The missing vowels/254
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basThe missing vowels/254
Message de marit64 posté le 29-03-2018 à 00:01:51 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, I'm giving you all the numbers of vowels.
1- A revolving machine on which one can ride for pleasure; a merry-go-round. ..... (d t b n r) 5
2- Inclined to cry or weep; with much crying or weeping. ..... (f t l r) 3
3- Very busy; rushed. ..... ( c h t c) 2
4- To make warm by rubbing with the hands. ..... (h f c) 2
5- Lying flat, especially face downwards. ..... (r p n) 2
6- Size from side to side. ..... (d h w t) 1
7- Showing good judgement; wise. ..... (h w r d s) 1
8- One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes. ..... (l g l) 1
9- To trade by giving (one thing) in exchange (for another). ..... (r b t r) 2
10- A block, usually of iron, on which metal objects (horse-shoes) are hammered into shape. ..... (v n l) 2
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Happy Easter to all of you.
Message de marit64 posté le 29-03-2018 à 00:01:51 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, I'm giving you all the numbers of vowels.

1- A revolving machine on which one can ride for pleasure; a merry-go-round. ..... (d t b n r) 5

2- Inclined to cry or weep; with much crying or weeping. ..... (f t l r) 3

3- Very busy; rushed. ..... ( c h t c) 2

4- To make warm by rubbing with the hands. ..... (h f c) 2

5- Lying flat, especially face downwards. ..... (r p n) 2

6- Size from side to side. ..... (d h w t) 1

7- Showing good judgement; wise. ..... (h w r d s) 1

8- One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes. ..... (l g l) 1

9- To trade by giving (one thing) in exchange (for another). ..... (r b t r) 2

10- A block, usually of iron, on which metal objects (horse-shoes) are hammered into shape. ..... (v n l) 2

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Happy Easter to all of you.
Réponse : The missing vowels/254 de afarodj, postée le 29-03-2018 à 17:52:06 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit

Hi everybody

Here is my try. Have a great week and Happy Easter.
1- A revolving machine on which one can ride for pleasure; a merry-go-round. ..... (d t b n r) 5.-Roundabout.- Manège.
2- Inclined to cry or weep; with much crying or weeping. ..... (f t l r) 3.-Tearful.-Larmoyant.
3- Very busy; rushed. ..... ( c h t c) 2.-Hectic.-Trépidant.
4- To make warm by rubbing with the hands. ..... (h f c) 2.-Chafe.-Frotter.
5- Lying flat, especially face downwards. ..... (r p n) 2.Prone.-Face contre terre.
6- Size from side to side. ..... (d h w t) 1.-Width.-Largeur.
7- Showing good judgement; wise. ..... (h w r d s) 1.-Shrewd.-Judicieux.
8- One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes. ..... (l g l) 1.-Gill.-Branchie.
9- To trade by giving (one thing) in exchange (for another). ..... (r b t r) 2.-Barter.-Troc.
10- A block, usually of iron, on which metal objects (horse-shoes) are hammered into shape. ..... (v n l) 2.-Anvil.-Enclume.
Réponse : The missing vowels/254 de chocolatcitron, postée le 29-03-2018 à 20:57:15 (S | E)
The missing vowels/254
Message de marit64 posté le 29-03-2018 à 00:01:51 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks a lot for your new exercise !

Hi Everybody

Here is my work :
1- A revolving machine on which one can ride for pleasure; a merry-go-round. (d t b n r) 5 roundabout = carousel, manège.
2- Inclined to cry or weep; with much crying or weeping.(f t l r) 3 tearful = triste, déchirant, sur le point de pleurer.
3- Very busy; rushed. ( c h t c) 2 hectic = intense, trépidant.
4- To make warm by rubbing with the hands. (h f c) 2 chafe = frotter.
5- Lying flat, especially face downwards. (r p n) 2 prone = sur le ventre, face contre terre.
6- Size from side to side. (d h w t) 1 width = largeur.
7- Showing good judgement; wise. (h w r d s) 1 shrewd = malin, maligne.
8- One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes. (l g l) 1 gill = branchie.
9- To trade by giving (one thing) in exchange (for another). (r b t r) 2 barter = troc.
10- A block, usually of iron, on which metal objects (horse-shoes) are hammered into shape. (v n l) 2 anvil = enclume.
Happy easter to all of you ! Have also a very sweet and great week!
See you soon.
Réponse : The missing vowels/254 de peticha, postée le 29-03-2018 à 21:16:02 (S | E)
The missing vowels/254
Message de marit64 posté le 29-03-2018 à 00:01:51 (S | E | F)
Hello dear marit and everybody!

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.
This week, I'm giving you all the numbers of vowels.
Here is my try:
1- A revolving machine on which one can ride for pleasure; a merry-go-round. ..... (d t b n r) 5 roundabout: carousel.
2- Inclined to cry or weep; with much crying or weeping. ..... (f t l r) 3 tearful: au bord des larmes.
3- Very busy; rushed. ..... ( c h t c) 2 hectic: intense,frénétique.
4- To make warm by rubbing with the hands. ..... (h f c) 2 chafe: frotter.
5- Lying flat, especially face downwards. ..... (r p n) 2 prone: face contre terre.
6- Size from side to side. ..... (d h w t) 1 width: largeur.
7- Showing good judgement; wise. ..... (h w r d s) 1 shrewd: astucieux.
8- One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes. ..... (l g l) 1 gill: branchie.
9- To trade by giving (one thing) in exchange (for another). ..... (r b t r) 2 barter: troc.
10- A block, usually of iron, on which metal objects (horse-shoes) are hammered into shape. ..... (v n l) 2 anvil: enclume.
Good luck and have fun!
Thank you marit for the new exercise, which made me improved in English!
Have a great week and Happy Easter to all of you !
So long.
Réponse : The missing vowels/254 de sanna6, postée le 02-04-2018 à 00:05:46 (S | E)
Hello Marit

I thank you very much for these new words Marit!

1- A revolving machine on which one can ride for pleasure; a merry-go-round. ... Roundabout - Manège
2- Inclined to cry or weep; with much crying or weeping. ...Tearful - Éploré
3- Very busy; rushed. ...Hectic - Débordé
4- To make warm by rubbing with the hands. ...To chafe - Frictionner
5- Lying flat, especially face downwards. ...Prone -Face contre terre
6- Size from side to side. ...Width - Mesure
7- Showing good judgement; wise. ...Shrewd - Avisé
8- One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes. ...Gill - Branchie
9- To trade by giving (one thing) in exchange (for another). ...To barter -Troquer
10- A block, usually of iron, on which metal objects (horse-shoes) are hammered into shape. ...Anvil - Enclume
Happy Easter to all and a nice week!
Réponse : The missing vowels/254 de swan85, postée le 02-04-2018 à 13:26:59 (S | E)
Hello Marit and Everybody
Back after having travelled through India.
1- A revolving machine on which one can ride for pleasure; a merry-go-round. ROUNDABOUT (d t b n r) 5
2- Inclined to cry or weep; with much crying or weeping. TEARFUL (f t l r) 3
3- Very busy; rushed. HECTIC ( c h t c) 2
4- To make warm by rubbing with the hands. CHAFE (h f c) 2
5- Lying flat, especially face downwards. PRONE (r p n) 2
6- Size from side to side. WIDTH (d h w t) 1
7- Showing good judgement; wise. SHREWD (h w r d s) 1
8- One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes. GILL (l g l) 1
9- To trade by giving (one thing) in exchange (for another). BARTER (r b t r) 2
10- A block, usually of iron, on which metal objects (horse-shoes) are hammered into shape. ANVIL (v n l) 2
Thank you for your pleasant exercise.
Réponse : The missing vowels/254 de flowermusic, postée le 03-04-2018 à 17:44:46 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
Salut la fine équipe ......... et à notre voyageuse

1- A revolving machine on which one can ride for pleasure; a merry-go-round. ..... (d t b n r) 5 roundabout
2- Inclined to cry or weep; with much crying or weeping. ..... (f t l r) 3 tearful
3- Very busy; rushed. ..... ( c h t c) 2 hectic
4- To make warm by rubbing with the hands. ..... (h f c) 2 chafe
5- Lying flat, especially face downwards. ..... (r p n) 2 prone
6- Size from side to side. ..... (d h w t) 1 width
7- Showing good judgement; wise. ..... (h w r d s) 1 shrewd
8- One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes. ..... (l g l) 1 gill
9- To trade by giving (one thing) in exchange (for another). ..... (r b t r) 2 barter
10- A block, usually of iron, on which metal objects (horse-shoes) are hammered into shape. ..... (v n l) 2 anvil
See you soon

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