Correction/ résumé
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Message de leloup posté le 05-06-2014 à 12:03:32 (S | E | F)
Je suis actuellement en stage de recherche et je dois rendre un rapport scientifique dont un résumé de mes recherches. J'aimerais juste savoir si j'ai fait des fautes linguistiques s'il vous plaît.
– A lot of researchers worked on the emotion recognition topic and showed that this recognition rapidly changes in the period’s children and it is affected by several factors: facial expressions, context and prosody. Nevertheless, none prior study used these three clues in the same experiment. The aim of this study is to bring to light if (1) age (2) and gender have an influence on these three clues. Our experiment entails to show short movies to children and teenagers (five to eighteen years) with real actors where these three factors express opposing emotions: joy and sadness. After each movie, subjects have to tell us if the actor who talks, is happy or sad (or “I don’t know”, three response modality). With this experiment, we are able to know on which factor, the subject is focused to attribute an emotion to the other. Our results show that context is used more frequently than facial expressions and then prosody during seven to eleven years. However, during five to seven years and eleven to eighteen years, context and facial expressions are used in the same way. Moreover, results indicate that age doesn’t influence factors used, but boys use significantly more the context than girls to attribute an emotion.
With this methodology, we have results different than those found before. We could explicate simply that it’s the first time that three factors are used in this experiment, or by modality restrictive responses, or still utilisation of two emotions.
Je vous en remercie d'avance !
Modifié par lucile83 le 05-06-2014 12:07
Message de leloup posté le 05-06-2014 à 12:03:32 (S | E | F)
Je suis actuellement en stage de recherche et je dois rendre un rapport scientifique dont un résumé de mes recherches. J'aimerais juste savoir si j'ai fait des fautes linguistiques s'il vous plaît.
– A lot of researchers worked on the emotion recognition topic and showed that this recognition rapidly changes in the period’s children and it is affected by several factors: facial expressions, context and prosody. Nevertheless, none prior study used these three clues in the same experiment. The aim of this study is to bring to light if (1) age (2) and gender have an influence on these three clues. Our experiment entails to show short movies to children and teenagers (five to eighteen years) with real actors where these three factors express opposing emotions: joy and sadness. After each movie, subjects have to tell us if the actor who talks, is happy or sad (or “I don’t know”, three response modality). With this experiment, we are able to know on which factor, the subject is focused to attribute an emotion to the other. Our results show that context is used more frequently than facial expressions and then prosody during seven to eleven years. However, during five to seven years and eleven to eighteen years, context and facial expressions are used in the same way. Moreover, results indicate that age doesn’t influence factors used, but boys use significantly more the context than girls to attribute an emotion.
With this methodology, we have results different than those found before. We could explicate simply that it’s the first time that three factors are used in this experiment, or by modality restrictive responses, or still utilisation of two emotions.
Je vous en remercie d'avance !

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-06-2014 12:07
Réponse: Correction/ résumé de bluduck2, postée le 05-06-2014 à 19:57:18 (S | E)
hello leloup
Voici quelques suggestions de corrections
ligne 1 que voulez-vous dire par "period's children" ? Children nowadays ? Present day children ?
ligne 3 expression de l'âge :5 to 8-year-old children
ligne 4 article "the" devant "subjects (ils ont déjà été mentionnés
ligne 6 "during" veut dire pendant .vous voulez sans doute dire "for the 7 to 14 /Concerning the 7 to 14/
ligne 7 "the" factors (ils ont déjà été mentionnés)
ligne 8 placez plutôt l'adverbe avant "use"
ligne 9 different.... from et adjectif avant le nom
to explain
present perfect après "it's the first time", have been used
ligne 10 utilisation=use , utiliser =to use
Hope this helps ! Bluduck2
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