The missing vowels/248
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Message de marit64 posté le 15-02-2018 à 00:02:32 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, the number of vowels is still given in 9 out of 10 answers.
1- A spike of a fork. ..... (n p g r)
2- A small spot or stain. ..... (k p s c) 1
3- To stumble or hesitate. ..... (t f l r) 2
4- Kindness and courteousness especially towards women or the weak. ..... (v l h r c) 3
5- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. ..... (b r s h m) 2
6- A male duck. ..... (k r d) 2
7- A person who watches something happening. ..... (l r k n) 4
8- A trace, or slight amount, of a colour. ..... (g t n) 2
9- A weak person who is dominated by someone else, or who is the loser in a struggle. ..... (d g r n d) 3
10- Without previous thought or preparation. ..... (p x m t r) 4
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Message de marit64 posté le 15-02-2018 à 00:02:32 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, the number of vowels is still given in 9 out of 10 answers.

1- A spike of a fork. ..... (n p g r)

2- A small spot or stain. ..... (k p s c) 1

3- To stumble or hesitate. ..... (t f l r) 2

4- Kindness and courteousness especially towards women or the weak. ..... (v l h r c) 3

5- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. ..... (b r s h m) 2

6- A male duck. ..... (k r d) 2

7- A person who watches something happening. ..... (l r k n) 4

8- A trace, or slight amount, of a colour. ..... (g t n) 2

9- A weak person who is dominated by someone else, or who is the loser in a struggle. ..... (d g r n d) 3

10- Without previous thought or preparation. ..... (p x m t r) 4

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/248 de daisy50, postée le 15-02-2018 à 01:16:36 (S | E)
Hello Marit,
Here is my work :
1- A spike of a fork. ..... (n p g r) prong
2- A small spot or stain. ..... (k p s c) 1 speck
3- To stumble or hesitate. ..... (t f l r) 2 falter
4- Kindness and courteousness especially towards women or the weak. ..... (v l h r c) 3 chivalry
5- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. ..... (b r s h m) 2 rhombus
6- A male duck. ..... (k r d) 2 drake
7- A person who watches something happening. ..... (l r k n) 4 onlooker
8- A trace, or slight amount, of a colour. ..... (g t n) 2 tinge
9- A weak person who is dominated by someone else, or who is the loser in a struggle. ..... (d g r n d) 3 underdog
10- Without previous thought or preparation. ..... (p x m t r) 4 extempore
Many thanks Marit for these words rather easy to find today. But are they exact?
Have a quiet week and see you soon!
Bonjour à toute l'équipe "missing vowels".
Réponse : The missing vowels/248 de chocolatcitron, postée le 15-02-2018 à 01:52:27 (S | E)
Hello my dear Marit, thank you so much for your new exercice!

Hi everybody, specially for my "Missing Vowels"'s friends !

Here is my work:
1- A spike of a fork.(n p g r) prong = dent d'une fourchette.
2- A small spot or stain. (k p s c) 1 speck = petite tache, grain.
3- To stumble or hesitate. (t f l r) 2 falter = faiblir, bafouiller, fléchir.
4- Kindness and courteousness especially towards women or the weak. (v l h r c) 3 chivalry = courtoisie, galanterie... devenu trop rare, hélas !
5- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. (b r s h m) 2 rhombus = losange.
6- A male duck.(k r d) 2 drake = canard (mâle).
7- A person who watches something happening. (l r k n) 4 onlooker = badaud, curieux.
8- A trace, or slight amount, of a colour. ..... (g t n) 2 Une page web m'a donné la réponse :

Lien internet
9- A weak person who is dominated by someone else, or who is the loser in a struggle. ..... (d g r n d) 3 underdog = outsider, opprimé.
10- Without previous thought or preparation. (p x m t r) 4 extempore = spontané, impromptu.
Have a sweet week!
See you soon.
Réponse : The missing vowels/248 de flowermusic, postée le 15-02-2018 à 09:51:19 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
Hi all of you
1- A spike of a fork. ..... (n p g r) prong
2- A small spot or stain. ..... (k p s c) 1 speck
3- To stumble or hesitate. ..... (t f l r) 2 falter
4- Kindness and courteousness especially towards women or the weak. ..... (v l h r c) 3 chivalry
5- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. ..... (b r s h m) 2 rhombus
6- A male duck. ..... (k r d) 2 drake
7- A person who watches something happening. ..... (l r k n) 4 onlooker
8- A trace, or slight amount, of a colour. ..... (g t n) 2 tinge
9- A weak person who is dominated by someone else, or who is the loser in a struggle. ..... (d g r n d) 3 underdog
10- Without previous thought or preparation. ..... (p x m t r) 4 extempore
Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels/248 de afarodj, postée le 15-02-2018 à 14:20:37 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit

Hi everybody

Here is my try . Have a nice week.
1- A spike of a fork. ..... (n p g r) .-Prong.-Fourchon.
2- A small spot or stain. ..... (k p s c) 1 .-Speck.- Petite tache.
3- To stumble or hesitate. ..... (t f l r) 2 .-Falter.- Hésiter.
4- Kindness and courteousness especially towards women or the weak. ..... (v l h r c) 3 .-Chivalry.- Galanterie.
5- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. ..... (b r s h m) 2 .-Rhombus.- Losange
6- A male duck. ..... (k r d) 2 .-Drake.- Canard (mâle).
7- A person who watches something happening. ..... (l r k n) 4 .-Onlooker. - Spectaeur.
8- A trace, or slight amound, of a colour. ..... (g t n) 2 .-Tinge.- Teinte.
9- A weak person who is dominated by someone else, or who is the loser in a struggle. ..... (d g r n d) 3 .-Underdog.- Opprimé.
10- Without previous thought or preparation. ..... (p x m t r) 4 .-Proximate.- Approximatif.
Réponse : The missing vowels/248 de peticha, postée le 15-02-2018 à 18:02:52 (S | E)
Hello dear marit, and hi everybody!

Thank you so much, marit, for your new and funny exercise.

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.
This week, the number of vowels is still given in 9 out of 10 answers.
Here is my try:
1- A spike of a fork. ..... (n p g r) prong: dent (fourchette).
2- A small spot or stain. ..... (k p s c) 1 speck: petite tache.
3- To stumble or hesitate. ..... (t f l r) 2 falter: bafouiller, hésiter.
4- Kindness and courteousness especially towards women or the weak. ..... (v l h r c) 3 chivalry: courtoisie, savoir vivre.
5- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. ..... (b r s h m) 2 rhombus: losange.
6- A male duck. ..... (k r d) 2 drake : canard (la mâle).
7- A person who watches something happening. ..... (l r k n) 4 onlooker: badaud.
8- A trace, or slight amount, of a colour. ..... (g t n) 2 tinge: teinte
9- A weak person who is dominated by someone else, or who is the loser in a struggle. ..... (d g r n d) 3 underdog: perdant.
10- Without previous thought or preparation. ..... (p x m t r) 4 extempore: spontané.
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week, everybody!
So long.
Réponse : The missing vowels/248 de sanna6, postée le 18-02-2018 à 18:04:14 (S | E)
Hello Marit

I thank you very much for this new Missing vowels Marit

1- A spike of a fork. ..... (n p g r) Prong - dent d'une fourchette
2- A small spot or stain. ..... (k p s c) 1 Speck - Petite tache / grain
3- To stumble or hesitate. ..... (t f l r) 2 To falter - Bafouiller
4- Kindness and courteousness especially towards women or the weak. ..... (v l h r c) 3 Chivalry - (Conduite) chevaleresque
5- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. ..... (b r s h m) 2 Rhombus - Losange
6- A male duck. ..... (k r d) 2 Drake - Malard
7- A person who watches something happening. ..... (l r k n) 4 Onlooker - Spectateur
8- A trace, or slight amount, of a colour. ..... (g t n) 2 Tinge - Teinte / Nuance
9- A weak person who is dominated by someone else, or who is the loser in a struggle. ..... (d g r n d) 3 Underdog - Victime / Opprimé
10- Without previous thought or preparation. ..... (p x m t r) 4 Extempore - Impromptu ou de manière improvisée
I wish you all a nice week!

Réponse : The missing vowels/248 de swan85, postée le 20-02-2018 à 13:47:02 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hello Everybody
1- A spike of a fork. (n p g r) PRONG
2- A small spot or stain. (k p s c) 1 SPECK
3- To stumble or hesitate. (t f l r) 2 FALTER
4- Kindness and courteousness especially towards women or the weak. (v l h r c) 3 CHEVALRY
5- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. (b r s h m) 2 RHOMBUS
6- A male duck. (k r d) 2 DRAKE
7- A person who watches something happening. (l r k n) 4 ONLOOKER
8- A trace, or slight amount, of a colour (g t n) 2 TINGE
9- A weak person who is dominated by someone else, or who is the loser in a struggle. (d g r n d) 3 UNDERDOG
10- Without previous thought or preparation. (p x m t r) 4 EXTEMPORE
Again, thank you for this very interesting excercise.
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