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Message de bumbum posté le 10-02-2023 à 14:49:04 (S | E | F)
Je me présente je suis étudiante en Droit dernière année de licence mais mon niveau d'anglais est médiocre. J'ai un oral de 30 min en anglais dans deux semaines et j'aimerais savoir si j'ai fait des fautes de grammaire/orthographe notamment sur le passage d'une dizaine de lignes que je vais poster. Je vous remercie par avance pour votre relecture, n'hésitez pas si vous avez besoin d'aide dans d'autres domaines. ^^
Voici le passage de mon exposé qui me pose problème :
The postponement, it's a word we hear throughout the podcast and at the hearing of this word Rebecca seems shocked. But what is « the postponement » ? She says she is looking forward to the decision of the case Carpenter v. Murphy but when she discovers instead of decision, the postponement of the case to the next term, she was confused. In this way, on comprend que le report c'est le fait de repousser la décision à un autre moment. In other words the postponement « is the action of postment something », so in this podcast it’s about postponing the decision in the murphy case.
But why a postponement for this case shocks Rebecca so much, other the fact that the decision represents a lot for her and the Native American people?
She says « Oh my God! Why? Like what, what needs to be re-argued? That’s crazy » , so the postponement seems like something frustrating and bad for Rebecca, like something unlikely.
To make us understand the possible reasons and its challenges Rebecca will call on 4 speakers : Kevin Dellinger (the Attorney General for Muscogee Creek Nation.), Stephen Wermeil (law professor at American University) , Matthew Fletcher (note vocale. — is a law professor at Michigan State University and a citizen of Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians), Riyaz Kanji (clip. — lawyer for Muscogee Creek Nation).
First of all, the reaction can be understood by the importance of the case and the issues that arise from it. And also by the fact that, according to Stephen Wermeil, a postponement is rare. especially there, there is a lack of justification for the postponement of SCOTUS. But what does he mean by the fact that it's rare ? I consulted a list of cases considered by the Supreme Court, and in fact it’s-unusual. So it’s not something exceptional for the court to postpone a decision. In fact, in the podcast, we can heard that although it’s rare, this happened in two very important cases :
In the case Brown V. Board of education where it was a question on the fact to separate children in schools by virtue of their skin color. So, it’s a very important subject which has nevertheless been postponed.
And the seems for the case Roe vs Wade about a young women around twenty, et she was pregnant she wanted to have an abortion and it was considered such as a crime in Texas. So here, it’s about a very important subject the right to abortion.
So these two big cases with huge social issues, have been postponed. So we can conclude that: the postponement even if it’s rare, it can happen when the court didn’t have time, to duly examine the case before the 3 summer months of vacation.
But we have the feeling in this podcast that, Rebecca negate over reacts and presents the report as a bad thing when it could be beneficial for Native Americans. It’s important to keep in your mind, that the court asked for supplemental briefs, which couldn’t to be examined. The postponement could therefore, allow supplemental briefs to be included and examined, to make a reasoned decision.
That's what Stephen Wermeil told her. He says, this additional information will be bring in this new argument and we can see this as an opportunity. This thought, this view of situation is shared by Matthew Fletcher, a law professor at Michigan State University and a citizen of Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians. He says, the postponement is explained may be by the importance of the case and the lack of time, but also because of the additional documents requested by the court.
In this case a postponement doesn’t mean bad consequences, because : in the case Brown V. Board of education this allowed to end segregation in schools and deemed it unconstitutional. And in the case Roe vs Wade, this allowed to guarantee Americans access to abortion. Well, it was possible until June 24, 2022 but that's another debate.
So the postponement in this case does not presage the final decision. But we can understand Rebecca's reaction because according to the decision of the SCOTUS it will have a huge effect for the Indian tribes. Especially when you hear Lisa Blatt, a lawyer from Oklahoma, say that Native Americans have no title and therefore have no land.
Modifié par lucile83 le 10-02-2023 15:06
Erreur de forum; 'English only' n'accepte que de l'anglais.
+ gris pour fautes en français.
Message de bumbum posté le 10-02-2023 à 14:49:04 (S | E | F)
Je me présente je suis étudiante en Droit dernière année de licence mais mon niveau d'anglais est médiocre. J'ai un oral de 30 min en anglais dans deux semaines et j'aimerais savoir si j'ai fait des fautes de grammaire/orthographe notamment sur le passage d'une dizaine de lignes que je vais poster. Je vous remercie par avance pour votre relecture, n'hésitez pas si vous avez besoin d'aide dans d'autres domaines. ^^
Voici le passage de mon exposé qui me pose problème :
The postponement, it's a word we hear throughout the podcast and at the hearing of this word Rebecca seems shocked. But what is « the postponement » ? She says she is looking forward to the decision of the case Carpenter v. Murphy but when she discovers instead of decision, the postponement of the case to the next term, she was confused. In this way, on comprend que le report c'est le fait de repousser la décision à un autre moment. In other words the postponement « is the action of postment something », so in this podcast it’s about postponing the decision in the murphy case.
But why a postponement for this case shocks Rebecca so much, other the fact that the decision represents a lot for her and the Native American people?
She says « Oh my God! Why? Like what, what needs to be re-argued? That’s crazy » , so the postponement seems like something frustrating and bad for Rebecca, like something unlikely.
To make us understand the possible reasons and its challenges Rebecca will call on 4 speakers : Kevin Dellinger (the Attorney General for Muscogee Creek Nation.), Stephen Wermeil (law professor at American University) , Matthew Fletcher (note vocale. — is a law professor at Michigan State University and a citizen of Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians), Riyaz Kanji (clip. — lawyer for Muscogee Creek Nation).
First of all, the reaction can be understood by the importance of the case and the issues that arise from it. And also by the fact that, according to Stephen Wermeil, a postponement is rare. especially there, there is a lack of justification for the postponement of SCOTUS. But what does he mean by the fact that it's rare ? I consulted a list of cases considered by the Supreme Court, and in fact it’s-unusual. So it’s not something exceptional for the court to postpone a decision. In fact, in the podcast, we can heard that although it’s rare, this happened in two very important cases :
In the case Brown V. Board of education where it was a question on the fact to separate children in schools by virtue of their skin color. So, it’s a very important subject which has nevertheless been postponed.
And the seems for the case Roe vs Wade about a young women around twenty, et she was pregnant she wanted to have an abortion and it was considered such as a crime in Texas. So here, it’s about a very important subject the right to abortion.
So these two big cases with huge social issues, have been postponed. So we can conclude that: the postponement even if it’s rare, it can happen when the court didn’t have time, to duly examine the case before the 3 summer months of vacation.
But we have the feeling in this podcast that, Rebecca negate over reacts and presents the report as a bad thing when it could be beneficial for Native Americans. It’s important to keep in your mind, that the court asked for supplemental briefs, which couldn’t to be examined. The postponement could therefore, allow supplemental briefs to be included and examined, to make a reasoned decision.
That's what Stephen Wermeil told her. He says, this additional information will be bring in this new argument and we can see this as an opportunity. This thought, this view of situation is shared by Matthew Fletcher, a law professor at Michigan State University and a citizen of Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians. He says, the postponement is explained may be by the importance of the case and the lack of time, but also because of the additional documents requested by the court.
In this case a postponement doesn’t mean bad consequences, because : in the case Brown V. Board of education this allowed to end segregation in schools and deemed it unconstitutional. And in the case Roe vs Wade, this allowed to guarantee Americans access to abortion. Well, it was possible until June 24, 2022 but that's another debate.
So the postponement in this case does not presage the final decision. But we can understand Rebecca's reaction because according to the decision of the SCOTUS it will have a huge effect for the Indian tribes. Especially when you hear Lisa Blatt, a lawyer from Oklahoma, say that Native Americans have no title and therefore have no land.
Modifié par lucile83 le 10-02-2023 15:06
Erreur de forum; 'English only' n'accepte que de l'anglais.
+ gris pour fautes en français.
Réponse : Vérification/rédaction-exposé de gerold, postée le 11-02-2023 à 08:38:37 (S | E)
Bonjour bumbum
Quelques remarques pour vous aider :
Postponement, sans article quand vous parlez de la notion en général.
Decision in the case (pas of)
When she discovered (prétérit), instead of a decision …
.. the action of postponing (postment ne semble pas exister)
… other the fact, ajouter than après other
..the possible reasons and its challenges … à quoi renvoie its ?
.. the reaction can be understood because of (ou explained by).. postponement by (pas of) SCOTUS … we can heard (enlevez le d) …that plutôt que this happened
.. a subject which was postponed (prétérit au lieu du present perfect
and the seems for

Rebecca negate

When it could be beneficial, plutôt whereas (alors que)
Which couldn’t to be examined, to est de trop
Information will be brought, pas bring
Explained may be (un seul mot) by
This allowed to end … and deem it (pas deemed, ce n’est pas le renvoi qui juge)
Réponse : Vérification/rédaction-exposé de bumbum, postée le 12-02-2023 à 17:47:06 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup Gerold
on peut appliquer la règle be+ing au terme Postponement ?
Encore merci pour tout ces remarques !
Réponse : Vérification/rédaction-exposé de gerold, postée le 13-02-2023 à 09:47:01 (S | E)
Je suis content d’avoir pu vous être utile 😀
Non, on ne peut pas appliquer la règle be+ing à postponement, puisque ce n’est pas un verbe (si j’ai bien compris la question).
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