Oral / Mythes et héros
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Message de lazz posté le 08-05-2014 à 19:32:41 (S | E | F)
je passe l'oral d'anglais dans quelques semaines.
J'aimerais savoir ce que vous pensez de l'un de mes textes portant sur la notion de " Mythes et héros " et de le corriger s'il contient des fautes de grammaire, de structure ...
Merci bien
Bonne lecture.
To reply to this question, we need to speak of diferent type of heroes.
We must know the great heroics names.
So, persons can be heroes thank's to events wherein they played an important role.
For example, the NY firefighter became an example in their profession wherein 11 Sept .
After aircraft crash, all NY firefighter had to manage the situation.
They is also man who create his own society.
For example, Steve Jobs who create Apple.
Thank's to his products, he became hero.
Otherwise, he became a legend wherein his dead.
Likewise, exist man became hero thank's to his handicap. It's paradoxical.
It concerns Pistorius.
It's an athlete South-African who had lost both of his legs.
He was handicapped but despite this, he showed at the world that is a great athlete.
All heroes cited are become heroes thank's to their quality as determiantion, willingness or courage.
In class, we studied also, Gandhi.
It's Indian and he studied in London in the law and become a lawyer in India.
He went in South-Africa for his work and he see abuse of blacks and indians victims of intolerance and racism.
That's when he began twenty years for non violent resistance.
He encourage civil desobedience of mass.
He restore also largely indepedance of India but there are conflict between Muslims and Hindous and he get killed by a fanatic hindu.
He became a model, more an hero, a legend.
So, a person became a hero thank's to what he did.
Thus heroes are made.
Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2014 20:20
Message de lazz posté le 08-05-2014 à 19:32:41 (S | E | F)
je passe l'oral d'anglais dans quelques semaines.
J'aimerais savoir ce que vous pensez de l'un de mes textes portant sur la notion de " Mythes et héros " et de le corriger s'il contient des fautes de grammaire, de structure ...
Merci bien

To reply to this question, we need to speak of diferent type of heroes.
We must know the great heroics names.
So, persons can be heroes thank's to events wherein they played an important role.
For example, the NY firefighter became an example in their profession wherein 11 Sept .
After aircraft crash, all NY firefighter had to manage the situation.
They is also man who create his own society.
For example, Steve Jobs who create Apple.
Thank's to his products, he became hero.
Otherwise, he became a legend wherein his dead.
Likewise, exist man became hero thank's to his handicap. It's paradoxical.
It concerns Pistorius.
It's an athlete South-African who had lost both of his legs.
He was handicapped but despite this, he showed at the world that is a great athlete.
All heroes cited are become heroes thank's to their quality as determiantion, willingness or courage.
In class, we studied also, Gandhi.
It's Indian and he studied in London in the law and become a lawyer in India.
He went in South-Africa for his work and he see abuse of blacks and indians victims of intolerance and racism.
That's when he began twenty years for non violent resistance.
He encourage civil desobedience of mass.
He restore also largely indepedance of India but there are conflict between Muslims and Hindous and he get killed by a fanatic hindu.
He became a model, more an hero, a legend.
So, a person became a hero thank's to what he did.
Thus heroes are made.
Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2014 20:20
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