The missing vowels/342
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basThe missing vowels/342
Message de marit64 posté le 01-04-2020 à 22:33:41 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 7 out of 10 answers.
1- The projecting mouth and nose part of certain animals, especially of a pig. ..... (t n s)
2- A guide who travels with, and looks after, parties of tourists. ..... (r r c) 4
3- A (usually knitted woollen) boot for a baby. ..... (t b) 4
4- An important cereal, grown especially in America. ..... (m z)
5- Straps over the shoulders for holding up the trousers. ..... (r s c b)
6- A high pointed rock or mountain. ..... (n c p n l) 3
7- A mark by which anything is known; a quality. ..... (t f r) 4
8- An object on land that serves as a guide to seamen or others. ..... (d k m l r n) 2
9- (Of animals) used to living with people; not wild or dangerous. ..... (t m) 2
10- To go for a long walk or walks, usually in the countryside, for pleasure. ..... (l m b r) 2
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week and please take care of yourself!
So long

Message de marit64 posté le 01-04-2020 à 22:33:41 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 7 out of 10 answers.

1- The projecting mouth and nose part of certain animals, especially of a pig. ..... (t n s)

2- A guide who travels with, and looks after, parties of tourists. ..... (r r c) 4

3- A (usually knitted woollen) boot for a baby. ..... (t b) 4

4- An important cereal, grown especially in America. ..... (m z)

5- Straps over the shoulders for holding up the trousers. ..... (r s c b)

6- A high pointed rock or mountain. ..... (n c p n l) 3

7- A mark by which anything is known; a quality. ..... (t f r) 4

8- An object on land that serves as a guide to seamen or others. ..... (d k m l r n) 2

9- (Of animals) used to living with people; not wild or dangerous. ..... (t m) 2

10- To go for a long walk or walks, usually in the countryside, for pleasure. ..... (l m b r) 2

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week and please take care of yourself!
So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/342 de chocolatcitron, postée le 01-04-2020 à 23:10:38 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 342
Message de marit64 posté le 01-04-2020 à 22:33:41 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks!

Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- The projecting mouth and nose part of certain animals, especially of a pig. (t n s) snout = groin.
2- A guide who travels with, and looks after, parties of tourists. (r r c) 4 courier = accompagnateur.
3- A (usually knitted woollen) boot for a baby. (t b) 4 bootee = chausson pour bébé.
4- An important cereal, grown especially in America. (m z) maize = maïs.
5- Straps over the shoulders for holding up the trousers. (r s c b)braces = bretelles.
6- A high pointed rock or mountain. (n c p n l) 3 pinnacle = pic.
7- A mark by which anything is known; a quality. (t f r) 4 feature = caractéristique, particularité.
8- An object on land that serves as a guide to seamen or others. (d k m l r n) 2 Landmark = point de repère.
9- (Of animals) used to living with people; not wild or dangerous. (t m) 2 tame = apprivoisé.
10- To go for a long walk or walks, usually in the countryside, for pleasure. (l m b r) 2 ramble = randonner.
Coucou amical aux habituées.
Have a very sweet week and please take care of yourself!
See you soon.
Réponse : The missing vowels/342 de chocolatcitron, postée le 02-04-2020 à 01:07:49 (S | E)

could you correct Marit's topic, please ?

Thanks to Word365 !

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-04-2020 09:03
C'est fait ...Have a nice day!
Réponse : The missing vowels/342 de peticha, postée le 02-04-2020 à 01:40:48 (S | E)
The missing vowels/342
Message de marit64 posté le 01-04-2020 à 22:33:41 (S | E | F)
Hello dear marit, thanks

Hi everybody!

Here is try:
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.
The number of vowels is given in 7 out of 10 answers.
1- The projecting mouth and nose part of certain animals, especially of a pig. ..... (t n s) snout : groin.
2- A guide who travels with, and looks after, parties of tourists. ..... (r r c) 4 courier : accompagnateur.
3- A (usually knitted woollen) boot for a baby. ..... (t b) 4 bootee : chausson pour les bébés.
4- An important cereal, grown especially in America. ..... (m z) maize : maïs.
5- Straps over the shoulders for holding up the trousers. ..... (r s c b) braces : bretelles.
6- A high pointed rock or mountain. ..... (n c p n l) 3 pinnacle : pic.
7- A mark by which anything is known; a quality. ..... (t f r) 4 feature : griffe, particularité, signature.
8- An object on land that serves as a guide to seamen or others. ..... (d k m l r n) 2 landmark : point de repère.
9- (Of animals) used to living with people; not wild or dangerous. ..... (t m) 2 tame : apprivoisé.
10- To go for a long walk or walks, usually in the countryside, for pleasure. ..... (l m b r) 2 ramble : randonnée.
Good luck and have fun!
Have the best week you can have, and please be careful!
So long.
Réponse : The missing vowels/342 de swan85, postée le 07-04-2020 à 17:06:33 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hi Everybody
Thank you for your exercise.
1- The projecting mouth and nose part of certain animals, especially of a pig. SNOUT (t n s)
2- A guide who travels with, and looks after, parties of tourists. COURIER (r r c) 4
3- A (usually knitted woollen) boot for a baby. BOOTEE (t b) 4
4- An important cereal, grown especially in America. MAIZE (m z)
5- Straps over the shoulders for holding up the trousers. BRACES (r s c b)
6- A high pointed rock or mountain. PINNACLE (n c p n l) 3
7- A mark by which anything is known; a quality. FEATURE (t f r) 4
8- An object on land that serves as a guide to seamen or others. LANDMARK (d k m l r n) 2
9- (Of animals) used to living with people; not wild or dangerous. TAME (t m) 2
10- To go for a long walk or walks, usually in the countryside, for pleasure. RAMBLE (l m b r) 2
Have a pleasant week and take care of you all.
Réponse : The missing vowels/342 de sanna6, postée le 08-04-2020 à 14:58:37 (S | E)
Hello !

Thanks a lot for this new Missing Vowels Marit !

Here is my try :
1- The projecting mouth and nose part of certain animals, especially of a pig. ..... (t n s) Snout - Museau
2- A guide who travels with, and looks after, parties of tourists. ..... (r r c) 4 Courier - Accompagnateur
3- A (usually knitted woollen) boot for a baby. ..... (t b) 4 Bootee - Chausson de bébé
4- An important cereal, grown especially in America. ..... (m z) Maize - Maïs
5- Straps over the shoulders for holding up the trousers. ..... (r s c b) Braces - Bretelles
6- A high pointed rock or mountain. ..... (n c p n l) 3 Pinnacle - Sommet
7- A mark by which anything is known; a quality. ..... (t f r) 4 Feature - Atout
8- An object on land that serves as a guide to seamen or others. ..... (d k m l r n) 2 Landmark - Point de repère
9- (Of animals) used to living with people; not wild or dangerous. ..... (t m) 2 Tame - Apprivoisé
10- To go for a long walk or walks, usually in the countryside, for pleasure. ..... (l m b r) 2 To ramble - Faire une randonnée
Hope a beautiful week for each of you !

Réponse : The missing vowels/342 de flowermusic, postée le 08-04-2020 à 20:23:43 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit,
Ouf, encore à temps !! j'avais oublié de poster

1- The projecting mouth and nose part of certain animals, especially of a pig. ..... (t n s) snout
2- A guide who travels with, and looks after, parties of tourists. ..... (r r c) 4 courier
3- A (usually knitted woollen) boot for a baby. ..... (t b) 4 bootee
4- An important cereal, grown especially in America. ..... (m z) maize
5- Straps over the shoulders for holding up the trousers. ..... (r s c b) braces
6- A high pointed rock or mountain. ..... (n c p n l) 3 pinnacle
7- A mark by which anything is known; a quality. ..... (t f r) 4 feature
8- An object on land that serves as a guide to seamen or others. ..... (d k m l r n) 2 landmark
9- (Of animals) used to living with people; not wild or dangerous. ..... (t m) 2 tame
10- To go for a long walk or walks, usually in the countryside, for pleasure. ..... (l m b r) 2 ramble
See you soon very soon

Réponse : The missing vowels/342 de marit64, postée le 08-04-2020 à 22:27:34 (S | E)
Merci Lucile pour la correction apportée à mon mot "everyvody".

C'est très gentil de votre part.

Réponse : The missing vowels/342 de lucile83, postée le 09-04-2020 à 00:20:47 (S | E)
De rien Marit, je suis ici pour aider ❤️
Take care!
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