgave him even though he had hit me. bien que, même si....
I will go to this party even if you forbid me to go: même si tu me l'interdis.
Réponse: Quand utiliser/synonymes de traviskidd, postée le 13-04-2014 à 01:36:18 (S | E)
Hello. Just a few more precisions regarding "alone" and "lonely".
"Alone" actually can be a feeling too, of having been abandoned by other people, or of not having their sympathy or understanding.
"All my friends hate me. I feel so alone!"
"If you are having problems with alcohol or gambling, you shouldn't feel alone, because we understand, and are here to help."
"Lonely" is more associated with love (or rather, the lack thereof).
"We both felt lonely after our divorce, so we decided to get remarried!"

A few more examples:
"Leave me alone!" (Laisse-moi tranquille !)
"Don't leave me here alone!" (Ne me laisse pas seul ici! Ne m'abandonne pas !)
"She left him lonely and depressed." (Elle l'a laissé triste (dans sa solitude) et déprimé.)
See you.
Réponse: Quand utiliser/synonymes de here4u, postée le 13-04-2014 à 13:14:35 (S | E)
Hello !

I do agree with the distinctions made between stay/remain and alone (physically speaking ... ) and lonely (feeling sad even in a crowd )...
In my humble opinion, 'All my friends hate me. I feel so alone!' shouln't be heard ... Unless the person means that he'd feel less 'lonely' with someone present in the room, where he would, then, no longer be 'alone' => same thing for the AA or any support group ... Knowing that you may have support makes you feel both less 'lonely' and less isolated or 'alone' ...
In every language, so many things are heard (and then repeated) that 'shouldn't be' ...

Have a good day.

Réponse: Quand utiliser/synonymes de lemagemasque, postée le 13-04-2014 à 17:09:30 (S | E)
I feel so lonely = là, c'est le sentiment qui est mis en avant
Je suis triste ; on m'a abandonné.
I'm alone = là, c'est le fait d'être seul qui est mis en avant.
Personne n'est avec moi.
Il y a d'autres traductions du mot "seul" :
On one's own : I was on my own again (J'étais à nouveau seul)
By oneself : I did it by myself (= Je l'ai fait moi-même, tout seul).
Vous avez une expression

See you!
Réponse: Quand utiliser/synonymes de notrepere, postée le 15-04-2014 à 01:47:50 (S | E)
I see no problem with 'All my friends hate me. I feel so alone!' meaning "without any friends" since this use of alone is included in the Oxford dictionary. Regional differences prevail, but English isn't a "one size fits all" language even if it doesn't quite fit with our own personal preferences.
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