The missing vowels/77
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Message de marit64 posté le 27-05-2014 à 22:46:17 (S | E | F)
Sorry for the delay, I couldn't post the exercise last Wednesday because I was absent and I had forgotten to tell you. 
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 5 out of 10 answers.
1- Something said, done, written, noticed etc that reminds one to do something. ..... (mrrdn) 3
2- A small cushion or similar object into which pins are pushed for keeping. ..... (snnphc) 4
3- Refusing to obey. ..... (bddtsn) 5
4- A synonym of "crotchety". ..... (hvps)
5- To force a liquid into the body of a person by means of a needle and syringe. ..... (jtnc)
6- A person who organizes funerals. ..... (kdrrtn)
7- Suggestions to a person about what he should do. ..... (cdv)
8- A plan or trick for taking a person by surprise. ..... (rpt)
9- A person with red hair. ..... (ddrh) 3
10- A pair of poles with supports for the feet, on which a person may stand and so walk raised off the ground. ..... (ttssl) 1
Good luck and have fun!
Enjoy your week!
So long

Message de marit64 posté le 27-05-2014 à 22:46:17 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 5 out of 10 answers.

1- Something said, done, written, noticed etc that reminds one to do something. ..... (mrrdn) 3

2- A small cushion or similar object into which pins are pushed for keeping. ..... (snnphc) 4

3- Refusing to obey. ..... (bddtsn) 5

4- A synonym of "crotchety". ..... (hvps)

5- To force a liquid into the body of a person by means of a needle and syringe. ..... (jtnc)

6- A person who organizes funerals. ..... (kdrrtn)

7- Suggestions to a person about what he should do. ..... (cdv)

8- A plan or trick for taking a person by surprise. ..... (rpt)

9- A person with red hair. ..... (ddrh) 3

10- A pair of poles with supports for the feet, on which a person may stand and so walk raised off the ground. ..... (ttssl) 1

Good luck and have fun!
Enjoy your week!
So long

Réponse: The missing vowels/77 de flowermusic, postée le 27-05-2014 à 23:19:38 (S | E)
Hello Marit,
No problem, don't worry
1- Something said, done, written, noticed etc that reminds one to do something. ..... (mrrdn) 3 reminder
2- A small cushion or similar object into which pins are pushed for keeping. ..... (snnphc) 4 pincushion
3- Refusing to obey. ..... (bddtsn) 5 disobedient
4- A synonym of "crotchety". ..... (hvps) peevish
5- To force a liquid into the body of a person by means of a needle and syringe. ..... (jtnc) inject
6- A person who organizes funerals. ..... (kdrrtn) undertaker
7- Suggestions to a person about what he should do. ..... (cdv) advice
8- A plan or trick for taking a person by surprise. ..... (rpt) rapt
9- A person with red hair. ..... (ddrh) 3 redhead
10- A pair of poles with supports for the feet, on which a person may stand and so walk raised off the ground. ..... (ttssl) 1 stilts
Have a nice week :

Réponse: The missing vowels/77 de esperanto, postée le 27-05-2014 à 23:33:05 (S | E)
Bonsoir Marit, J'espère que vous allez bien.
Voici mes réponses :
1) reminder
2) pincushion
3) disobedient
4) peevish
5) to inject
6) undertaker
7) advice
8) rapt
9) Redhead
10) stilts
Have a nice and sunny week. See you soon.
Réponse: The missing vowels/77 de dolfine56, postée le 28-05-2014 à 11:15:50 (S | E)
Dear Marit and everybody...
1- Something said, done, written, noticed etc that reminds one to do something. ..... (mrrdn) 3 --reminder
2- A small cushion or similar object into which pins are pushed for keeping. ..... (snnphc) 4 pincushion
3- Refusing to obey. ..... (bddtsn) 5--desobedient
4- A synonym of "crotchety". ..... (hvps)--peevish
5- To force a liquid into the body of a person by means of a needle and syringe. ..... (jtnc)--to inject
6- A person who organizes funerals. ..... (kdrrtn)--undertaker
7- Suggestions to a person about what he should do. ..... (cdv)--advice
8- A plan or trick for taking a person by surprise. ..... (rpt)--to rapt
9- A person with red hair. ..... (ddrh) 3--redhead
10- A pair of poles with supports for the feet, on which a person may stand and so walk raised off the ground. ..... (ttssl) 1--stilts
Thanks a lot,Have a nice week...

Réponse: The missing vowels/77 de headway, postée le 30-05-2014 à 11:21:18 (S | E)
Hi Marit,
1- Something said, done, written, noticed etc that reminds one to do something. ..... Reminder.
2- A small cushion or similar object into which pins are pushed for keeping. ..... (snnphc) 4
3- Refusing to obey. ..... Desobedient.
4- A synonym of "crotchety". ..... (hvps)
5- To force a liquid into the body of a person by means of a needle and syringe. ..... Inject.
6- A person who organizes funerals. ..... Undertaker.
7- Suggestions to a person about what he should do. ..... Advice.
8- A plan or trick for taking a person by surprise. ..... Rapt.
9- A person with red hair. ..... Redhead.
10- A pair of poles with supports for the feet, on which a person may stand and so walk raised off the ground. ..... Stilts.
Thank you Marit for this new one.

Réponse: The missing vowels/77 de sanna6, postée le 01-06-2014 à 21:09:17 (S | E)
Hello Marit and everybody

1- Something said, done, written, noticed etc that reminds one to do something... reminder
2- A small cushion or similar object into which pins are pushed for keeping... pincushion
3- Refusing to obey ...disobedient
4- A synonym of "crotchety"... peevish
5- To force a liquid into the body of a person by means of a needle and syringe... to inject
6- A person who organizes funerals... undertaker
7- Suggestions to a person about what he should do...advice
8- A plan or trick for taking a person by surprise... rapt...trap....

9- A person with red hair... redhair...redhead ...

10- A pair of poles with supports for the feet, on which a person may stand and so walk raised off the ground...stilts
Thank you very much Marit

Modifié par sanna6 le 05-06-2014 20:23
Réponse: The missing vowels/77 de swan85, postée le 02-06-2014 à 13:43:41 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Here are my replies :
1- Something said, done, written, noticed etc that reminds one to do something. Reminder (mrrdn) 3
2- A small cushion or similar object into which pins are pushed for keeping. Pincushion (snnphc) 4
3- Refusing to obey. Disobedient (bddtsn) 5
4- A synonym of "crotchety". Peevish (hvps)
5- To force a liquid into the body of a person by means of a needle and syringe. Inject (jtnc)
6- A person who organizes funerals. Undertaker (kdrrtn)
7- Suggestions to a person about what he should do. Advice (cdv)
8- A plan or trick for taking a person by surprise. Trap (rpt)
9- A person with red hair. Redhead (ddrh) 3
10- A pair of poles with supports for the feet, on which a person may stand and so walk raised off the ground. Stilts (ttssl) 1
Thank you very much
Have a nice week.
Réponse: The missing vowels/77 de violet91, postée le 02-06-2014 à 16:52:50 (S | E)

How can't you apologize for being delayed ? Thanks very much first for your relaxing game ! You haven't signed down any contract , have you ? All voluntary...we are and happy to be followed !
So , my today's suggestions are

I also hope you are well and happy !

1 ) A reminder , as a knot in your handkerchief .
2 ) A pincushion , for those who are capable of sewing .
3 ) disobedient, no age for that when a stupid or useless 'rule'
4 ) peevish= naughty , nasty , being so
5 ) to inject ; oh! No! Enough of that !
6 ) An undertaker : Hey ! What a jolly good fellow !
7 ) advice , as your asked for an uncountable noun !
8 ) ( Rapt. Horror ! Was it the matter of your absence ? ) And TRAP is much better ! *

9 ) Redhead : are you superstitious , Marit ?!
10 ) Stilts : that word didn't come back straight away ; far too long with crutches !
* this one happens to have two answers!.
So long , dear friend and the happy company ! Take care ,Marit

Réponse: The missing vowels/77 de mamou3, postée le 03-06-2014 à 06:45:47 (S | E)
Hello Marit and all of you !

Here are my answers :
Thanks a lot Marit ! Have a nice week everybody !
Réponse: The missing vowels/77 de joe39, postée le 08-06-2014 à 20:00:25 (S | E)
Hello marit64!
Here is my try.
10 Tilts)
Thak you very much for the nice but DBLC exercise.
Have a pleasant evening.
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