The missing vowels/38
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons || En basThe missing vowels/38
Message de marit64 posté le 22-08-2013 à 19:16:54 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, the number of vowels is given in 8 out of 10 answers.
1- Soft and wolly. ..... (lfff) 2
2- A plot of ground, or the hole dug in it, in which a dead person is buried. ..... (rvg)
3- A person who has just joined the army, air force etc. ..... (rrtc)
4- To decorate with designs in needlework. ..... (bdrrm) 4
5- A synonym of "afraid". ..... (lffr) 3
6- A dark purple fruit, used as a vegetable. ..... (ptglgn) 2
7- A holder for a candle. ..... (kdcclsnt) 3
8- A noisy, disorderly crowd. ..... (lbrb) 2
9- A type of garden flower with a large, bushy head. ..... (thhsmmrcn) 4
10- A person who opposes. (tppnn) 3
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long
Message de marit64 posté le 22-08-2013 à 19:16:54 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, the number of vowels is given in 8 out of 10 answers.

1- Soft and wolly. ..... (lfff) 2
2- A plot of ground, or the hole dug in it, in which a dead person is buried. ..... (rvg)

3- A person who has just joined the army, air force etc. ..... (rrtc)

4- To decorate with designs in needlework. ..... (bdrrm) 4
5- A synonym of "afraid". ..... (lffr) 3
6- A dark purple fruit, used as a vegetable. ..... (ptglgn) 2
7- A holder for a candle. ..... (kdcclsnt) 3
8- A noisy, disorderly crowd. ..... (lbrb) 2
9- A type of garden flower with a large, bushy head. ..... (thhsmmrcn) 4
10- A person who opposes. (tppnn) 3
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long

Réponse: The missing vowels/38 de flowermusic, postée le 22-08-2013 à 20:37:24 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Thanks for the new one
1- Soft and wolly. ..... (lfff) 2 fluffy
2- A plot of ground, or the hole dug in it, in which a dead person is buried. ..... (rvg) grave
3- A person who has just joined the army, air force etc. ..... (rrtc) recruit
4- To decorate with designs in needlework. ..... (bdrrm) 4 embroider
5- A synonym of "afraid". ..... (lffr) 3 fearful
6- A dark purple fruit, used as a vegetable. ..... (ptglgn) 2 eggplant
7- A holder for a candle. ..... (kdcclsnt) 3 candlestick
8- A noisy, disorderly crowd. ..... (lbrb) 2 rabble
9- A type of garden flower with a large, bushy head. ..... (thhsmmrcn) 4 chrysanthemum
10- A person who opposes. (tppnn) 3 opponent
Have a nice week

Réponse: The missing vowels/38 de swan85, postée le 22-08-2013 à 21:15:11 (S | E)
Hello Marit
1- Soft and wolly. Fluffy (lfff) 2
2- A plot of ground, or the hole dug in it, in which a dead person is buried. Grave (rvg)
3- A person who has just joined the army, air force etc. Recruit (rrtc)
4- To decorate with designs in needlework. Embroider (bdrrm) 4
5- A synonym of "afraid". Fearful (lffr) 3
6- A dark purple fruit, used as a vegetable. Eggplant (ptglgn) 2
7- A holder for a candle. Candlestick (kdcclsnt) 3
8- A noisy, disorderly crowd. Rabble (lbrb) 2
9- A type of garden flower with a large, bushy head. Chrysanthemum (thhsmmrcn) 4
10- A person who opposes. Opponent (tppnn) 3
Thanks a lot again.
Réponse: The missing vowels/38 de mamou3, postée le 23-08-2013 à 07:13:12 (S | E)
Hello Marit and the others

Here is my try :
Thanks a lot Marit for this new brainstorming

Réponse: The missing vowels/38 de dolfine56, postée le 23-08-2013 à 10:06:32 (S | E)
Hello, dear Marit,
Here we are...
1- Soft and wolly. ..... (lfff) 2--fluffy
2- A plot of ground, or the hole dug in it, in which a dead person is buried. ..... (rvg)--grave
3- A person who has just joined the army, air force etc. ..... (rrtc)--recruit
4- To decorate with designs in needlework. ..... (bdrrm) 4--embroider
5- A synonym of "afraid". ..... (lffr) 3--fearful
6- A dark purple fruit, used as a vegetable. ..... (ptglgn) 2--eggplant
7- A holder for a candle. ..... (kdcclsnt) 3--candlestick
8- A noisy, disorderly crowd. ..... (lbrb) 2--rabble
9- A type of garden flower with a large, bushy head. ..... (thhsmmrcn) --chrysanthemum
10- A person who opposes. (tppnn) 3--opponent
Thanks a lot,dear Marit,...Enjoy that last August days...
Réponse: The missing vowels/38 de headway, postée le 23-08-2013 à 19:00:43 (S | E)
Hi Marit,
1- Soft and wolly. ..... Fluffy.
2- A plot of ground, or the hole dug in it, in which a dead person is buried. ..... Grave.
3- A person who has just joined the army, air force etc. .....Recruit.
4- To decorate with designs in needlework. ..... Embroider.
5- A synonym of "afraid". ..... Fearful.
6- A dark purple fruit, used as a vegetable. ..... Eggplant.
7- A holder for a candle. ..... Candlestick.
8- A noisy, disorderly crowd. ..... Rabble.
9- A type of garden flower with a large, bushy head. ..... Chrysantemum.
10- A person who opposes.Opponent.

Réponse: The missing vowels/38 de esperanto, postée le 26-08-2013 à 16:20:22 (S | E)

Here are my answers which were not necessarily obvious to me :
1)Fluffy - 2)Grave - 3)recruit - 4)Embroider - 5)Fearful - 6)Eggplant - 7)Candlestick - 8)rabble - 9)Chrysanthemum - 10) opponent
Thanks a lot and enjoy a nice week.
Réponse: The missing vowels/38 de sanna6, postée le 31-08-2013 à 06:55:36 (S | E)
Hello Marit

I am a little late !
1- Soft and wolly...fluffy
2- A plot of ground, or the hole dug in it, in which a dead person is buried...grave
3- A person who has just joined the army, air force etc... recruit
4- To decorate with designs in needlework...embroider
5- A synonym of "afraid"...fearful
6- A dark purple fruit, used as a vegetable...eggplant
7- A holder for a candle... candlestick
8- A noisy, disorderly crowd... rabble
9- A type of garden flower with a large, bushy head... chrysanthemum
10- A person who opposes... opponent
Thank you very much Marit
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