Digital camera/aide
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Message de aliv posté le 01-05-2014 à 20:48:02 (S | E | F)
Je dois préparer un sujet sur la "digital camera". Je dois présenter le produit et expliquer en détails l’impact que ce produit a eu sur les habitudes de consommation et le mode de vie. Cet oral doit faire environ 5 minutes.
J'aimerais bien avoir un avis extérieur sur le texte que j'ai écrit, l'orthographe, la forme mais aussi le fond c'est-à-dire si vous trouvez qu'il correspond bien au sujet. Je suis ouverte à toutes critiques constructives !Merci pour vos réponses.
Hello, today I would like to present and explain why the digital camera changed our way of life.
Photography has never been so trendy, has never been so a medium of mass communication particularly with the phenomenon of social medias, internet but also with equipment which are now a part of daily life such as tablets, smartphones, laptop..
Who has never take a photo with a digital camera ? First, I will explain what is a digital camera.
The first digital camera was born in 1991 thanks to the french society named Kodak. However, only on 2000's to be placed on the market and available for everyone the digicam. The main manufacturers are Kodak and Canon. Today the market is dominated by Canon and Nikon. A digital camera (or digicam) is a camera that encodes digital images and videos digitally and stores them for later reproduction. Most cameras sold today are digital, and digital cameras are incorporated into many devices ranging from PDAs and mobile phones (called camera phones) to vehicles.
Digital and film cameras share an optical system, typically using a lens with a variable diaphragm to focus light onto an image pickup device. The diaphragm and shutter admit the correct amount of light to the imager, just as with film but the image pickup device is electronic rather than chemical. However, unlike film cameras, digital cameras can display images on a screen immediately after being recorded, and store and delete images from memory. Many digital cameras can also record moving video with sound. Some digital cameras can crop and stitch pictures and perform other elementary image editing.
Digital camera was enthusiastically received by Amateur photography because his cost has significantly decreased. This democratisation offered a simply share of pictures and photos through mails, MMS and instant messaging through social sites, blogs, social networks such as Facebook, twitter, instagram...
The digital technology also permitted the share with cameras integrated to connected devices such as smartphones or connected camera such as Galaxy Camera which communicates directly through WI-FI or 3G and allow to print them at home. The liberty to leave to each family member to managed with broad photos as he like. People are totally independant. Digital camera enable to multiply experiments pictures at lower prices and offer the opportunity to take a lot of pictures without used film rolls or waiting the development. People aren't need to buy rolls or the development of pictures.
Moreover, the majority of effects carried out on silver camera can be recreated on computer. Some softwares such as Photoshop allowed users to achieve the silver quality.
Nevertheless, the market of digital cameras is actually filled with smartphones whose the lastest offer a good picture quality.
Merci pour vos réponses !
Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2014 21:18
Message de aliv posté le 01-05-2014 à 20:48:02 (S | E | F)
Je dois préparer un sujet sur la "digital camera". Je dois présenter le produit et expliquer en détails l’impact que ce produit a eu sur les habitudes de consommation et le mode de vie. Cet oral doit faire environ 5 minutes.
J'aimerais bien avoir un avis extérieur sur le texte que j'ai écrit, l'orthographe, la forme mais aussi le fond c'est-à-dire si vous trouvez qu'il correspond bien au sujet. Je suis ouverte à toutes critiques constructives !Merci pour vos réponses.
Hello, today I would like to present and explain why the digital camera changed our way of life.
Photography has never been so trendy, has never been so a medium of mass communication particularly with the phenomenon of social medias, internet but also with equipment which are now a part of daily life such as tablets, smartphones, laptop..
Who has never take a photo with a digital camera ? First, I will explain what is a digital camera.
The first digital camera was born in 1991 thanks to the french society named Kodak. However, only on 2000's to be placed on the market and available for everyone the digicam. The main manufacturers are Kodak and Canon. Today the market is dominated by Canon and Nikon. A digital camera (or digicam) is a camera that encodes digital images and videos digitally and stores them for later reproduction. Most cameras sold today are digital, and digital cameras are incorporated into many devices ranging from PDAs and mobile phones (called camera phones) to vehicles.
Digital and film cameras share an optical system, typically using a lens with a variable diaphragm to focus light onto an image pickup device. The diaphragm and shutter admit the correct amount of light to the imager, just as with film but the image pickup device is electronic rather than chemical. However, unlike film cameras, digital cameras can display images on a screen immediately after being recorded, and store and delete images from memory. Many digital cameras can also record moving video with sound. Some digital cameras can crop and stitch pictures and perform other elementary image editing.
Digital camera was enthusiastically received by Amateur photography because his cost has significantly decreased. This democratisation offered a simply share of pictures and photos through mails, MMS and instant messaging through social sites, blogs, social networks such as Facebook, twitter, instagram...
The digital technology also permitted the share with cameras integrated to connected devices such as smartphones or connected camera such as Galaxy Camera which communicates directly through WI-FI or 3G and allow to print them at home. The liberty to leave to each family member to managed with broad photos as he like. People are totally independant. Digital camera enable to multiply experiments pictures at lower prices and offer the opportunity to take a lot of pictures without used film rolls or waiting the development. People aren't need to buy rolls or the development of pictures.
Moreover, the majority of effects carried out on silver camera can be recreated on computer. Some softwares such as Photoshop allowed users to achieve the silver quality.
Nevertheless, the market of digital cameras is actually filled with smartphones whose the lastest offer a good picture quality.
Merci pour vos réponses !

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2014 21:18
Réponse: Digital camera/aide de aliv, postée le 08-05-2014 à 23:16:37 (S | E)
je dois faire un oral à partir d'un thème qui est the digital camera, je dois y expliquer en détails l’impact que ce produit a eu sur les habitudes de consommation et les modes de vie. Cet oral doit faire environ 5 minutes. En ce sens, j'aimerais vraiment que quelqu'un m'aide à corriger mes fautes car je suis vraiment mauvaise en anglais... Merci pour votre aide !
Hello, today I would like to present and explain why the digital camera changed our way of life.
Photography has never been so trendy, has never been so a medium of mass communication particularly with the phenomenon of social medias, internet but also with equipment which are now a part of daily life such as tablets, smartphones, laptop..
Who has never take a photo with a digital camera ? First, I will explain what is a digital camera.
The first digital camera was born in 1991 thanks to the french society named Kodak. However, only on 2000's to be placed on the market and available for everyone the digicam. The main manufacturers are Kodak and Canon. Today the market is dominated by Canon and Nikon. A digital camera (or digicam) is a camera that encodes digital images and videos digitally and stores them for later reproduction. Most cameras sold today are digital, and digital cameras are incorporated into many devices ranging from PDAs and mobile phones (called camera phones) to vehicles.
Digital and film cameras share an optical system, typically using a lens with a variable diaphragm to focus light onto an image pickup device. The diaphragm and shutter admit the correct amount of light to the imager, just as with film but the image pickup device is electronic rather than chemical. However, unlike film cameras, digital cameras can display images on a screen immediately after being recorded, and store and delete images from memory. Many digital cameras can also record moving video with sound. Some digital cameras can crop and stitch pictures and perform other elementary image editing.
Digital camera was enthusiastically received by Amateur photography because his cost has significantly decreased. This democratisation offered a simply share of pictures and photos through mails, MMS and instant messaging through social sites, blogs, social networks such as Facebook, twitter, instagram...
The digital technology also permitted the share with cameras integrated to connected devices such as smartphones or connected camera such as Galaxy Camera which communicates directly through WI-FI or 3G and allow to print them at home. The liberty to leave to each family member to managed with broad photos as he like. People are totally independant. Digital camera enable to multiply experiments pictures at lower prices and offer the opportunity to take a lot of pictures without used film rolls or waiting the development. People aren't need to buy rolls or the development of pictures.
Moreover, the majority of effects carried out on silver camera can be recreated on computer. Some softwares such as Photoshop allowed users to achieve the silver quality.
Nevertheless, the market of digital cameras is actually filled with smartphones whose the lastest offer a good picture quality
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-05-2014 07:41
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