The missing vowels/247
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basThe missing vowels/247
Message de marit64 posté le 07-02-2018 à 22:32:02 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, the number of vowels is given in 9 out of 10 answers.
1- The leader of a group of people who are doing something wrong. ..... (d g r l n r) 4
2- To make the cry of a horse. ..... (h n w n) 2
3- A long-handled tool with a metal blade used for removing or destroying weeds etc. ..... (h)
4- To calm or satisfy (a person, desire etc) usually by giving what was asked for or is needed. ..... (p s p) 4
5- The way in which letters are formed. ..... (t n r t l g) 3
6- To be brighter than. ..... (h t n s) 4
7- The speech defect of being unable to produce easily certain sounds. ..... (m t r s m) 2
8- To feel a great desire; to long. ..... (r y n) 2
9- To explain in detail. ..... (p d x n) 3
10- Lying flat, especially face downwards. ..... (r n p) 2
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Message de marit64 posté le 07-02-2018 à 22:32:02 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, the number of vowels is given in 9 out of 10 answers.

1- The leader of a group of people who are doing something wrong. ..... (d g r l n r) 4

2- To make the cry of a horse. ..... (h n w n) 2

3- A long-handled tool with a metal blade used for removing or destroying weeds etc. ..... (h)

4- To calm or satisfy (a person, desire etc) usually by giving what was asked for or is needed. ..... (p s p) 4

5- The way in which letters are formed. ..... (t n r t l g) 3

6- To be brighter than. ..... (h t n s) 4

7- The speech defect of being unable to produce easily certain sounds. ..... (m t r s m) 2

8- To feel a great desire; to long. ..... (r y n) 2

9- To explain in detail. ..... (p d x n) 3

10- Lying flat, especially face downwards. ..... (r n p) 2

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/247 de afarodj, postée le 08-02-2018 à 02:05:15 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit

Hi everybody

Here is my try . Have a nice week.
1- The leader of a group of people who are doing something wrong. ..... (d g r l n r) 4.- Ringleader.- Chef de bande
2- To make the cry of a horse. ..... (h n w n) 2 .- Whinny.- Hennir.
3- A long-handled tool with a metal blade used for removing or destroying weeds etc. ..... (h) .-Hoe.- Binette.
4- To calm or satisfy (a person, desire etc) usually by giving what was asked for or is needed. ..... (p s p) 4 .- Appease.- Amadouer.
5- The way in which letters are formed. ..... (t n r t l g) 3 .- Lettering.- Lettrage - Ecriture.
6- To be brighter than. ..... (h t n s) 4 .- Outshine.- Plus brillant- Surpasser.
7- The speech defect of being unable to produce easily certain sounds. ..... (m t r s m) 2 .- Stammer.- Balbutier.
8- To feel a great desire; to long. ..... (r y n) 2 .- Yearn.- Languir.
9- To explain in detail. ..... (p d x n) 3 .- Expound.- Disserter.
10- Lying flat, especially face downwards. ..... (r n p) 2 .- Prone.-Couché face contre terre.
Modifié par afarodj le 08-02-2018 02:06
Réponse : The missing vowels/247 de daisy50, postée le 08-02-2018 à 08:34:46 (S | E)
Hello Marit,
It's very cold this morning,
Here is my try :
1- The leader of a group of people who are doing something wrong. ..... (d g r l n r) 4 ringleader
2- To make the cry of a horse. ..... (h n w n) 2 whinny
3- A long-handled tool with a metal blade used for removing or destroying weeds etc. ..... (h) hoe
4- To calm or satisfy (a person, desire etc) usually by giving what was asked for or is needed. ..... (p s p) 4 appease
5- The way in which letters are formed. ..... (t n r t l g) 3 lettering
6- To be brighter than. ..... (h t n s) 4 outshine ouf! j'ai beaucoup cherché)
7- The speech defect of being unable to produce easily certain sounds. ..... (m t r s m) 2 stammer
8- To feel a great desire; to long. ..... (r y n) 2 yearn
9- To explain in detail. ..... (p d x n) 3 expound
10- Lying flat, especially face downwards. ..... (r n p) 2 prone
I always have a lot of pleasure to look for the words. Many thanks again.
Have an excellent week ! See you later!
Bonjour à tous les fans de Marit!
Réponse : The missing vowels/247 de flowermusic, postée le 08-02-2018 à 09:47:20 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
Et bon jeu à la fine équipe, toujours fidèles

1- The leader of a group of people who are doing something wrong. ..... (d g r l n r) 4 ringleader
2- To make the cry of a horse. ..... (h n w n) 2 whinny
3- A long-handled tool with a metal blade used for removing or destroying weeds etc. ..... (h) hoe
4- To calm or satisfy (a person, desire etc) usually by giving what was asked for or is needed. ..... (p s p) 4 appease
5- The way in which letters are formed. ..... (t n r t l g) 3 lettering
6- To be brighter than. ..... (h t n s) 4 outshine
7- The speech defect of being unable to produce easily certain sounds. ..... (m t r s m) 2 stammer
8- To feel a great desire; to long. ..... (r y n) 2 yearn
9- To explain in detail. ..... (p d x n) 3 expound
10- Lying flat, especially face downwards. ..... (r n p) 2 prone
Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels/247 de sanna6, postée le 10-02-2018 à 17:10:33 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- The leader of a group of people who are doing something wrong. ... Ringleader - Meneur
2- To make the cry of a horse. ...Whinny - Hennissement
3- A long-handled tool with a metal blade used for removing or destroying weeds etc. ... Hoe - Binette
4- To calm or satisfy (a person, desire etc) usually by giving what was asked for or is needed. ...To appease - Apaiser
5- The way in which letters are formed. ...Lettering - Lettrage
6- To be brighter than. ...To outshine - Briller plus que
7- The speech defect of being unable to produce easily certain sounds. ... Stammer - Bégaiement
8- To feel a great desire; to long. ... To yearn - Aspirer à
9- To explain in detail. ...To expand - Développer To expound - Expliquer...Thank you Marit!

10- Lying flat, especially face downwards. ...prone - Prédisposé
I thank you very much for this new Missing vowels Marit!

Hope a nice week for everybody!

Modifié par sanna6 le 15-02-2018 21:15
Réponse : The missing vowels/247 de swan85, postée le 12-02-2018 à 13:47:13 (S | E)
Hello Marit and Hello Everybody.
Thank you very much for this new exercise.
1- The leader of a group of people who are doing something wrong. (d g r l n r) 4 RINGLEADER
2- To make the cry of a horse. (h n w n) 2 WHINNY
3- A long-handled tool with a metal blade used for removing or destroying weeds etc. (h) HOE
4- To calm or satisfy (a person, desire etc) usually by giving what was asked for or is needed. (p s p) 4 APPEASE
5- The way in which letters are formed. (t n r t l g) 3 LETTERING
6- To be brighter than. (h t n s) 4 OUTSHINE
7- The speech defect of being unable to produce easily certain sounds. (m t r s m) 2 STAMMER
8- To feel a great desire; to long. (r y n) 2 YEARN
9- To explain in detail. (p d x n) 3 EXPOUND
10- Lying flat, especially face downwards. (r n p) 2 PRONE
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