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The missing vowels /331

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The missing vowels /331
Message de marit64 posté le 15-01-2020 à 22:05:22 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 8 out of 10 answers.

1- The outline of buildings, hills etc seen against the sky. ..... (l k n y s) 2

2- A usually grey or brown cat with darker stripes, especially a female one. ..... (b t b) 2

3- Male people, especially male relatives. ..... (f m k n l) 2

4- To turn aside or swerve. ..... (h s r) 2

5- To cut wool from sheep. ..... (l c f) 3

6- A strong wind. ..... (l g)

7- To take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm's round. ..... (r p s g)

8- An artificial teat put in a baby's mouth to comfort it. ..... (m m d) 2

9- To bet (something) on the chance of something happening. ..... (g w r) 2

10- A small amount of alcoholic drink. ..... (t t) 1

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels /331 de flowermusic, postée le 15-01-2020 à 22:58:54 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

That's my try :

1- The outline of buildings, hills etc seen against the sky. ..... (l k n y s) 2 skyline

2- A usually grey or brown cat with darker stripes, especially a female one. ..... (b t b) 2 tabby

3- Male people, especially male relatives. ..... (f m k n l) 2 menfolk

4- To turn aside or swerve. ..... (h s r) 2 sheer

5- To cut wool from sheep. ..... (l c f) 3 fleece

6- A strong wind. ..... l g) gale

7- To take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm's round. ..... (r p s g) grasp

8- An artificial teat put in a baby's mouth to comfort it. ..... (m m d) 2 dummy

9- To bet (something) on the chance of something happening. ..... (g w r) 2 wager

10- A small amount of alcoholic drink. ..... (t t) 1 tot

Have a sweet sweet week

Salut à la fine équipe swan chocolat daisy sanna ... et ceux qui veulent bien venir

Réponse : The missing vowels /331 de daisy50, postée le 15-01-2020 à 23:06:32 (S | E)
hello Marit,

Here's my try :

1- The outline of buildings, hills etc seen against the sky. . SKYLINE

2- A usually grey or brown cat with darker stripes, especially a female one. ..... TABBY

3- Male people, especially male relatives. ..... MENFOLK

4- To turn aside or swerve. .... SHEER

5- To cut wool from sheep. .... FLEECE

6- A strong wind. ..... GALE

7- To take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm's round. .... GRASP

8- An artificial teat put in a baby's mouth to comfort it. .... DUMMY

9- To bet (something) on the chance of something happening. .... WAGER

10- A small amount of alcoholic drink. ..... TOT

Thanks Marit for your work. Have a nice week! see you soon!

Coucou à toute la petite famille "missing vowels".

Réponse : The missing vowels /331 de chocolatcitron, postée le 19-01-2020 à 21:12:40 (S | E)
The missing vowels /331
Message de marit64 posté le 15-01-2020 à 22:05:22 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks, it was quite easy!
Hi Flowermusic and Daisy…
Hi Sanna, Swan good luck to you, and have fun!
Hi everybody who wants to join us!

Here is my work:
1- The outline of buildings, hills etc seen against the sky. (l k n y s) 2 skyline = silhouette des immeubles, ligne d'horizon.
2- A usually grey or brown cat with darker stripes, especially a female one. (b t b) 2 tabby = chat tigré.
3- Male people, especially male relatives. (f m k n l) 2 menfolk = hommes.
4- To turn aside or swerve. (h s r) 2 sheer = faire une embardée, virer.
5- To cut wool from sheep. (l c f) 3 fleece = tondre un mouton.
6- A strong wind. (l g) gale = tempête, coup de vent.
7- To take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm's round.(r p s g) grasp = agripper, empoigner.
8- An artificial teat put in a baby's mouth to comfort it. (m m d) 2 dummy = sucette, tétine.
9- To bet (something) on the chance of something happening. (g w r) 2 wager = parier.
10- A small amount of alcoholic drink. (t t) 1 tot = petit verre.

Have a very sweet Week, each of You!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels /331 de swan85, postée le 19-01-2020 à 21:38:02 (S | E)
Hello Marit

Thank you for this new exercise.

1- The outline of buildings, hills etc seen against the sky. SKYLINE (l k n y s) 2
2- A usually grey or brown cat with darker stripes, especially a female one. TABBY (b t b) 2
3- Male people, especially male relatives. MENFOLK (f m k n l) 2
4- To turn aside or swerve. SHEER (h s r) 2
5- To cut wool from sheep. FLEECE (l c f) 3
6- A strong wind. GALE (l g)
7- To take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm's round. GRASP (r p s g)
8- An artificial teat put in a baby's mouth to comfort it. DUMMY (m m d) 2
9- To bet (something) on the chance of something happening. WAGER (g w r) 2
10- A small amount of alcoholic drink. TOT (t t) 1

Bonsoir à tous et bonne semaine.

Réponse : The missing vowels /331 de sanna6, postée le 20-01-2020 à 21:07:14 (S | E)
Hello !

I thank you for this new Missing Vowels Marit!

1- The outline of buildings, hills etc seen against the sky. ..... (l k n y s) 2 Skyline - Ligne d'horizon

2- A usually grey or brown cat with darker stripes, especially a female one. ..... (b t b) 2 Tabby - Chat tigré

3- Male people, especially male relatives. ..... (f m k n l) 2 Kinsman - Parent Menfolk

4- To turn aside or swerve. ..... (h s r) 2 Tp To sheer - Virer

5- To cut wool from sheep. ..... (l c f) 3 To fleece - Tondre

6- A strong wind. ..... (l g) Gale - Vent violent

7- To take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm's round. ..... (r p s g) To grasp - Agripper

8- An artificial teat put in a baby's mouth to comfort it. ..... (m m d) 2 Dummy - Tétine

9- To bet (something) on the chance of something happening. ..... (g w r) 2 To wager - Parier

10- A small amount of alcoholic drink. ..... (t t) 1 Tot - Petit verre

I wish you all a very nice week !

Modifié par sanna6 le 25-01-2020 09:20

Réponse : The missing vowels /331 de peticha, postée le 22-01-2020 à 15:03:09 (S | E)
The missing vowels /331
Message de marit64 posté le 15-01-2020 à 22:05:22 (S | E | F)
Hello marit, thanks!
Hi everybody!

Here is my try:
1- The outline of buildings seen against the sky. .....(l k n y s) 2 skyline : horizon.
2- A cat with darker stripes. .....(b t b) 2 tabby : chat tigré.
3- Male people. .....(f m k n l) 2 menfolk : les hommes.
4- To swerve. .....(h s r) 2 sheer : faire une embardée.
5- To cut wool from sheep. .....(l c f) 3 fleece : tondre un mouton.
6- A strong wind. .....(l g) gale : coup de vent.
7- To take hold of. .....(r p s g) grasp : empoigner.
8- An artificial teat. .....(m m d) 2 dummy : sucette.
9- To bet. .....(g w r) 2 wager : parier.
10- A small amount of alcoholic drink. .....(t t) 1 tot : petit verre.

Have a great week!
So Long.


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