The missing vowels/340
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basThe missing vowels/340
Message de marit64 posté le 18-03-2020 à 21:17:04 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, all the numbers of vowels are given.
1- To press, squeeze or crush. ..... (h q s s) 2
2- A means of leaving, especially of earning enough money to feed oneself etc. ..... (h l l d v) 5
3- The pointed, metal part of a fountain-pen or other pen from which the ink flows. ..... (n b) 1
4- To leap "over". ..... (l v t) 2
5- Spiteful, malicious. ..... (t c t) 2
6- Turning like a wheel. ..... (t r r) 3
7- (Of a person) looking clumsy or awkward. ..... (k g w) 2
8- To pull (a plant etc) out of the earth with the roots. ..... (r t p) 3
9- Having rough or sharp and uneven edges. ..... (d g j g) 2
10- Partly open. ..... (r j) 2
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long
Message de marit64 posté le 18-03-2020 à 21:17:04 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, all the numbers of vowels are given.

1- To press, squeeze or crush. ..... (h q s s) 2

2- A means of leaving, especially of earning enough money to feed oneself etc. ..... (h l l d v) 5

3- The pointed, metal part of a fountain-pen or other pen from which the ink flows. ..... (n b) 1

4- To leap "over". ..... (l v t) 2

5- Spiteful, malicious. ..... (t c t) 2

6- Turning like a wheel. ..... (t r r) 3

7- (Of a person) looking clumsy or awkward. ..... (k g w) 2

8- To pull (a plant etc) out of the earth with the roots. ..... (r t p) 3

9- Having rough or sharp and uneven edges. ..... (d g j g) 2

10- Partly open. ..... (r j) 2

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/340 de flowermusic, postée le 18-03-2020 à 23:34:41 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
Ne pas remettre à demain ..... Here's my try
1- To press, squeeze or crush. ..... (h q s s) 2 squash
2- A means of leaving, especially of earning enough money to feed oneself etc. ..... (h l l d v) 5 livelihood
3- The pointed, metal part of a fountain-pen or other pen from which the ink flows. ..... (n b) 1 nib
4- To leap "over". ..... (l v t) 2 vault
5- Spiteful, malicious. ..... (t c t) 2 catty
6- Turning like a wheel. ..... (t r r) 3 rotary
7- (Of a person) looking clumsy or awkward. ..... (k g w) 2 gawky
8- To pull (a plant etc) out of the earth with the roots. ..... (r t p) 3 uproot
9- Having rough or sharp and uneven edges. ..... (d g j g) 2 jagged
10- Partly open. ..... (r j) 2 ajar
Have a sweet sweet week

Take care

Salut amical et chaleureux à toute la fine équipe en ces moments très particuliers

Modifié par flowermusic le 19-03-2020 08:58
Merci chocolat pour ton oeil de lynx : maintenant c'est masqué

Réponse : The missing vowels/340 de chocolatcitron, postée le 19-03-2020 à 07:45:07 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 340
Message de marit64 posté le 18-03-2020 à 21:17:04 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks !

Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- To press, squeeze or crush. (h q s s) 2 squash = aplatir, écraser.
2- A means of leaving, especially of earning enough money to feed oneself etc. (h l l d v) 5 livelihood = gagne pain, moyen de subsistance.
3- The pointed, metal part of a fountain-pen or other pen from which the ink flows. (n b) 1 nib = plume, pointe.
4- To leap "over". (l v t) 2 vault = sauter.
5- Spiteful, malicious. (t c t) 2 catty = acerbe, méchant, vache.
6- Turning like a wheel. (t r r) 3 rotary = rotatif.
7- (Of a person) looking clumsy or awkward. (k g w) 2 gawky = empoté, maladroit, mou.
8- To pull (a plant etc) out of the earth with the roots. (r t p) 3 uproot = déraciner.
9- Having rough or sharp and uneven edges. (d g j g) 2 jagged = découpé, dentelé, irrégulier.
10- Partly open. (r j) 2 ajar = entrouvert.
Good luck and have fun!
Have a very sweet Week, and take care of you!

Une pensée pour mes amies, bonne recherche, c'est plus facile que la semaine dernière ! Prenez soin de vous !

See you soon.
Réponse : The missing vowels/340 de swan85, postée le 20-03-2020 à 14:10:46 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hi Everybody
Thank you Marit for this new exercise.
1- To press, squeeze or crush. SQUASH (h q s s) 2
2- A means of leaving, especially of earning enough money to feed oneself etc. LIVELIHOOD (h l l d v) 5
3- The pointed, metal part of a fountain-pen or other pen from which the ink flows. NIB (n b) 1
4- To leap "over". VAULT (l v t) 2
5- Spiteful, malicious. CATTY (t c t) 2
6- Turning like a wheel. ROTARY (t r r) 3
7- (Of a person) looking clumsy or awkward. GAWKY (k g w) 2
8- To pull (a plant etc) out of the earth with the roots. UPROOT (r t p) 3
9- Having rough or sharp and uneven edges. JAGGED (d g j g) 2
10- Partly open. AJAR (r j) 2
A bientôt et Bonne semaine à vous tous.

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