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The missing vowels/50

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The missing vowels/50
Message de marit64 posté le 13-11-2013 à 23:08:39 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

All of you were so good at the last exercise then I decided not to give you any number of vowels. Are you pleased or not? Your comments would be appreciated.

1- A piece of thin soft paper used for wiping the nose. ..... (sts)
2- Something unpleasant to the senses. ..... (snt)
3- A travelling show with performances by horsemen, acrobats, animals etc. ..... (srcc)
4- An irritating feeling in the skin that makes one want to scratch. ..... (cth)
5- A feeling of discontent at another's good fortune or success. ..... (vn)
6- To strike with a whip, for instance, beat eggs, cream etc. ..... (hpw)
7- A small, edible kind of sea fish. ..... (rrghn)
8- To crush into powder or small pieces. ..... (dgnr)
9- The opposite of "outdoor". ..... (rnd)
10- A boat used for saving shipwrecked people. ..... (bltf)

I wish you the best of luck and have fun!

Enjoy your week!

So long

Réponse: The missing vowels/50 de flowermusic, postée le 13-11-2013 à 23:57:56 (S | E)
Hello Marit

Thanks to you to prepare and give us this work every week

It was pleasant ....

1- A piece of thin soft paper used for wiping the nose. ..... (sts) tissue
2- Something unpleasant to the senses. ..... (snt) nasty
3- A travelling show with performances by horsemen, acrobats, animals etc. ..... (srcc) circus
4- An irritating feeling in the skin that makes one want to scratch. ..... (cth) itch
5- A feeling of discontent at another's good fortune or success. ..... (vn) envy
6- To strike with a whip, for instance, beat eggs, cream etc. ..... (hpw) whip
7- A small, edible kind of sea fish. ..... (rrghn) herring
8- To crush into powder or small pieces. ..... (dgnr) grind
9- The opposite of "outdoor". ..... (rnd) indoor
10- A boat used for saving shipwrecked people. ..... (bltf) lifeboat

Have a nice and pleasant week

Réponse: The missing vowels/50 de esperanto, postée le 14-11-2013 à 00:24:30 (S | E)
for this new exercice. Tonight, I'm not a because I have a missing answer.
Here are my answers :

6)To whip

Merci encore et à bientôt.

Réponse: The missing vowels/50 de mamou3, postée le 14-11-2013 à 06:22:28 (S | E)
Hello Marit, hello everybody ,

Yes Marit, it's better like that !


Thanks à lot Marit and have a good week !

Réponse: The missing vowels/50 de headway, postée le 14-11-2013 à 09:13:08 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- A piece of thin soft paper used for wiping the nose. ..... Tissues.
2- Something unpleasant to the senses. ..... Nasty.
3- A travelling show with performances by horsemen, acrobats, animals etc. ..... Circus.
4- An irritating feeling in the skin that makes one want to scratch. ..... Itch.
5- A feeling of discontent at another's good fortune or success. .....Envy.
6- To strike with a whip, for instance, beat eggs, cream etc. ..... Whip.
7- A small, edible kind of sea fish. ..... Herring.
8- To crush into powder or small pieces. ..... Ground.
9- The opposite of "outdoor". ..... Indoor.
10- A boat used for saving shipwrecked people. ..... Lifeboat.

Thank you Marit


Réponse: The missing vowels/50 de dolfine56, postée le 14-11-2013 à 10:19:11 (S | E)
Hello, dear Marit...Here we are...

1- A piece of thin soft paper used for wiping the nose. ..... (sts--tissue)
2- Something unpleasant to the senses. ..... (snt)--nasty
3- A travelling show with performances by horsemen, acrobats, animals etc. ..... (srcc)--circus
4- An irritating feeling in the skin that makes one want to scratch. ..... (cth)--itch
5- A feeling of discontent at another's good fortune or success. ..... (vn)--envy
6- To strike with a whip, for instance, beat eggs, cream etc. ..... (hpw)--whip
7- A small, edible kind of sea fish. ..... (rrghn)--herring
8- To crush into powder or small pieces. ..... (dgnr)--ground
9- The opposite of "outdoor". ..... (rnd)--indoor
10- A boat used for saving shipwrecked people. ..... (bltf)--lifeboat.

thanks a lot, dear marit
Enjoy that week.

Réponse: The missing vowels/50 de sanna6, postée le 15-11-2013 à 13:57:29 (S | E)

1- A piece of thin soft paper used for wiping the nose...tissue
2- Something unpleasant to the senses...nasty
3- A travelling show with performances by horsemen, acrobats, animals etc...circus
4- An irritating feeling in the skin that makes one want to scratch...itch
5- A feeling of discontent at another's good fortune or success...envy
6- To strike with a whip, for instance, beat eggs, cream etc...whip
7- A small, edible kind of sea fish...herring
8- To crush into powder or small pieces...grind
9- The opposite of "outdoor"...indoor
10- A boat used for saving shipwrecked people...lifeboat

It wasn't too difficult Marit and I was only too pleased to do it ...thank you very much !

Have a nice week

Réponse: The missing vowels/50 de bibi62, postée le 15-11-2013 à 20:40:16 (S | E)
Hello Marit,
Thanks for the game,I like it.
Here are my solutions.
Have a nice weekend.


Réponse: The missing vowels/50 de esperanto, postée le 16-11-2013 à 12:45:30 (S | E)
1- A ring of a chain. ..... (kln)
2- A large black of the crow family. ..... (vrn)
3- A muscle in the middle of the body just below the ribs. (rmfdf) 2
4- To take short steps and move from side to side in walking as a duck does. ..... (dlwd)
5- A person who watches television. ..... (wvr)
6- A very thin person. ..... (knsn)
7- A contagious disease causing painful swelling at the sides of the neck and face. ..... (pmsm)
8- The part of a pair of trousers, skirt etc which goes round the waist. ..... (bwtsdn) 3
9- A mixture containing animal dung, spread on soil to help produce better crops. ..... (nmr)
10- A diseased state of the body in which the skin and whites of the eyes become yellow. ..... (djcn)

Réponse: The missing vowels/50 de esperanto, postée le 16-11-2013 à 15:05:17 (S | E)
1- A piece of thin soft paper used for wiping the nose. ..... (sts)
2- Something unpleasant to the senses. ..... (snt)
3- A travelling show with performances by horsemen, acrobats, animals etc. ..... (srcc)
4- An irritating feeling in the skin that makes one want to scratch. ..... (cth)
5- A feeling of discontent at another's good fortune or success. ..... (vn)
6- To strike with a whip, for instance, beat eggs, cream etc. ..... (hpw)
7- A small, edible kind of sea fish. ..... (rrghn)
8- To crush into powder or small pieces. ..... (dgnr)
9- The opposite of "outdoor". ..... (rnd)
10- A boat used for saving shipwrecked people. ..... (bltf)

Réponse: The missing vowels/50 de esperanto, postée le 16-11-2013 à 15:20:43 (S | E)
Hello Marit, J'essaie de comprendre mon ordinateur afin de mieux l'utiliser. "C'est pas de la tarte!" C'est pourquoi vous voyez apparaître votre texte sans réponse. Pour les "missing vowels 51" j'espère retrouver la bonne procédure et enfin vous apporter des réponses mieux présentées, comme les habitués. Bon week-end et à bientôt.


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