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Oral/Places and forms power

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Oral/Places and forms power
Message de oce07 posté le 11-05-2014 à 23:01:27 (S | E | F)
je passe très prochainement mon oral d'anglais et j'aimerais avoir des avis, des conseils et si possible une correction de mon travail. Merci beaucoup, j'attends vos réponses avec impatience !! Je pense que mon anglais est très mauvais et que j'ai grand besoins d'aide ( je passe mon oral lundi prochain.. )
Merci pour vos réponses.

So, I am going to talk about the notion of places and forms of power. First of fall I would like to give a definition of power. Power is a strength exerted or able to being exerted, power is synonym of might. It can be exerted by Justice, the media (like television, radio),High political authorities for example. In order to illustrate the notion, I have chosen two documents which seem to best illustrate the notion , for first Getting a gun in colorado and second Who is next ? with the fact of shooting at columbine high school. So I will rather the question of weapons in states. These document allow me to show concretely the situation of Americans against the dangers that may represent the weapons. The question I ask myself is if the ownship of a weapon doesn't create more danger it protects and reassures an individual ? And what role have the holders of power in this situation ?
The first document Getting a gun in Colorado deals with the possession of weapon in Colorado. Colorado who is located in west central united states. So this document shows how to get a gun in Colorado as the title says with the laws and conditions to possess it because in the USA detention of firearms is constitutionnal. For having a gun in Colorado according the constitution, it must be aged at eighteen least years, no have a background check, have allowed to own a gun and having registered his weapon. This document talk about the weapon allowed to the public as handguns, long guns or rifles and those prohibited as military weapons for example. So we can say in the USA, gun ownship is part of the American culture. In colorado especially, the gun culture was inherited from the wild west. We can also say that today there are more and more people who want to carry a weapon to be reassured and to feel safe but it can create panic movement and disaster breasts population as we shall see in the next document.
The second document, Who is next ? is a text in two part called "The life before her eyes". In these text, the scene takes place in a highschool, in the first part there are two teenage girl who are in the girl's restroom when they hear gunfire sounds. In the second part we learn that the gunshots are those of a killer who introduced into highschool. There are common points between the extract of who is next and the real facts of the shooting at Columbine High school. In both situation, a shooting takes place and it's caused by students who want to kill as many students or teachers as possible. Each time, the scene take place in a high school. This would have happened if the weapons had been banned ? We can't answer this question but we can be found that shootings are very frequent in the USA and they make lots of victims.
Here the powerful actors are for example media, association and organisations and even President of the Republic as Barack Obama.
There are pros and cons organizations who oppose with for example NRA which defends free trade of weapon and Brady compaign which prevent gun violence. But there are too other important persons as Barack Obama who represent the representative of USA and who in a speech delivered his fight against weapons. The people also have the power to give his opinion on the question thanks to survey, nearly sixty percent of American are in favor of stricter legislation weapons. But today there is no really issue to this problem.
To conclude we can say after a study of the question that in 2010 it's 8 775 (eight thousand seven hundred and seventy five deaths caused by firearms whether 24 killed per day, and about 25 pourcent are owned a weapon . I have the feeling that these numbers will continue to rise that people will continue to purchase weapons and the numbers of deaths and shootings will inscrease. In my opinion anyone yet has the power to it now.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-05-2014 23:33


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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