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Idea of progress/correction

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Idea of progress/correction
Message de kodax posté le 16-04-2014 à 17:12:50 (S | E | F)
J'aimerais que vous m'aidiez à corriger d'éventuelles fautes s'il vous plaît.
Merci pour vos réponses.

I’m going to talk about « Idea of progress ». To begin with, I’d like to state a definition of progress. Progress is the idea that the world and the society can evolve positively in therms of sciences, technology, modernization, living condition. However, the idea of progress is still debate between those who consider that it’s beneficial and those for whom it’s harmful. Now, I propose we look at a question : « Should we fear progress ? » 

First of all, I think progress is essential to evolve. History is made of progress and evolution that have allowed the world to be what it’s today. Thanks the progress, our life is improved. Technology has become much more prevalente. For example with hhe Web , which is everywhere: in the street, the plane... With the Web we can discover a new culture, information faster, more easily, just with a click. Thanks E-mails we can communicate with far away people. You can attach files and send information, your work for example. And Facebook, Twitter and other social networks give a better circulation of information. Can take part in a common phenomenal experience : the gap year.

But progress can be dangerous if not controlled or used for bad.
In a article of the guardian which talking of Edward Snowden, we learn that thanks technolgy, everybody is watched. Indeed, technology is everywhere. In the street with a lot of cameras networks, in our pocket with phone...there are a lot of examples. And this technology is used for bad. For example, we saw in a aticle of ...... that autorities can spynig us. Used phone tracking. And spying the Web.
The novel of george Orwel, which is called Big brother, shows these excess. Science and technology have led
In the film « Welcome to Gattaca », science and technology have led to a world without liberty, everything is watching. Indeed, «  big brother watching you ». The world it's a police state.
So the progress rases an ethical problem : where is the limit ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-04-2014 17:13

Réponse: Idea of progress/correction de kodax, postée le 17-04-2014 à 20:16:23 (S | E)
Personne ? Merci.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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