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Synthèse/lieux et formes pouvoir

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Synthèse/lieux et formes pouvoir
Message de loanoob posté le 28-02-2015 à 21:40:48 (S | E | F)
Pour ne pas me retrouver débordée de travail les dernières semaines avant le bac, je prends de l'avance en préparant au fur et à mesure mes synthèses sur chaque thème. Je viens de finir celle sur la notion ''lieux et formes de pouvoirs'' et ayant des lacunes en anglais j'aimerais bien un coup de main pour corriger les fautes grammaticales.
Merci beaucoup, ce serait vraiment gentil.

I am going to talk bout the notion of locations and forms of power. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: The power is a force exerted or capable of being exerted. It can be exerted by Justice, high political authorities or the media (like television or radio). To illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about the sixties. To what extent the sixties present the big changes in the form of power ? To find answers to this question I have chosen two documents: the movie ‘’Boat That Rocked’’ and the presentations of the sixties. At first, we‘ll see the rebellions against form of power of this time. And in the second time we’ll see the cultural changes in this society.

I- Rebellions contre les formes de pouvoirs de l’époque.
The movie ‘’Boat That Rocked’’ is a comedy who introduces the rebellion against the establishment. In deed in the sixties, broadcasting in the UK was controlled by the British General Post Office, which had granted exclusive radio broadcasting licences to the BBC. The BBC favored a bland if nourishing diet of news, information and children’s programs for example but the rock ‘n’ roll is banished. Actually BBC plays little pop music or classical music. The government minister is implacable but, in this movie persons are decided to rebel against this form of power. To the ire of conservative elements of the UK government a pirate radio station operates on a ship off the coast, capturing half the English audience. It is a band off DJs that captivated Britain, playing music that defined a generation and standing up to a government. This government has to try to stop this movement of rebellion but unsuccessful.

So we had seen the rebellion against this form of power, now we’ll see the cultural changes in the society during the sixties further to the rupture with the Establishment.

II – Changements culturels, conséquence de la rébellion politique.
The rupture with the Establishment had an impact on the television fro example. Indeed with TV appeared advertising and there was more colours. The magazines which appear are satire and the pop culture. These changes are an impact on people: Everyone knows the slogans of advertising for example or the music. Moreover people were together to watch TV, so that develops a social link between the people. The rupture with the Establishment had an impact on the fashion, too. There was the emergence of hippy movement, a lot of new styles appeared. During the sixties news materials were used. For example there were a lot of dresses in PVC, Lurex or Melinex. Moreover there were eccentrics’ hairstyles like some had a gigantic bun placed on the top of the head. For the first time the men are interested in the fashion and they were called peacocks. So further to the rupture with the Establishment, the life is more fun and it is a big change in the sixties.

Bon il manque la conclusion mais je ne l'ai pas encore rédigé sur l'ordinateur, je vous la poste demain.
Sur ce, je vous souhaite un bon weekend !

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-02-2015 22:20

Réponse: Synthèse/lieux et formes pouvoir de loanoob, postée le 01-03-2015 à 21:16:15 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici la conclusion qu'il manquait l'autre jour.

S'il vous plait, j'ai vraiment besoin de votre aide, je passe mardi pour un bac blanc, et cela va peut être tomber sur cette notion. J'aimeras beaucoup qu'elle soit corriger.
Merci d'avance.

To conclude I can say that the sixties present a big change on the forms of powers, the rupture with the Establishment and the consequences on the culture of the society. Now England is free with a good political system. But we should keep in mind that in some countries there are still form of power very strict and without freedom. We must not forget that a lot of people die in these countries if they opposes of power of the leader. So a lot of progresses are still necessary on the form of power.

Réponse: Synthèse/lieux et formes pouvoir de bluestar, postée le 02-03-2015 à 11:11:30 (S | E)

Erreurs en bleu, quelques suggestions en vert. Il y a un gros problème avec le changement les temps du passé au présent et retour..La cohérence est nécessaire ici.

I am going to talk bout the notion of locations and forms of power. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: The power is a force exerted or capable of being exerted. It can be exerted by jJustice, high political authorities or the media (like television or radio). To illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about the Ssixties. To what extent..(manque auxiliare).. the Ssixties present the big changes in the form of power ? To find answers to this question I have chosen two documents: the movie ‘’The Boat That Rocked’’ and the presentations of the Ssixties. At first, we‘ll see the rebellions against the form of power of this time. And in the second time then we’ll see the cultural changes in this society.

I- Rebellions contre les formes de pouvoirs de l’époque.(pourquoi en francais?)
The movie ‘’The Boat That Rocked’’ is a comedy who introduces the rebellion against the establishment. In deed (indeed, un mot) in the Ssixties, broadcasting in the UK was controlled by the British General Post Office, which had granted exclusive radio broadcasting licences to the BBC. The BBC favored a bland if nourishing diet of news, information and children’s programs, for example, but the rock ‘n’ roll is(temps?) banished. Actually BBC plays(temps?) little pop music or classical music. The government minister is implacable but, in this movie persons are decided to rebel against this form of power. To the ire of conservative elements of the UK government a pirate radio station operates on a ship off the coast, capturing half the English audience. It is a band off DJs that captivated Britain, playing music that defined a generation and standing up to a government. This government has to try to stop this movement of rebellion but unsuccessful.(il y a un mélange des temps dans ce paragraphe)

So we had seen (temps) the rebellion against this form of power, now we’ll see the cultural changes in the society during the Ssixties further to the rupture with the Establishment.

II – Changements culturels, conséquence de la rébellion politique.(francais?)
The rupture with the Establishment had an impact on the television fro example. Indeed with TV appeared advertising (ordre des mots)and there was more colours. The magazines which appear are(temps) satire and the pop culture. These changes are an impact on people: Everyone knows the slogans of advertising for example or the music. Moreover people were together to watch TV, so that develops a social link (ordre des mots)between the people. The rupture with the Establishment had an impact on the fashion, too. There was the emergence of hippy movement, a lot of new styles appeared. During the Ssixties news(pas s au pluriel des adjectifs) materials were used. For example there were a lot of dresses in PVC, Lurex or Melinex. Moreover there were eccentrics’ hairstyles like some had such as a gigantic bun placed on the top of the head. For the first time the men are(temps) interested in the fashion and they were called peacocks. So further to the rupture with the Establishment, the life is more fun and it is(temps) a big change in the sixties.

To conclude I can say that the Ssixties present(temps) a big change on the forms of powers, the rupture with the Establishment and the consequences on the culture of the society. Now England is free with a good political system. But we should keep in mind that in some countries there are still form(pluriel) of power very strict and without freedom(ordre des mots). We must not forget that a lot of people die in these countries if they opposes of the power of the leader, sSo a lot of progresses are still necessary on the form of power.

Réponse: Synthèse/lieux et formes pouvoir de loanoob, postée le 17-04-2015 à 10:12:41 (S | E)
J'avais posté ma synthèse sur les lieux et formes de pouvoirs il y a longtemps, des personnes me l'avait corrigé mais je n'avais pas eu le temps de revenir et du coup le post s'était fermé. Comme je passe le Bac la semaine prochaine, je la remet ici en ayant tenu compte des erreurs que m'avait signalé un membre la dernière fois. Désolé!

I am going to talk bout the notion of locations and forms of power. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: Power is a force exerted or capable of being exerted. It can be exerted by justice, high political authorities or the media (like television or radio). To illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about the Sixties. To what extent do the Sixties present big changes in the form of power ? To find answers to this question I have chosen two documents: the movie ‘’The Boat That Rocked’’ and the presentations of the Sixties. At first, we‘ll see the rebellions against the form of power of this time. And then we’ll see the cultural changes in this society.

The movie ‘’The Boat That Rocked’’ is a comedy which introduces the rebellion against the establishment. Indeed in the Sixties, broadcasting in the UK was controlled by the British General Post Office, which had granted exclusive radio broadcasting licences to the BBC. The BBC favored a bland if nourishing diet of news, information and children’s programs, for example, but rock ‘n’ roll was banished. Actually BBC played little pop music or classical music. The government minister is implacable but, in this movie persons were decided to rebel against this form of power. To the ire of conservative elements of the UK government a pirate radio station operates on a ship off the coast, capturing half the English audience. It was a band of DJs who captivated Britain, playing music that defined a generation and standing up to a government. This government had to try to stop this movement of rebellion but unsuccessful.

So we saw the rebellion against this form of power, now we’ll see the cultural changes in the society during the Sixties further to the rupture with the Establishment.

The rupture with the Establishment had an impact on the television for example. Indeed with TV advertising appeared and there were more colours. The magazines which appear were satire and the pop culture. These changes were an impact on people: Everyone knows the slogans of advertising for example or the music. Moreover people were together to watch TV, so that a social link developed between the people. The rupture with the Establishment had an impact on fashion, too. There was the emergence of hippy movement, a lot of new styles appeared. During the Sixties materials were used. For example there were a lot of dresses in PVC, Lurex or Melinex. Moreover there were eccentrics hairstyles like some had a gigantic bun placed on the top of the head. For the first time the men were interested in the fashion and they were called peacocks. So further to the rupture with the Establishment, the life is more fun and it was a big change in the sixties.

To conclude I can say that the Sixties presented a big change in the forms of powers, the rupture with the Establishment and the consequences on the culture of the society. Now England is free with a good political system. But we should keep in mind that in some countries there are still forms of power very strict and without freedom(je ne comprends pas ce qui ne va pas ici …) We must not forget that a lot of people die in these countries if they oppose from the power of the leader, so progress is still necessary.

Voilà, en espérant obtenir de l'aide, je vous remercie!

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-04-2015 12:29
Fusion des deux topics, l'ancien étant toujours ouvert.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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