The missing vowels/375
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basThe missing vowels/375
Message de marit64 posté le 02-12-2020 à 21:52:03 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 5 out of 10 answers.
1- A large, usually neatly shaped, pile of hay, straw, wood etc. ..... (c t s k)
2- A car used for carrying a dead body in a coffin to a cemetery etc. ..... (s h r)
3- Something not clearly seen. ..... (l r b) 1
4- To stick (to); to grip tightly. ..... (n l g c) 1
5- A broad smile. ..... (r n g)
6- A thin thread, one of those twisted together to form rope, string, knitting-wool etc. ..... (t d s r n)
7- A fold sewn or pressed into cloth etc. ..... (l p t) 2
8- The solid matter which is left at the bottom of a container when the liquid is all used up. ..... (g d s r) 1
9- A long slender rod used as the symbol of magic power by conjurors, fairies etc. ..... (n d w)
10- To go against a judgement that has already been made. ..... (r r l v) 4
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week and stay safe!
So long

Message de marit64 posté le 02-12-2020 à 21:52:03 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 5 out of 10 answers.

1- A large, usually neatly shaped, pile of hay, straw, wood etc. ..... (c t s k)

2- A car used for carrying a dead body in a coffin to a cemetery etc. ..... (s h r)

3- Something not clearly seen. ..... (l r b) 1

4- To stick (to); to grip tightly. ..... (n l g c) 1

5- A broad smile. ..... (r n g)

6- A thin thread, one of those twisted together to form rope, string, knitting-wool etc. ..... (t d s r n)

7- A fold sewn or pressed into cloth etc. ..... (l p t) 2

8- The solid matter which is left at the bottom of a container when the liquid is all used up. ..... (g d s r) 1

9- A long slender rod used as the symbol of magic power by conjurors, fairies etc. ..... (n d w)

10- To go against a judgement that has already been made. ..... (r r l v) 4

Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week and stay safe!
So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/375 de chocolatcitron, postée le 02-12-2020 à 22:01:52 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 375
Message de marit64 posté le 02-12-2020 à 21:52:03 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks!

Hi Flowermusic, Sanna and Swan : good luck to you, and have fun! Flowermusic, je croyais que tu serais la première...

Hi Everybody!

Here is my work: I don't need to give up, finally, 8 and 10 are more difficult to be found... !

1- A large, usually neatly shaped, pile of hay, straw, wood etc. (c t s k) stack = tas.
2- A car used for carrying a dead body in a coffin to a cemetery etc. (s h r) hearse = corbillard.
3- Something not clearly seen. (l r b) 1 blur = se brouiller.
4- To stick (to); to grip tightly. (n l g c) 1 cling = s'accrocher, se cramponner à...
5- A broad smile. (r n g) grin = faire un large sourire.
6- A thin thread, one of those twisted together to form rope, string, knitting-wool etc. (t d s r n) strand = mèche.
7- A fold sewn or pressed into cloth etc. (l p t) 2 pleat = un pli.
8- The solid matter which is left at the bottom of a container when the liquid is all used up. (g d s r) 1 dregs = la lie (de vin).
9- A long slender rod used as the symbol of magic power by conjurors, fairies etc. (n d w) wand = baguette.
10- To go against a judgement that has already been made. (r r l v) 4 overrule = rejeter, annuler.
Have a sweet week and stay safe, each of You!

See you soon.
Merci Marit,

Modifié par chocolatcitron le 09-12-2020 22:51
Réponse : The missing vowels/375 de swan85, postée le 07-12-2020 à 22:06:30 (S | E)
Hello Marit
HI Chocolatcitron, Flowermusic.
1- A large, usually neatly shaped, pile of hay, straw, wood etc. STACK (c t s k)
2- A car used for carrying a dead body in a coffin to a cemetery etc. HEARSE (s h r)
3- Something not clearly seen. BLUR (l r b) 1
4- To stick (to); to grip tightly. CLING (n l g c) 1
5- A broad smile. GRIN (r n g)
6- A thin thread, one of those twisted together to form rope, string, knitting-wool etc. STRAND (t d s r n)
7- A fold sewn or pressed into cloth etc. PLEAT (l p t) 2
8- The solid matter which is left at the bottom of a container when the liquid is all used up. DREGS (g d s r) 1
9- A long slender rod used as the symbol of magic power by conjurors, fairies etc. WAND (n d w)
10- To go against a judgement that has already been made. OVERRULE (r r l v) 4
Thank you for these interesting words.
Nice week to all of you.
Réponse : The missing vowels/375 de flowermusic, postée le 09-12-2020 à 16:30:04 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
Me voilà, pas encore trop tard

1- A large, usually neatly shaped, pile of hay, straw, wood etc. ..... (c t s k) stack
2- A car used for carrying a dead body in a coffin to a cemetery etc. ..... (s h r) hearse
3- Something not clearly seen. ..... (l r b) 1 blur
4- To stick (to); to grip tightly. ..... (n l g c) 1 cling
5- A broad smile. ..... (r n g) grin
6- A thin thread, one of those twisted together to form rope, string, knitting-wool etc. ..... (t d s r n) strand
7- A fold sewn or pressed into cloth etc. ..... (l p t) 2 pleat
8- The solid matter which is left at the bottom of a container when the liquid is all used up. ..... (g d s r) 1 dregs
9- A long slender rod used as the symbol of magic power by conjurors, fairies etc. ..... (n d w) wand
10- To go against a judgement that has already been made. ..... (r r l v) 4 overrule
See you soon, very soon

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