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Aide/idea of progress

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Aide/idea of progress
Message de braawr posté le 19-04-2017 à 14:24:06 (S | E | F)
j'aurais besoin d'aide, d'avis et d'une correction en vue de la préparation pour mon oral de Bac en anglais sur les 4 notions. Je vous présente mon travail sur la notion de Idea of Progress.

I am going to talk about the Idea of progress. Progress can be defined as a scientific or social advance to made a better world. When we talked about progress we directly think about new technology like real virtuality or 3D but today I will talk about an other aspect of the progress. I will present you the evolution of family structures. This concept of family structures is a old thing and it has always been in constant evolution. We will ask ourselves : does the evolution of family structures means progress ? For that we will have to compare how family structures were before and how are they now.

First of all I will told you what is meant by old family structure or traditional family ? To define these term, a traditional family is a family with a married couple, one dad and one mother with their bioligical children. According to the document called American family life in 50’s in the traditional family rights and duties of family members were uneven. The family was headed by the man he was the only breadwinner and the wife had to stay at home and look after children that’s « gender role ». The wife depend on their husband financialy.

All families aren’t traditional family, new family types include single sexe couple, blended families, unmarried couple, interracial couples, single parents-famillies with adopted child. According to the document « Evolving Families » and according to a survey 63% of surveyed consider same sex couple as a family. We studied a document called « Pregnancy for Pay » it talk about surrogate mother in this document the couple William and Elizabeth Stern wanted a baby but couldn’t have one on their own. So they contact a surrogate mother nammed Mary Beth to be artificially inseminated with William’s sperm. Mary Beth to be inseminated against money. Mary gave birth to a baby but she refused to gave the baby to Stern couple. This raises the question, should we authorize surrogate mothers or not ? Surrogate mother is an very controversial topic.

In my opinion, we can’t say that the evolution of family structure is a progress or not because that depends on your political opinion. If you are are rather a liberal you are for the evolution of families structures but if you are a conservative so you are against the modern structures and you want to keep gender roles of 1950’s. I believe that everybody has the right to found a family with who he want. But I think surrogate mother have to be legall just if they do it for free, like that i twill never have problem with trafic of child.

Merci pour votre aide ;)

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-04-2017 13:19

Réponse : Aide/idea of progress de laure95, postée le 20-04-2017 à 10:22:56 (S | E)
- When we talked about progress: mettre au présent.
- an other aspect of the (pas de the)progress.
- a old thing: a + mot commençant par une consonne.
- We will ask ourselves : chercher le verbe se demander.
- does the evolution of family structures means (pas de s) progress ?
- First of all I will told (will + infinitif)you what is meant by old family structure or traditional family ? (enlever le point d'interrogation)
- these term+ these + pluriel.
- The wife depend (passé) on their husband financialy.

All families aren’t traditional family,(pluriel)
- with adopted child (pluriel)
- 63% of surveyed consider (article)same sex couple as a family.
- it talk: pas le bon mot ici + faute de conjugaison.
- So they contact (passé)a surrogate mother
- Mary Beth to be inseminated: mal construit.
- an very controversial topic: AN + MOT COMMENCANT PAR UNE VOYELLE.

- with who (pas le bon relatif) he want.
- But I think surrogate mother (pluriel) have to be legall (faute d'orthographe)
- trafic of child (pluriel).

Réponse : Aide/idea of progress de braawr, postée le 20-04-2017 à 12:28:02 (S | E)
I am going to talk about the Idea of progress. Progress can be defined as a scientific or social advance to made a better world. When we talk about progress we directly think about new technology like real virtuality or 3D but today I will talk about an other aspect of progress. I will present you the evolution of family structures. This concept of family structures is an old thing and it has always been in constant evolution. We wonder ourselves : does the evolution of family structures mean progress ? For that we will have to compare how family structures were before and how are they now.

First of all I will tell you what is meant by old family structure or traditional family. To define these terms, a traditional family is a family with a married couple, one dad and one mother with their bioligical children. According to the document called American family life in 50’s in the traditional family rights and duties of family members were uneven. The family was headed by the man he was the only breadwinner and the wife had to stay at home and look after children that’s « gender role ». The wife depended on their husband financialy.

All families aren’t traditional families, new family types include single sexe couple, blended families, unmarried couple, interracial couples, single parents-famillies with adopted children. According to the document « Evolving Families » and according to a survey 63% of surveyed consider the same sex couple as a family. We studied a document called « Pregnancy for Pay » it spoke of surrogate mother in this document the couple William and Elizabeth Stern wanted a baby but couldn’t have one on their own. So they contacted a surrogate mother nammed Mary Beth to be artificially inseminated with William’s sperm. Mary Beth has accepted to be inseminated against money. Mary gave birth to a baby but she refused to gave the baby to Stern couple. This raises the question, should we authorize surrogate mothers or not ? Surrogate mother is a very controversial topic.

In my opinion, we can’t say that the evolution of family structure is a progress or not because that depends on your political opinion. If you are are rather a liberal you are for the evolution of families structures but if you are a conservative so you are against the modern structures and you want to keep gender roles of 1950’s. I believe that everybody has the right to found a family with whom he want. But I think surrogate mothers have to be legal just if they do it for free, like that i twill never have problem with trafic of children.

Merci beaucoup pour votre aide =) j'espere que c'est mieux comme ca =)

Réponse : Aide/idea of progress de laure95, postée le 20-04-2017 à 17:38:28 (S | E)
- We wonder ourselves : to Wonder = se demander. Donc, ne pas mettre ourselves.
- does the evolution of family structures mean progress ?: avec wonder, tu dois faire une interrogative indirecte: if + sujet + verbe conjugué + complément.

- look after (mettre un possessif) children
- The wife depended on their (mettre un possessif au singulier)husband financialy. (orthographe)

- single sexe (orthographe)couple (pluriel),
- single parents-famillies (orthographe)with adopted children.
- a survey 63% of surveyed (répétition) consider (faute de conjugaison)the same sex couple
- it spoke: un document ne parle pas, mais traite un sujet.
- Mary Beth has (enlever has) accepted to be inseminated against money.

- he want: faute de conjugaison.
- i twill never have problem: ?

Réponse : Aide/idea of progress de xjuggy, postée le 20-04-2017 à 18:10:37 (S | E)

I am going to talk about the Idea of progress. Progress can be defined as a scientific or social advance to made (use infinitive) a better world. When we talk about progress we directly think about new technology like real virtuality (incorrect word) or 3D but today I will talk about an other (spelling) aspect of progress. I will present you (indirect object) the evolution of family structures. This concept of family structures is an old thing and it has always been in constant evolution. We wonder ourselves ("wonder" is not reflexive ; note: "we ask ourselves" works in this context) : does the evolution of family structures mean progress ? For that, we will have to compare how family structures were before and how are they now.

First of all, I will tell you what is meant by old family structure or traditional family. To define these terms, a traditional family is a family with a married couple, one dad (use similarly formal term to "mother") and one mother with their bioligical (spelling) children. According to the document called American family life in 50’s, (title ; use proper capitalization) in the traditional family, rights and duties of family members were uneven. The family was headed by the man (he was the only breadwinner) and the wife had to stay at home and look after (possessive pronoun [or article] required) children; that’s « gender role ». The wife depended on their (incorrect pronoun ; agreement with "wife") husband financialy.

All families aren’t traditional families, new family types include single sexe (spelling) couple (plural) , blended families,unmarried couple (plural), interracial couples, single parents-famillies (hyphenation and spelling) with adopted children. According to the document « Evolving Families » and according to a survey, 63% of (of whom? ; pronoun or noun required) surveyed consider the same sex couple as a family. We studied a document called « Pregnancy for Pay » it spoke of (article required) surrogate mother in this document; the couple William and Elizabeth Stern wanted a baby but couldn’t have one on their own. So they contacted a surrogate mother nammed Mary Beth to be artificially inseminated with William’s sperm. Mary Beth has accepted (use preterite ; unique completed event in the past) to be inseminated against (incorrect preposition) money. Mary gave birth to a baby but she refused to gave (use infinitive) the baby to (article required) Stern couple. This raises the question, should we authorize surrogate mothers or not ? (article required) Surrogate mother is a very controversial topic.

In my opinion, we can’t say that the evolution of (article required ; general) family structure is a (zero article) progress or not because that depends on your political opinion. If you are are rather a ()no article liberal you are for the evolution of families (no agreement in English) structures but if you are a conservative, so you are against the modern structures and you want to keep (article required ; specific gender roles) gender roles of 1950’s. I believe that everybody has the right to found (use infinitive) a family with whom he want (1. incorrect pronoun 2. subject-verb agreement). But I think surrogate mothers have to be legal, just if they do it for free, like that i twill (1. faute de frappe; 2. incorrect pronoun) never have problem (plural) with trafic (spelling) of children.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-04-2017 23:40
No red on the forum, thanks.

Réponse : Aide/idea of progress de braawr, postée le 21-04-2017 à 00:38:35 (S | E)
Hi I tried to correct all my errors =) is it better ? Thanks you for your help guys ?

I am going to talk about the Idea of progress. Progress can be defined as a scientific or social advance to make a better world. When we talk about progress we directly think about new technology like virtual reality or 3D but today I will talk about another aspect of progress. I will present you the evolution of family structures. This concept of family structures is an old thing and it has always been in constant evolution. We ask ourselves: does the evolution of family structures mean progress ? For that, we will have to compare how family structures were before and how are they now.

First of all, I will tell you what is meant by old family structure or traditional family. To define these terms, a traditional family is a family with a married couple, one father and one mother with their biological children. According to the document called “American family life in 50’s”, in the traditional family, rights and duties of family members were uneven. The family was headed by the man (he was the only breadwinner and the wife had to stay at home and look after the children; that’s « gender role ». The wife depended on her husband financially.

All families aren’t traditional families, new family types include single sex couples , blended families, unmarried couples , interracial couples, single parents with adopted children. According to the document « Evolving Families » and according to a survey, 63% of people consider the same sex couple as a family. We studied a document called « Pregnancy for Pay » it spoke of the surrogate mother in this document; the couple William and Elizabeth Stern wanted a baby but couldn’t have one on their own. So, they contacted a surrogate mother named Mary Beth to be artificially inseminated with William’s sperm. Mary Beth accepted to be inseminated in exchange of money. Mary gave birth to a baby but she refused to give the baby to the Stern couple. This raises the question, should we authorize surrogate mothers or not ? The Surrogate mother is a very controversial topic.

In my opinion, we can’t say that the evolution of the family structure is progress or not because that depends on your political opinion. If you are rather liberal you are for the evolution of family structures but if you are a conservative, so you are against the modern structures and you want to keep the gender roles of 1950’s. I believe that everybody has the right to found a family with whom they want . But I think surrogate mothers have to be legal, just if they do it for free, like that it will never have problems with traffic of children.


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