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Lettre/ motivation

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Lettre/ motivation
Message de roro2000 posté le 21-10-2020 à 21:21:35 (S | E | F)

J'aurais besoin d'aide pour les fautes d'orthographe. Pouvez-vous m'aider svp s'il vous plait?
C'est pour Vendredi. Merci d'avance.

To: Miss Anastasia xxx

Fouras, 21 Oct 2020

Subject: Research of apprenticeship DUT Physical Measurements second year

Dear Madam xxx

I am currently a student in Physical Measurements and I am writing after having found out about your company that is Labo 17 Diagnostics
and Environment on the Internet. I am available from Monday 26 October 2020 until Thursday 31 July 2021 and I am willing to work
with you.

I would find such position interesting, especially considering Labo 17 Diagnostics and Environment has had a long experience in analysis
bacteriologicals, in analysis chemicals and in samples. I have did acid-bases assays and spectrophotometry on mineral waters. I add
especially, that the metrology is important to did measures and uncertainties calculations on minerals waters. Both these experiences have
helped me in developing helpful skills such as the autonomy, the control software, the perseverance and the teamwork. Such skills are
definitely critical for the position the comapny is offering. These measures give me the desire to carry out similar analyzes and
measurements on waters samples.

I also understand such a position requires to work efficiently as a team: it is therefore of utmost importance to developing and maintaining
good social relations on the workplace, as well as being able to remain professional under all circumstances.

Analysis, control and sampling are the main added values in the laboratory. A good analysis, a good control and a good sampling must be
the result of careful, methodical and rigorous work.

Thanks to the skills and my high motivation, I will bring at Labo 17 Diagnostics and Environment a young and a dynamic look.
Miss xxx, thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward forward to hearing from you.

Your faithfully.

Romain xxxx

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-10-2020 21:32
Gris+formules de politesse + anonymat


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