The missing vowels/321
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basThe missing vowels/321
Message de marit64 posté le 06-11-2019 à 23:53:44 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

All the numbers of vowels are given.
1- To break with a sudden sharp noise. ..... (p n s) 1
2- To tread-heavily (on). ..... (p t r l m) 2
3- To have wide, staring eyes (because of surprise). ..... (l g g g) 2
4- To cause to think or act in an abnormal way. ..... (p w r) 1
5- The standard unit of Greek currency. ..... (h m r c d) 2
6- Happy and light-hearted. ..... (h b t l) 2
7- Physical weakness or (a) moral failing. ..... (l r t f) 3
8- A small slice of meat (mutton, veal, pork) on a rib or other bone. ..... (t t c l) 2
9- The ability to do something skilfully and easily. ..... (c n k k) 1
10- The (number of) people who read a newspaper, magazine etc. ..... (h r s p r d) 4
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Message de marit64 posté le 06-11-2019 à 23:53:44 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

All the numbers of vowels are given.

1- To break with a sudden sharp noise. ..... (p n s) 1

2- To tread-heavily (on). ..... (p t r l m) 2

3- To have wide, staring eyes (because of surprise). ..... (l g g g) 2

4- To cause to think or act in an abnormal way. ..... (p w r) 1

5- The standard unit of Greek currency. ..... (h m r c d) 2

6- Happy and light-hearted. ..... (h b t l) 2

7- Physical weakness or (a) moral failing. ..... (l r t f) 3

8- A small slice of meat (mutton, veal, pork) on a rib or other bone. ..... (t t c l) 2

9- The ability to do something skilfully and easily. ..... (c n k k) 1

10- The (number of) people who read a newspaper, magazine etc. ..... (h r s p r d) 4

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/321 de flowermusic, postée le 07-11-2019 à 00:23:41 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
That's my try :
1- To break with a sudden sharp noise. ..... (p n s) 1 snap
2- To tread-heavily (on). ..... (p t r l m) 2 trample
3- To have wide, staring eyes (because of surprise). ..... (l g g g) 2 goggle
4- To cause to think or act in an abnormal way. ..... (p w r) 1 warp
5- The standard unit of Greek currency. ..... (h m r c d) 2 drachma
6- Happy and light-hearted. ..... (h b t l) 2 blithe
7- Physical weakness or (a) moral failing. ..... (l r t f) 3 frailty
8- A small slice of meat (mutton, veal, pork) on a rib or other bone. ..... (t t c l) 2 cutlet
9- The ability to do something skilfully and easily. ..... (c n k k) 1 knack
10- The (number of) people who read a newspaper, magazine etc. ..... (h r s p r d) 4 readership
Have a sweet sweet week

Amical salut aux fidèles
Réponse : The missing vowels/321 de chocolatcitron, postée le 07-11-2019 à 00:36:52 (S | E)
Hello my dear Marit!
Hi Everybody!
Here is my work:
1- To break with a sudden sharp noise. (p n s) 1 snap = se casser net.
2- To tread-heavily (on). (p t r l m) 2 trample = piétiner.
3- To have wide, staring eyes (because of surprise).(l g g g) 2 = goggle dans goggle-eyed = les yeux écarquillés.
4- To cause to think or act in an abnormal way. (p w r) 1 warp = pervertir.
5- The standard unit of Greek currency. (h m r c d) 2 drachma = drachme, since 2002, like all the European people Greek people use Euros…

6- Happy and light-hearted. (h b t l) 2 blithe = insouciant, joyeux.
7- Physical weakness or (a) moral failing. (l r t f) 3 frailty = fragilité, faiblesse.
8- A small slice of meat (mutton, veal, pork) on a rib or other bone. (t t c l) 2 cutlet = côtelette.
9- The ability to do something skilfully and easily. (c n k k) 1 knack = le tour de main, le coup de main, la technique.
10- The (number of) people who read a newspaper, magazine etc. ..... (h r s p r d) 4 readership = lectorat, public visé.
Good luck and have fun! I had for a pleasant and an instructive hour… : thanks Marit!

Bonjour au Quatuor dont je vois déjà Flowermusic… sur les lieux

Have a very sweet week, each of You!
See you soon.
Réponse : The missing vowels/321 de swan85, postée le 10-11-2019 à 20:17:17 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hi Everybody, Flowermusic, Chocolatcitron.
1- To break with a sudden sharp noise. SNAP (p n s) 1
2- To tread-heavily (on). TRAMPLE (p t r l m) 2
3- To have wide, staring eyes (because of surprise). GOGGLE (l g g g) 2
4- To cause to think or act in an abnormal way. WARP (p w r) 1
5- The standard unit of Greek currency. DRACHMA (h m r c d) 2
6- Happy and light-hearted. BLITHE (h b t l) 2
7- Physical weakness or (a) moral failing. FRAILTY (l r t f) 3
8- A small slice of meat (mutton, veal, pork) on a rib or other bone. CUTLET (t t c l) 2
9- The ability to do something skilfully and easily. KNACK (c n k k) 1
10- The (number of) people who read a newspaper, magazine etc. READERSHIP (h r s p r d) 4
Thank you for this interesting exercise.
Have a nice week.
See you.
Réponse : The missing vowels/321 de daisy50, postée le 11-11-2019 à 02:24:09 (S | E)
Hello Marit,
Here is my try :
1- To break with a sudden sharp noise. ..... SNAP
2- To tread-heavily (on). .... TRAMPLE
3- To have wide, staring eyes (because of surprise). ..... GOGGLE
4- To cause to think or act in an abnormal way. ..... WARP
5- The standard unit of Greek currency. .... DRACHMA
6- Happy and light-hearted. .... BLITHE
7- Physical weakness or (a) moral failing. ..... FRAILTY
8- A small slice of meat (mutton, veal, pork) on a rib or other bone. ..... CUTLET
9- The ability to do something skilfully and easily. .... KNACK
10- The (number of) people who read a newspaper, magazine etc. ..... READERSHIP
Thanks a lot Marit for this new exercise. See you later!
Hello friends, see you very soon!
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