Myths and heroes/oral
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Message de clemencerul posté le 25-04-2014 à 18:04:04 (S | E | F)
Je prépare mes oraux pour le bac, et j'apprécierais énormément quelques avis et/ou un peu d'aide s'il vous plait.
Je vous remercie d'avance
Hello, so today I will deal with the notion Myths and Heroes. First of all, I would like to give a brief definition of the notion.
A myth is a popular story which tries to guide the society toward certain values, or some ideal. Usually, it is composed of unreal fact and action, often led by a Hero. A hero is a courageous person who is ready to sacrifice himself to rescue other people’s. He may accomplish extraordinary deeds. Some heroes are famous for standing up against devil like Batman, Superman, Captain America, ect ,… We called their Superheroes. Whereas, some heroes are real-life persons who were outlaws to rebel against a given order they refused and to challenge it like Rosa parks, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela,
So, now, I will try to explain: How Myth and heroes influence the behavior of society?
First, I will talk about a modern myth, with a fictional hero : Captain America, and then, I will talk about some fictional heroes like Winston Churchill, Rosa park and Emmelyne Pankhurst.
Captain America is a comic book, published by Marvel Comics. It’s an eponymous novel, which show, this superhero fighting against the German dictatorship. The first edition was published in March 1941, during the Second World War, at the time when America wasn’t implied in the conflict. In fact, at its America’s government invoked neutrality, with the approbation of their citizens. But, this war was a really good opportunity for the United States to assert their power and become richer. That’s why they used propaganda to convince their population.
So Captain America, can be associate to a form of propaganda, indeed, the adventure of this super hero is a modern myth.
Indeed, Captain America, fight against dictatorship but also against its values. He appears like the savior of Europe, the shield against oppression. In this comic, we can see a demonization of the enemy, with red skull, Captain’s opponent, and we can deduce the influence of it on the American society, particularly on young, persons, needed in the Army.
Finally, we can note that the first number of this comic came out before the declaration of war of the United States, and shows Captain A. striking Hitler’s face. It was surely a way to prepare the nation at the idea of the war.
But, he wasn’t the only one who encouraged the population to fight against a given order, or anti-democratic values, or discrimination..
There also, some real life heroes, for example Winston Churchill known for his role in the Second World War. In the poster, studying in class last years, we can see Winston Churchill, and this sentence: Let us go forward together. Indeed, during the 2nd WW, he never lost faith, and kept encouraging his people to fight against the enemy and remained convinced that the outcome for Alliés would Victory. When he passed away, he received a state funeral..
Later, some others real heroes fight against different forms of oppression, racism and discrimination. They risk their life to stand up their right.
The picture I will analyses was taken in in 1955. It represents a black woman, named Rosa Parks who is holding a placard with the number 7053. This number is her number of incarceration. Rosa Parks is a black woman who was arrested by the police because she refused to give up her seat to a white person at time when buses were segregated. The outcome of this incident was to change history. She was the spark of the rebellion against the segregation, alongside some other black heroes, like MLK.
Since the down of time, society always need Myths and Heroes, because, everybody want to trust in miracles, that everything can happens… These persons, real or fictional, give faith to a oppressed population which really needed it.
Modifié par lucile83 le 25-04-2014 21:45
Message de clemencerul posté le 25-04-2014 à 18:04:04 (S | E | F)
Je prépare mes oraux pour le bac, et j'apprécierais énormément quelques avis et/ou un peu d'aide s'il vous plait.
Je vous remercie d'avance

Hello, so today I will deal with the notion Myths and Heroes. First of all, I would like to give a brief definition of the notion.
A myth is a popular story which tries to guide the society toward certain values, or some ideal. Usually, it is composed of unreal fact and action, often led by a Hero. A hero is a courageous person who is ready to sacrifice himself to rescue other people’s. He may accomplish extraordinary deeds. Some heroes are famous for standing up against devil like Batman, Superman, Captain America, ect ,… We called their Superheroes. Whereas, some heroes are real-life persons who were outlaws to rebel against a given order they refused and to challenge it like Rosa parks, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela,
So, now, I will try to explain: How Myth and heroes influence the behavior of society?
First, I will talk about a modern myth, with a fictional hero : Captain America, and then, I will talk about some fictional heroes like Winston Churchill, Rosa park and Emmelyne Pankhurst.
Captain America is a comic book, published by Marvel Comics. It’s an eponymous novel, which show, this superhero fighting against the German dictatorship. The first edition was published in March 1941, during the Second World War, at the time when America wasn’t implied in the conflict. In fact, at its America’s government invoked neutrality, with the approbation of their citizens. But, this war was a really good opportunity for the United States to assert their power and become richer. That’s why they used propaganda to convince their population.
So Captain America, can be associate to a form of propaganda, indeed, the adventure of this super hero is a modern myth.
Indeed, Captain America, fight against dictatorship but also against its values. He appears like the savior of Europe, the shield against oppression. In this comic, we can see a demonization of the enemy, with red skull, Captain’s opponent, and we can deduce the influence of it on the American society, particularly on young, persons, needed in the Army.
Finally, we can note that the first number of this comic came out before the declaration of war of the United States, and shows Captain A. striking Hitler’s face. It was surely a way to prepare the nation at the idea of the war.
But, he wasn’t the only one who encouraged the population to fight against a given order, or anti-democratic values, or discrimination..
There also, some real life heroes, for example Winston Churchill known for his role in the Second World War. In the poster, studying in class last years, we can see Winston Churchill, and this sentence: Let us go forward together. Indeed, during the 2nd WW, he never lost faith, and kept encouraging his people to fight against the enemy and remained convinced that the outcome for Alliés would Victory. When he passed away, he received a state funeral..
Later, some others real heroes fight against different forms of oppression, racism and discrimination. They risk their life to stand up their right.
The picture I will analyses was taken in in 1955. It represents a black woman, named Rosa Parks who is holding a placard with the number 7053. This number is her number of incarceration. Rosa Parks is a black woman who was arrested by the police because she refused to give up her seat to a white person at time when buses were segregated. The outcome of this incident was to change history. She was the spark of the rebellion against the segregation, alongside some other black heroes, like MLK.
Since the down of time, society always need Myths and Heroes, because, everybody want to trust in miracles, that everything can happens… These persons, real or fictional, give faith to a oppressed population which really needed it.
Modifié par lucile83 le 25-04-2014 21:45
Réponse: Myths and heroes/oral de clemencerul, postée le 26-04-2014 à 00:17:39 (S | E)
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