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Bac/Spaces and Exchanges

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Bac/Spaces and Exchanges
Message de tofu69 posté le 06-05-2014 à 17:35:40 (S | E | F)
Est-ce que vous pourriez corriger le texte que j'ai fait pour l'oral du bac s'il vous plaît ? Merci pour vos réponses.

We are going to talk about the notion Space and exchanges. Cities can be considered as global if they have a significant impact on the world around them. For example, if they are politically or culturally influential and if they attract business from near and far.

-What impact do global cities have on people’s everyday lives?

First of all, global cities have a positive aspect on people’s everyday lives. Indeed, when you are living in a global city, there is cultural diversity. Diversity is also a very healthy thing. Through diversity, people begin to understand each other better, and peace and prosperity are allowed to thrive. In London, there is 37 % of the population that isn’t white. Therefore, there is a big cultural diversity in this global city. Nowadays, London tries to be a very environmentally friendly city for the health of the population. Concentrated cities as London deliver also benefits such as lower energy consumption and water savings as activities and people are grouped together. Singapore such as London has positive aspects on its inhabitants. There are nice life conditions in this city-state thanks to its high quality schools, its health care and the cleanness of its streets. Indeed, Singapore is a very strict city and that explain its cleanness (you aren’t allowed to chew chewing-gum or to smoke outside, otherwise you could get a one thousand dollars fine). Moreover, modern Singapore is an economic powerhouse with one of the world’s highest per capita incomes and a city that has one of the lowest crimes rates in the world. But those perfect cities aren’t as perfect as it seems.

Many global cities suffer from congestion. Indeed, too much people mean too much pollution. In 1952, in London, the month of December had started with a very cold weather. The population responded by burning even more coal to heat their homes. The result was The Great Yellow Smog, a thick fog that plunged everyone in the city in a total darkness. Modern researches have put the death toll closer to 12.000 because of the pollution of the smog, the aggressions, the murders and even the accidents. We can also talk about Singapore. On the one hand, we showed that the city has many good aspects, but on the other hand, Singapore hasn’t any common culture, so the population isn't so united. On top of that, it hasn’t natural resources as gas or oil. Singapore has too many rules and as a consequence, it's a very controlled society, were there are no real individual freedom and no real creativity. Too much security means less liberty. There are also problems with commuting. Indeed, people in the world are in pain with their daily commuting. If you ask people in the world about commuting, they may tell you horror stories. Recently, a survey about commuting was made. On the eight thousands commuters questioned in global cities, lot of them said that commuting was affecting their performance at work. There is still plenty of commuting pain, especially in emerging economies and cities as Bangalore, Mexico, Beijing or New-Delhi. Drivers in those cities make more time traveling. Yet, technology may provide a happy ending to this story… Indeed, local officers are trying to make something for congestion.

They are trying to build a ring road; therefore they can decongest downtown cities. Mexico already invested 2.5 billion dollars to improve commuters travel. Indeed, cities are trying to resolve those disadvantages with projects such as London’s road congestion charge. This project limits the number of cars in downtown London to limit pollution. There is also the BedZED project, which is an environmentally friendly housing development. The project is designed to use only renewable sources generated on site. (Space-heating requirement is 87% less; Hot-Water consumption was 57% less). Because of BedZED's low-energy-emission concept, cars are discouraged; the project encourages public transport, cycling, and walking, and has limited parking space. There are good rail and bus links in the immediate area. This project paved the way to healthier housing. Projects like BedZED may lead the way towards the sustainable cities of the future.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-05-2014 18:59


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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