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The missing vowels/329

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The missing vowels/329
Message de marit64 posté le 02-01-2020 à 21:41:43 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

All the numbers of vowels are given.

1- To twist violently to and fro, especially in pain or discomfort. ..... (t w r h) 2

2- A simple little song. ..... (t d t) 2

3- A thin movable part on a fish's body by which it balances, moves, changes direction etc. ..... (n f) 1

4- To make beautiful, with decorations etc. ..... (r d n) 2

5- A split or crack. ..... (t f r) 1

6- To scrape the skin from (a part of the body). ..... (z r g) 2

7- A kind of small dog with a flat nose. ..... (g p) 1

8- To make the sound of a cow. ..... (m) 2

9- A small bed with high sides for a child etc. ..... (c t) 1

10- To praise highly. ..... (t l x) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/329 de flowermusic, postée le 02-01-2020 à 22:15:02 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

That's my try :

1- To twist violently to and fro, especially in pain or discomfort. ..... (t w r h) 2 writhe

2- A simple little song. ..... (t d t) 2 ditty

3- A thin movable part on a fish's body by which it balances, moves, changes direction etc. ..... (n f) 1 fin

4- To make beautiful, with decorations etc. ..... (r d n) 2 adorn

5- A split or crack. ..... (t f r) 1 rift

6- To scrape the skin from (a part of the body). ..... (z r g) 2 graze

7- A kind of small dog with a flat nose. ..... (g p) 1 pug

8- To make the sound of a cow. ..... (m) 2 moo

9- A small bed with high sides for a child etc. ..... (c t) 1 cot

10- To praise highly. ..... (t l x) 2 extol (premier choix) aussi exalt

Have a sweet sweet week

à tous celles qui veulent venir : les ceux aussi

Réponse : The missing vowels/329 de chocolatcitron, postée le 03-01-2020 à 00:08:38 (S | E)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks !
Hello Flowermusic you already answered the game, then Swan et Daisy: Happy New Year 2020 to each of You!
Welcome to Everybody who wants to try their hands at answering this game!

Here is my work:
1- To twist violently to and fro, especially in pain or discomfort.(t w r h) 2 writhe = se tordre de douleur, se tortiller.
2- A simple little song. (t d t) 2 ditty = chansonnette.
3- A thin movable part on a fish's body by which it balances, moves, changes direction etc. (n f) 1 fin = nageoire.
4- To make beautiful, with decorations etc. (r d n) 2 adorn = orner.
5- A split or crack. (t f r) 1 rift = faille.
6- To scrape the skin from (a part of the body). (z r g) 2 graze = écorcher, égratigner.
7- A kind of small dog with a flat nose. (g p) 1 Pug = Carlin.
8- To make the sound of a cow. (m) 2 moo = meuglement de la vache.
9- A small bed with high sides for a child etc. (c t) 1 cot = lit parapluie, lit bébé, lit cage, lit à barreaux.
10- To praise highly. (t l x) 2 there are two soulutions : exalt = louer, faire l'éloge de… Extol = glorifier, vanter les mérites de….

Have a sweet week!
See you soon.

Merci chère Lucile, Bonne et heureuse année !

Ça me fait plaisir de te revoir Sanna, bonne et heureuse année 2020!
Modifié par chocolatcitron le 03-01-2020 21:59

Modifié par chocolatcitron le 05-01-2020 23:18

Réponse : The missing vowels/329 de lucile83, postée le 03-01-2020 à 09:03:48 (S | E)
Hello ...just popping in to wish all of you a very happy New Year !

Réponse : The missing vowels/329 de daisy50, postée le 03-01-2020 à 20:36:09 (S | E)

Here's my try :

1- To twist violently to and fro, especially in pain or discomfort. ... WRITHE

2- A simple little song. ..... DITTY

3- A thin movable part on a fish's body by which it balances, moves, changes direction etc. .... FIN

4- To make beautiful, with decorations etc. ... ADORN

5- A split or crack. ..... RIFT

6- To scrape the skin from (a part of the body). .... GRAZE

7- A kind of small dog with a flat nose. .... PUG

8- To make the sound of a cow. .... MOO

9- A small bed with high sides for a child etc. .... COT

10- To praise highly. .... EXTOL

Encore Merci Marit pour vos recherches, et je vous renouvelle tous mes voeux de bonheur et de santé pour cette nouvelle année 2020.

Tous mes meilleurs voeux également à Flowermusic, Chocolatcitron et Swan.

MERCI Lucile pour vos bons voeux, recevez les miens les plus sincères.

Réponse : The missing vowels/329 de swan85, postée le 03-01-2020 à 22:17:47 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Thank you very much for your work helping us to maintain our English.
I wish you a very Happy New Year 2020

Here is my work.

1- To twist violently to and fro, especially in pain or discomfort. WRITHE (t w r h) 2
2- A simple little song. DITTY (t d t) 2
3- A thin movable part on a fish's body by which it balances, moves, changes direction etc. FIN (n f) 1
4- To make beautiful, with decorations etc. ADORN (r d n) 2
5- A split or crack. RIFT (t f r) 1
6- To scrape the skin from (a part of the body). GRAZE (z r g) 2
7- A kind of small dog with a flat nose. PUG (g p) 1
8- To make the sound of a cow. MOO (m) 2
9- A small bed with high sides for a child etc. COT (c t) 1
10- To praise highly. EXALT or EXTOL (t l x) 2

Pour Flowermusic, Daisy, Chocolatcitron et Lucile je vous adresse tous mes meilleurs voeux de bonheur et de bonne santé en 2020.

Réponse : The missing vowels/329 de sanna6, postée le 05-01-2020 à 10:41:17 (S | E)
Hello Marit !

One of the greatest joys of this season is the opportunity to say Thank you And I wish to each of you the best for this New Year 2020

1- To twist violently to and fro, especially in pain or discomfort. ..... (t w r h) 2 To writhe - Se tordre (de douleur)

2- A simple little song. ..... (t d t) 2 Ditty - Chansonnette

3- A thin movable part on a fish's body by which it balances, moves, changes direction etc. ..... (n f) 1 Fin - Nageoire

4- To make beautiful, with decorations etc. ..... (r d n) 2 To adorn - Orner

5- A split or crack. ..... (t f r) 1 Rift - Fissure

6- To scrape the skin from (a part of the body). ..... (z r g) 2 To graze - Écorcher

7- A kind of small dog with a flat nose. ..... (g p) 1 Pug - Carlin

8- To make the sound of a cow. ..... (m) 2 To moo - Meugler

9- A small bed with high sides for a child etc. ..... (c t) 1 Cot - Lit (Pour bébé)

10- To praise highly. ..... (t l x) 2 To extol or to exalt ? - Prôner

Réponse : The missing vowels/329 de marit64, postée le 08-01-2020 à 21:49:41 (S | E)
Lucille et chaque participant pour vos bons souhaits. Vous avez tous une place dans mon coeur.


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