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The missing vowels/327

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The missing vowels/327
Message de marit64 posté le 18-12-2019 à 23:23:12 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

All the numbers of vowels are given.

1- Having absolute, unlimited power. ..... (p m t t n n) 4

2- Completely or totally. ..... (r t l t) 3

3- An apparatus like a mechanical crane for lifting weights. ..... (k d r r c) 2

4- An object, "a cork" that is put into the neck of a bottle, jar, hole etc to close it. ..... (p t r s p) 2

5- To love or admire very greatly. ..... (h w s p r) 2

6- A type of chisel for making grooves etc. ..... (g g) 3

7- Generosity in giving. ..... (t b n) 3

8- Simple but pleasant. ..... (m h l) 3

9- A kind of large, flat plate. ..... (t t p l r) 2

10- To spoil (something) by touching it or bringing it into contact with something bad or rotten. ..... (t n t) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Enjoy your week!

to each one of you.

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/327 de flowermusic, postée le 19-12-2019 à 00:01:47 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

That's my try :

1- Having absolute, unlimited power. ..... (p m t t n n) 4 omnipotent

2- Completely or totally. ..... (r t l t) 3 utterly

3- An apparatus like a mechanical crane for lifting weights. ..... (k d r r c) 2 derrick

4- An object, "a cork" that is put into the neck of a bottle, jar, hole etc to close it. ..... (p t r s p) 2 stopper

5- To love or admire very greatly. ..... (h w s p r) 2 worship

6- A type of chisel for making grooves etc. ..... (g g) 3 gouge

7- Generosity in giving. ..... (t b n) 3 bounty

8- Simple but pleasant. ..... (m h l) 3 homely

9- A kind of large, flat plate. ..... (t t p l r) 2 platter

10- To spoil (something) by touching it or bringing it into contact with something bad or rotten. ..... (t n t) 2 taint

Have a sweet sweet week

Modifié par flowermusic le 19-12-2019 00:03

Personne à l'horizon mais elles ne vont pas tarder, les "ils" aussi peuvent venir !!!!

Réponse : The missing vowels/327 de daisy50, postée le 19-12-2019 à 00:17:07 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here's my try :

1- Having absolute, unlimited power. ... OMNIPOTENT

2- Completely or totally. ..... UTTERLY

3- An apparatus like a mechanical crane for lifting weights. .... DERRICK

4- An object, "a cork" that is put into the neck of a bottle, jar, hole etc to close it. ..... STOPPER

5- To love or admire very greatly. ..... WORSHIP

6- A type of chisel for making grooves etc. .... GOUGE

7- Generosity in giving. ... BOUNTY

8- Simple but pleasant. ..... HOMELY

9- A kind of large, flat plate. ..... PLATTER

10- To spoil (something) by touching it or bringing it into contact with something bad or rotten. ... TAINT

Eh bien voilà, une bonne chose de faite! et de plus très agréable! Merci Marit et JOYEUSES FETES DE FIN D'ANNEE !

Bonjour ou plutôt bonsoir à notre petit groupe. Bonne semaine à toutes et JOYEUX NOEL !

Coucou Flower, je viens de voir ton petit message. En voilà une, en l'occurence Daisy, qui n'était pas loin. Je te souhaite une bonne soirée!

Réponse : The missing vowels/327 de chocolatcitron, postée le 19-12-2019 à 09:49:33 (S | E)
The missing vowels/327 de marit64 posté le 18-12-2019 à 23:23:12.
Hello my dear Marit, thanks, for this new great exercise!
Hello Flowermusic and Daisy who already answered the topic! We are waiting now for Swan’s entrance. Come on Swan…
Hi Everybody, you’re to play with us!

Here is my work:
1- Having absolute, unlimited power. (p m t t n n) 4 omnipotent = tout-puissant.
2- Completely or totally. (r t l t) 3 utterly = tout à fait, complètement.
3- An apparatus like a mechanical crane for lifting weights. (k d r r c) 2 derrick = mât de charge.
4- An object, "a cork" that is put into the neck of a bottle, jar, hole etc to close it. (p t r s p) 2 stopper = bouchon.
5- To love or admire very greatly. (h w s p r) 2 worship = adorer, vénérer.
6- A type of chisel for making grooves etc. (g g) 3 gouge = gouge = ciseau à bois.
7- Generosity in giving. (t b n) 3 bounty = abondance.
8- Simple but pleasant. (m h l) 3 homely = modeste, simple mais accueillant.
9- A kind of large, flat plate. (t t p l r) 2 platter = plateau.
10- To spoil (something) by touching it or bringing it into contact with something bad or rotten. (t n t) 2 taint = infecter, contaminer, salir.

Good luck and have fun Swan, it 's very easy!
Have a very sweet week!
Merry Christmas to each of you!!!

See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/327 de swan85, postée le 20-12-2019 à 22:13:20 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Thank you for this exercise.

1- Having absolute, unlimited power. OMNIPOTENT (p m t t n n) 4
2- Completely or totally. UTTERLY (r t l t) 3
3- An apparatus like a mechanical crane for lifting weights. DERRICK (k d r r c) 2
4- An object, "a cork" that is put into the neck of a bottle, jar, hole etc to close it. STOPPER (p t r s p) 2
5- To love or admire very greatly. WORSHIP (h w s p r) 2
6- A type of chisel for making grooves etc. GOUGE (g g) 3
7- Generosity in giving. BOUNTY (t b n) 3
8- Simple but pleasant. HOMELY (m h l) 3
9- A kind of large, flat plate. PLATTER (t t p l r) 2
10- To spoil (something) by touching it or bringing it into contact with something bad or rotten. TAINT (t n t) 2

Bonsoir Marit Flowermusic Daisy et Chocolatcitron et JOYEUX NOEL à vous.


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