Synthèse/Places and forms of power
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Message de yesungirl posté le 06-05-2014 à 17:25:20 (S | E | F)
J'ai besoin d'aide pour ma synthèse, est-ce quelqu'un pourrait corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît ? (ou du moins m'indiquer s'il y en a)
Merci d'avance !
Ma synthèse:
I will introduce the notion of places and forms of powers. The power is a a right or an authority given or delegated to a person or a body. I'm going to deal with the differents forms of powers. Firstly, we're going to see the power of money in studies then how the regulations and laws can influence people's behavious and the power of medias.
In our society the money has a big role especially in the studies. In fact, we saw in class that the higher education is very expensive in England or in the United States/USA. To go to university, most of students borrown money from bank. Some of them can't pay back ad so have massive debts. This inequality leads to student demonstrations as in England. Even if there is a scholarship it's no enough compared to the tuitions fees which are outrageous. Only rich students will be able to afford to unversity and lower-income students will be penalized. Accordingly, some students give up the idea of going to university. Unlike to England and the United States, in France the government helps many students to pay the high tuitions fees with the scholarships. The students can have jobs to pay theirs tuitions fees but it's no always easy to find a job.
The regulations and laws can create social cohesion but sometimes it's hard for a someone to integrate into a society. In fact, we saw in class the example of a young indian who have dificulties to integrate white world's values beacause the settlers have invaded their lands and exterminated his people. In France, the integration of homosexuals is very dificult even if recently the homosexual wedding is reconized however it is still subject of debate.
Futhermore, the power of the medias is very important because the medias as the press can influence public opinios as before in France with the Dreyfus Affair wich divide the French people. The medias also allow us to know the world and the events that happens there but especially to know the truth like in the Cahuzas affair even if the medias themselves can be influenced.
To conclude, several forms of power exist: the power of money, the power of medias, the power politics and other. And places like the White House or l'Elysée represented power. For me the most important power nowadays is the power of money.
Modifié par yesungirl le 06-05-2014 17:27
Modifié par lucile83 le 06-05-2014 18:46
Message de yesungirl posté le 06-05-2014 à 17:25:20 (S | E | F)
J'ai besoin d'aide pour ma synthèse, est-ce quelqu'un pourrait corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît ? (ou du moins m'indiquer s'il y en a)
Merci d'avance !

Ma synthèse:
I will introduce the notion of places and forms of powers. The power is a a right or an authority given or delegated to a person or a body. I'm going to deal with the differents forms of powers. Firstly, we're going to see the power of money in studies then how the regulations and laws can influence people's behavious and the power of medias.
In our society the money has a big role especially in the studies. In fact, we saw in class that the higher education is very expensive in England or in the United States/USA. To go to university, most of students borrown money from bank. Some of them can't pay back ad so have massive debts. This inequality leads to student demonstrations as in England. Even if there is a scholarship it's no enough compared to the tuitions fees which are outrageous. Only rich students will be able to afford to unversity and lower-income students will be penalized. Accordingly, some students give up the idea of going to university. Unlike to England and the United States, in France the government helps many students to pay the high tuitions fees with the scholarships. The students can have jobs to pay theirs tuitions fees but it's no always easy to find a job.
The regulations and laws can create social cohesion but sometimes it's hard for a someone to integrate into a society. In fact, we saw in class the example of a young indian who have dificulties to integrate white world's values beacause the settlers have invaded their lands and exterminated his people. In France, the integration of homosexuals is very dificult even if recently the homosexual wedding is reconized however it is still subject of debate.
Futhermore, the power of the medias is very important because the medias as the press can influence public opinios as before in France with the Dreyfus Affair wich divide the French people. The medias also allow us to know the world and the events that happens there but especially to know the truth like in the Cahuzas affair even if the medias themselves can be influenced.
To conclude, several forms of power exist: the power of money, the power of medias, the power politics and other. And places like the White House or l'Elysée represented power. For me the most important power nowadays is the power of money.
Modifié par yesungirl le 06-05-2014 17:27
Modifié par lucile83 le 06-05-2014 18:46
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