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The missing vowels/ 334

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The missing vowels/ 334
Message de marit64 posté le 05-02-2020 à 22:46:02 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This time, the number of vowels is given in 8 out of 10 answers.

1- A covering hung over a throne, bed etc or (on poles) as a shelter. ..... (p c n) 3

2- To wander; to roam. ..... (v r) 2

3- To make use of (a source of power), "a river" for some purpose, to produce electricity or to drive machinery. ..... (n s h r s) 2

4- A synonym of "to scold". ..... (d c h) 2

5- To join (pieces of metal) by pressure, often using heat, electricity etc. ..... (l w d) 1

6- Playfully mischievous. ..... (y s l) 0

7- To push something into; to prod. ..... (k p) 2

8- To spot or stain, especially with ink. ..... (t b l)

9- A skilled worker or builder in stone. ..... (s m n)

10- A type of small animal which lives on land and in water. ..... (w n t) 1

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/ 334 de chocolatcitron, postée le 05-02-2020 à 22:56:47 (S | E)
The missing vowels/ 334
Message de marit64 posté le 05-02-2020 à 22:46:02 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks !
Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- A covering hung over a throne, bed etc or (on poles) as a shelter. (p c n) 3 canopy = auvent, marquise, canopée, baldaquin
2- To wander; to roam. (v r) 2 rove = errer, vagabonder.
3- To make use of (a source of power), "a river" for some purpose, to produce electricity or to drive machinery. (n s h r s) 2 harness = exploiter, maîtriser : le plus dur à trouver !.
4- A synonym of "to scold". (d c h) 2 chide = réprimender.
5- To join (pieces of metal) by pressure, often using heat, electricity etc. (l w d) 1 Weld = souder.
6- Playfully mischievous. (y s l) 0 sly = sournois.
7- To push something into; to prod.(k p) 2 poke = pousser du doigt, ou avec un bâton.
8- To spot or stain, especially with ink. (t b l) blot = sécher.
9- A skilled worker or builder in stone. (s m n) mason = maçon.
10- A type of small animal which lives on land and in water.(w n t) 1 newt = triton.

Good luck and have fun! Bonne chance, pour la troisième, qui n'est pas facile…, le reste est un véritable jeu d'enfant ! Bonjour amical aux fidèles de Missing vowels !!!

Have a very sweet week!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/ 334 de peticha, postée le 06-02-2020 à 00:11:54 (S | E)
The missing vowels/ 334
Message de marit64 posté le 05-02-2020 à 22:46:02 (S | E | F)
Hello dear marit, thanks for this pleasant exercise.
Hello everybody.

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This time, the number of vowels is given in 8 out of 10 answers.

Here is my try:
1- A covering hung over a throne. ..... (p c n) 3 canopy : auvent, baldaquin.

2- To wander; to roam. ..... (v r) 2 rove : errer, vagabonder.

3- To produce electricity. ..... (n s h r s) 2 harness : exploiter.

4- A synonym of "to scold". ..... (d c h) 2 chide : réprimender.

5- To join pieces of metal ..... (l w d) 1 weld : souder.

6- Playfully mischievous. ..... (y s l) 0 sly : sournois.

7- To prod. ..... (k p) 2 poke : pousser avec un bâton ou avec le doigt.

8- To spot or stain, especially with ink. ..... (t b l) blot : sécher.

9- A skilled worker or builder in stone. ..... (s m n) mason : maçon.

10- This animal lives on land and in water. ..... (w n t) 1 newt : triton.

Good luck and have fun! Bonjour aux habituées.

Have a great week!

So long.

Réponse : The missing vowels/ 334 de daisy50, postée le 07-02-2020 à 19:43:56 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here's my try :

1- A covering hung over a throne, bed etc or (on poles) as a shelter. .... CANOPY

2- To wander; to roam. ..... ROVE

3- To make use of (a source of power), "a river" for some purpose, to produce electricity or to drive machinery. .... HARNESS

4- A synonym of "to scold". .... CHIDE

5- To join (pieces of metal) by pressure, often using heat, electricity etc. .... WELD

6- Playfully mischievous. ..... SLY

7- To push something into; to prod. .... POKE

8- To spot or stain, especially with ink. ..... BLOT

9- A skilled worker or builder in stone. ..... MASON

10- A type of small animal which lives on land and in water. ..... NEWT

Thanks a lot Marit for your work. Have a nice week! See you soon!

Salut amical à Chocolatcitron, Peticha, Swan, Flowermusic et Sanna!

Réponse : The missing vowels/ 334 de sanna6, postée le 11-02-2020 à 22:22:13 (S | E)
Hello !

Thank you for this new Missing Vowels Marit

Here is my try

1- A covering hung over a throne, bed etc or (on poles) as a shelter. ..... (p c n)3Canopy - Baldaquin

2- To wander; to roam. ..... (v r) 2 To rove - Errer

3- To make use of (a source of power), "a river" for some purpose, to produce electricity or to drive machinery. ..... (n s h r s) 2To harness - Exploiter

4- A synonym of "to scold". ..... (d c h) 2 To chide - Réprimander

5- To join (pieces of metal) by pressure, often using heat, electricity etc. ..... (l w d) 1 To weld - Souder

6- Playfully mischievous. ..... (y s l) 0 Sly - Espiègle

7- To push something into; to prod. ..... (k p) 2 To poke - Donner un petit coup

8- To spot or stain, especially with ink. ..... (t b l) To blot - tacher

9- A skilled worker or builder in stone. ..... (s m n) Mason - Maçon

10- A type of small animal which lives on land and in water. ..... (w n t) 1 Newt - Triton

Hope a very nice week for each of you

Réponse : The missing vowels/ 334 de flowermusic, postée le 12-02-2020 à 16:54:07 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

Bonne dernière cette fois-ci : j'ai oublié de poster mais pas trop tard pour bien faire

1- A covering hung over a throne, bed etc or (on poles) as a shelter. ..... (p c n) 3 canopy

2- To wander; to roam. ..... (v r) 2 rove

3- To make use of (a source of power), "a river" for some purpose, to produce electricity or to drive machinery. ..... (n s h r s) 2 harness

4- A synonym of "to scold". ..... (d c h) 2 chide

5- To join (pieces of metal) by pressure, often using heat, electricity etc. ..... (l w d) 1 weld

6- Playfully mischievous. ..... (y s l) 0 sly

7- To push something into; to prod. ..... (k p) 2 poke

8- To spot or stain, especially with ink. ..... (t b l) blot

9- A skilled worker or builder in stone. ..... (s m n) mason

10- A type of small animal which lives on land and in water. ..... (w n t) 1 newt

Bravo à toute l'équipe

See you soon, Marit, very soon

Réponse : The missing vowels/ 334 de swan85, postée le 12-02-2020 à 21:25:44 (S | E)

Thank you for this new exercise.

1- A covering hung over a throne, bed etc or (on poles) as a shelter. CANOPY (p c n) 3
2- To wander; to roam. ROVE (v r) 2
3- To make use of (a source of power), "a river" for some purpose, to produce electricity or to drive machinery. HARNESS (n s h r s) 2
4- A synonym of "to scold". CHIDE (d c h) 2
5- To join (pieces of metal) by pressure, often using heat, electricity etc. WELD (l w d) 1
6- Playfully mischievous. SLY (y s l) 0
7- To push something into; to prod. POKE (k p) 2
8- To spot or stain, especially with ink. BLOT (t b l)
9- A skilled worker or builder in stone. MASON (s m n)
10- A type of small animal which lives on land and in water. NEWT (w n t) 1

Nice week to all of you.
See you


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