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Correction oral/Seconde

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Correction oral/Seconde
Message de debo22 posté le 01-06-2014 à 19:27:34 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît? j'ai un oral à passer la semaine prochaine, c'est assez important alors pour être sûre de ce que je dis, je préfère venir vous demander.
Mon sujet est la série "The walking Dead"; je commence par présenter la série, faire un résumé des saisons, parler d'un aspect du film (j'ai choisi le maquillage des zombies) et pour finir je donne mon avis.
Je vous remercie d'avance de votre aide.

For my oral, I will talk about the series « The Walking Dead ».

First, « The Walking Dead » is a series based on a comic book of the same name. It has been adapted for television by Franck Darabont and Robert Kirkman, the authors. The series is broadcast since October 2010 on the American channel AMC. There are four seasons, with about fifteen episodes per season. The fourth season ended there about a month, and the fifth season is in progress. It should be broadcast in October 2014 in the USA.
The Walking Dead is a series of horror and drama. The main actors Andrew Lincoln, who plays Rick Grimes, Chandler Riggs who plays his son, Carl Grimes, Norman Reedus who plays Daryl, Steven Yeun who plays Glenn and Lauren Cohen, who plays Maggie. It is difficult to cite all the main actors because a lot of them appear or disappear during the seasons.

The story takes place at our time, on the United States. The world is apocalyptic, there aren’t poor people or rich, there are babies, children, adults and seniors. Everything starts with Rick Grimes. He’s sheriff in the state of Georgia, and was hurt by a bullet during an arrest. However, when he wakes up in the hospital after several weeks in a coma, he discovers that the place is devastated and there are a lot of corpses. He realizes that he’s alone, and decides to try to find his wife Lori, and his son Carl. But when he arrives at his home, his family, their clothes, and photo albums have disappeared.
Few minutes later, he met Morgan and his son Duane, who explains that an epidemic has propagated and turns people in zombies, also called as Walkers. To kill them, you must pierce their brain. Morgan told him that there is a refugee camp in Atlanta. So he decides to go at this camp to try to find his wife and his son.
But when he arrives at Atlanta, he realizes that there are hundreds of zombies, and that nobody lives here. By chance he meets a small group of survivors, came at Atlanta to find food. Rick will follow them at the camp, where his wife and his son are already. Together they try to survive in this apocalyptic world.

During the second season the group of survivors led by Rick Grimes tries to survive in a world overrun by walkers, arriving on a farm and discovering elements explaining the epidemic.

The third season begins a few months later, while the group roams in a hostile world without food or safe place to rest. They discover an abandoned prison. However, the prison is filled with walkers, and group members are determined to settle there.

During the fourth season, while the prison group is facing new difficulties, they are attacked by a second group who wishes to prison. After the attack, the survivors split up, the prison is now overrun by walkers, the group is divided into several parts when fleeing after the attack of the Governor, but they all follow the same path: the path to the terminus.

I choose to talk about one aspect of the filmmaking: the makeup.

The Walking Dead is very famous for the presence of very realist zombies in the series.(J'ai à ce moment un support avec des photos) This is the different steps of makeup of a "walker", made by special-effects makeup artist Andy Schoneberg.
The makeup technique used is different according to the zombies, and desired look. I chose to talk about the makeup session of Xan Angelovich.

On the first photo, you can see the figurante before makeup.
The first step is the application of a cream used as basis for makeup

The second step is the coloring, he draws scars and other details by airbrushing.

The third step is the hair: he makes his dirty hair, so as to make the character as real as possible.

For the fourth step, he inserts contacts and dyes to obtain a yellowish eye.

The fifth step is the makeup of the teeth. Of course the zombies do not wash their teeth, and don’t opt out the pieces of meat between their teeth, while their mouths must be repugnant!

The makeup of a zombie takes about an hour, sometimes it takes more time because it takes makeup more parts of the person.

Finally, I would say that "The Walking Dead" is a very good series, worth it to be watched. Whenever I watch an episode, I'm surprised of the realism of the characters. When I discovered the series, I didn’t think that I will be addict, because I don’t like this kind of series usually, and yet I love it and I’m impatient to see more episodes. That’s my favorite series.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-06-2014 19:53

Réponse: Correction oral/Seconde de sherry48, postée le 03-06-2014 à 13:45:49 (S | E)

Most of your verbs look good, but take another look at any place where you have different tenses in the same sentence.

First, « The Walking Dead » is a series based on a comic book of the same name. It has been adapted for television by Franck Darabont and Robert Kirkman, the authors. The series is broadcast since October 2010 on the American channel AMC. There are four seasons, with about fifteen episodes per season. The fourth season ended there about a month __, and the fifth season is in progress. It should be broadcast in October 2014 in the USA.
The Walking Dead is a series of horror and drama. The main actors __ Andrew Lincoln, who plays Rick Grimes, Chandler Riggs who plays his son, Carl Grimes, Norman Reedus who plays Daryl, Steven Yeun who plays Glenn and Lauren Cohen, who plays Maggie. It is difficult to cite all the main actors because a lot of them appear or disappear during the seasons.

The story takes place at our time, on the United States. The world is apocalyptic, there aren’t[aren't any or are no] poor people or rich, there are babies, children, adults and seniors. Everything starts with Rick Grimes. He’s sheriff in the state of Georgia, and was hurt by a bullet during an arrest. However, when he wakes up in the hospital after several weeks in a coma, he discovers that the place is devastated and there are a lot of corpses. He realizes that he’s alone, and decides to try to find his wife Lori, and his son Carl. But when he arrives at his home, his family, their clothes, and photo albums have disappeared.
__ Few minutes later, he met Morgan and his son Duane, who explains that an epidemic has propagated and turns people into zombies, also called [called walkers or known as walkers]as Walkers. To kill them, you must pierce their brain. Morgan told him that there is a refugee camp in Atlanta. So he decides to go at this camp to try to find his wife and (his) son.
But when he arrives at Atlanta, he realizes that there are hundreds of zombies, and that nobody lives there. By chance he meets a small group of survivors, came at Atlanta to find food. Rick will follow them at the camp, where his wife and his son are already. Together they try to survive in this apocalyptic world.

During the second season the group of survivors led by Rick Grimes tries to survive in a world overrun by walkers, arriving on a farm and discovering elements explaining the epidemic.

The third season begins a few months later, while the group roams in a hostile world without food or a safe place to rest. They discover an abandoned prison. However, the prison is filled with walkers, and group members are determined to settle there.

During the fourth season, while the prison group is facing new difficulties, they are attacked by a second group who wishes to prison[after wishes to, there should be a verb].

That's all I have time for now. Sherry


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