The missing vowels/305
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basThe missing vowels/305
Message de marit64 posté le 01-05-2019 à 22:23:45 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This time, the number of vowels is given in 9 out of 10 answers.
1- To urge or force. ..... (p l m) 2
2- (An aircraft or spacecraft) automatically controlled and therefore without a crew. ..... (m d n n n) 3
3- A loop in rope, wire etc that becomes tighter when pulled. ..... (n s) 3
4- To shine faintly or sparkle. ..... (s n g t l) 2
5- A type of small (originally Australian) brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet. ..... (d r r b g g) 4
6- Extremely delightful; very lovely. ..... (h r g v n s) 3
7- Articles for sale. ..... (r s w) 2
8- To think of as done or caused by someone or something. ..... (c b s r) 3
9- Any of several types of food made into a soft pulp. ..... (r p)
10- A fence of strong posts put up round an area for defence. ..... (k s d c t) 3
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

P.S. Next week, I will post the exercise on Thursday instead of Wednesday because I will be absent.
Message de marit64 posté le 01-05-2019 à 22:23:45 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This time, the number of vowels is given in 9 out of 10 answers.

1- To urge or force. ..... (p l m) 2

2- (An aircraft or spacecraft) automatically controlled and therefore without a crew. ..... (m d n n n) 3

3- A loop in rope, wire etc that becomes tighter when pulled. ..... (n s) 3

4- To shine faintly or sparkle. ..... (s n g t l) 2

5- A type of small (originally Australian) brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet. ..... (d r r b g g) 4

6- Extremely delightful; very lovely. ..... (h r g v n s) 3

7- Articles for sale. ..... (r s w) 2

8- To think of as done or caused by someone or something. ..... (c b s r) 3

9- Any of several types of food made into a soft pulp. ..... (r p)

10- A fence of strong posts put up round an area for defence. ..... (k s d c t) 3

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

P.S. Next week, I will post the exercise on Thursday instead of Wednesday because I will be absent.

Réponse : The missing vowels/305 de chocolatcitron, postée le 01-05-2019 à 23:15:21 (S | E)
The missing vowels/305
Message de marit64 posté le 01-05-2019 à 22:23:45 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit ! Thanks for playing with us!

Hi everybody!

Here is my work:
1- To urge or force. (p l m) 2 impel = pousser, inciter.
2- (An aircraft or spacecraft) automatically controlled and therefore without a crew. (m d n n n) 3 unmanned = non habité, sans équipage.
3- A loop in rope, wire etc that becomes tighter when pulled. (n s) 3 noose = nœud coulant
4- To shine faintly or sparkle. (s n g t l) 2 glisten = briller.
5- A type of small (originally Australian) brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet. (d r r b g g) 4 budgerigar = perruche.
6- Extremely delightful; very lovely. (h r g v n s) 3 ravishing = ravissant, enchanteur.
7- Articles for sale. ..... (r s w) 2 wares = marchandises, biens.
8- To think of as done or caused by someone or something. (c b s r) 3 ascribe = assigner, attribuer.
9- Any of several types of food made into a soft pulp. (r p) purée = purée.
10- A fence of strong posts put up round an area for defence. (k s d c t) 3 stockade = palissade, prison militaire.
Coucou amical à l’Équipe des habitués.
Have a sweet and also a great week!
See you soon !
Réponse : The missing vowels/305 de flowermusic, postée le 01-05-2019 à 23:36:41 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
That's my try :
1- To urge or force. ..... (p l m) 2 impel
2- (An aircraft or spacecraft) automatically controlled and therefore without a crew. ..... (m d n n n) 3 unmanned
3- A loop in rope, wire etc that becomes tighter when pulled. ..... (n s) 3 noose
4- To shine faintly or sparkle. ..... (s n g t l) 2 glisten
5- A type of small (originally Australian) brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet. ..... (d r r b g g) 4 budgerigar
6- Extremely delightful; very lovely. ..... (h r g v n s) 3 ravishing
7- Articles for sale. ..... (r s w) 2 wares
8- To think of as done or caused by someone or something. ..... (c b s r) 3 ascribe
9- Any of several types of food made into a soft pulp. ..... (r p) puree
10- A fence of strong posts put up round an area for defence. ..... (k s d c t) 3 stockade
Have a sweet sweet week

Salut chocolat : A l'instant, il n'y avait personne, et le temps de les travailler, je reviens et déjà chocolatcitron est là. Tu es très rapide BRAVO
Réponse : The missing vowels/305 de daisy50, postée le 02-05-2019 à 03:52:45 (S | E)
Hello Marit,
Here is my try :
1- To urge or force. .... IMPEL
2- (An aircraft or spacecraft) automatically controlled and therefore without a crew. ..... UNMANNED
3- A loop in rope, wire etc that becomes tighter when pulled. ..... NOOSE
4- To shine faintly or sparkle. .... GLISTEN
5- A type of small (originally Australian) brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet. ... BUDGERIGAR
6- Extremely delightful; very lovely. ..... RAVISHING
7- Articles for sale. ..... WARES
8- To think of as done or caused by someone or something. ..... ASCRIBE
9- Any of several types of food made into a soft pulp. ..... PUREE
10- A fence of strong posts put up round an area for defence. ..... STOCKADE
Have a great week and see you Thursday !
Coucou à Chocolatcitron et Flowermusic très rapides ainsi qu'à celles et ceux (hélas, peu nombreux) qui ne vont pas tarder à nous rejoindre. Bonne semaine à tous !
Réponse : The missing vowels/305 de swan85, postée le 06-05-2019 à 12:37:29 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hi Everybody
1- To urge or force. IMPEL (p l m) 2
2- (An aircraft or spacecraft) automatically controlled and therefore without a crew. UNMANNED (m d n n n) 3
3- A loop in rope, wire etc that becomes tighter when pulled. NOOSE (n s) 3
4- To shine faintly or sparkle. GLISTEN (s n g t l) 2
5- A type of small (originally Australian) brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet. BUDGERIGAR (d r r b g g) 4
6- Extremely delightful; very lovely. RAVISHING (h r g v n s) 3
7- Articles for sale. WARES (r s w) 2
8- To think of as done or caused by someone or something. ASCRIBE (c b s r) 3
9- Any of several types of food made into a soft pulp. PUREE (r p)
10- A fence of strong posts put up round an area for defence. STOCKADE (k s d c t) 3
Thank you for this new exercise.
Nice week to everybody.
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