The missing vowels/338
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basThe missing vowels/338
Message de marit64 posté le 04-03-2020 à 21:43:58 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 6 out of 10 answers.
1- Sharp or sour in taste. ..... (r t t)
2- A grassy plain with few trees. ..... (v h s n n) 3
3- A wind instrument consisting of a bag fitted with pipes, played in Scotland etc. ..... (p p g s b) 3
4- The center of a wheel. ..... (b h)
5- Daring or fearless. ..... (l b d) 1
6- To cut and gather (corn etc). ..... (p r)
7- A platform alongside which ships are moored for loading and unloading. ..... (h f w r)
8- A deep red colour. ..... (m c n s r) 2
9- A twist or bend in a string, rope etc. ..... (n k k) 1
10- To sweep, or cause to move, rapidly. ..... (k h s w) 1
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Message de marit64 posté le 04-03-2020 à 21:43:58 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 6 out of 10 answers.

1- Sharp or sour in taste. ..... (r t t)

2- A grassy plain with few trees. ..... (v h s n n) 3

3- A wind instrument consisting of a bag fitted with pipes, played in Scotland etc. ..... (p p g s b) 3

4- The center of a wheel. ..... (b h)

5- Daring or fearless. ..... (l b d) 1

6- To cut and gather (corn etc). ..... (p r)

7- A platform alongside which ships are moored for loading and unloading. ..... (h f w r)

8- A deep red colour. ..... (m c n s r) 2

9- A twist or bend in a string, rope etc. ..... (n k k) 1

10- To sweep, or cause to move, rapidly. ..... (k h s w) 1

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/338 de chocolatcitron, postée le 04-03-2020 à 21:48:52 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 338
Message de marit64 posté le 04-03-2020 à 21:43:58 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit thanks!

Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- Sharp or sour in taste. (r t t) tart = aigre, acide.
2- A grassy plain with few trees. ..... (v h s n n) 3 savannah = savane.
3- A wind instrument consisting of a bag fitted with pipes, played in Scotland etc. (p p g s b) 3 bagpipes = cornemuse.
4- The center of a wheel. (b h) hub = moyeu.
5- Daring or fearless. (l b d) 1 bold = audacieux.
6- To cut and gather (corn etc). (p r) reap = moissonner.
7- A platform alongside which ships are moored for loading and unloading. (h f w r) wharf = quai.
8- A deep red colour. (m c n s r) 2 Crimson = pourpre.
9- A twist or bend in a string, rope etc. (n k k) 1 kink = nœud, défaut.
10- To sweep, or cause to move, rapidly. (k h s w) 1 whisk = emporter rapidement.
Bonjour amical aux habituées, notamment à Flowermusic, plus rapide

Have a very sweet week!
See you soon.
Réponse : The missing vowels/338 de flowermusic, postée le 04-03-2020 à 22:10:21 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
That's my try:
1- Sharp or sour in taste. ..... (r t t) tart
2- A grassy plain with few trees. ..... (v h s n n) 3 savannah
3- A wind instrument consisting of a bag fitted with pipes, played in Scotland etc. ..... (p p g s b) 3 bagpipes
4- The center of a wheel. ..... (b h) hub
5- Daring or fearless. ..... (l b d) 1 bold
6- To cut and gather (corn etc). ..... (p r) reap
7- A platform alongside which ships are moored for loading and unloading. ..... (h f w r) wharf
8- A deep red colour. ..... (m c n s r) 2 crimson
9- A twist or bend in a string, rope etc. ..... (n k k) 1 kink
10- To sweep, or cause to move, rapidly. ..... (k h s w) 1 whisk
Have a sweet sweet week

Et amical salut à la fine équipe qui s'étoffe !!
Coucou à chocolatcitron qui apparaît à l'horizon

Réponse : The missing vowels/338 de swan85, postée le 06-03-2020 à 21:49:01 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hi Everybody
Thank you very much for your exercise.
1- Sharp or sour in taste. TART (r t t)
2- A grassy plain with few trees. SAVANNAH (v h s n n) 3
3- A wind instrument consisting of a bag fitted with pipes, played in Scotland etc. BAGPIPES (p p g s b) 3
4- The center of a wheel. HUB (b h)
5- Daring or fearless. BOLD (l b d) 1
6- To cut and gather REAP (corn etc). (p r)
7- A platform alongside which ships are moored for loading and unloading. WHARF (h f w r)
8- A deep red colour. CRIMSON (m c n s r) 2
9- A twist or bend in a string, rope etc. KINK (n k k) 1
10- To sweep, or cause to move, rapidly. WHISK (k h s w) 1
Good week to everyone.
Réponse : The missing vowels/338 de sanna6, postée le 11-03-2020 à 21:02:22 (S | E)
Hello !

Merci beaucoup pour ce nouvel Missing vowels Marit !

1- Sharp or sour in taste. ..... (r t t) Tart - Acide
2- A grassy plain with few trees. ..... (v h s n n) 3 Savannah - Savane
3- A wind instrument consisting of a bag fitted with pipes, played in Scotland etc. ..... (p p g s b) 3 Bagpipes - Cornemuse
4- The center of a wheel. ..... (b h) Hub - Moyeu
5- Daring or fearless. ..... (l b d) 1 Bold - Courageux
6- To cut and gather (corn etc). ..... (p r) To reap - Moissonner
7- A platform alongside which ships are moored for loading and unloading. ..... (h f w r) Wharf - Quai
8- A deep red colour. ..... (m c n s r) 2 Crimson - Pourpre
9- A twist or bend in a string, rope etc. ..... (n k k) 1 Kink - Noeud
10- To sweep, or cause to move, rapidly. ..... (k h s w) 1 To whisk - Fouetter
Une très bonne semaine à vous tous !

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